Hey folks - just wanted to stop and say 'hi'. Been lurking here a lot in the past while, decided to become a member and do my homework... I am now hooked!
Researched and researched and decided to start off slowly by grabbing a Beginmariner from PC. Great communcation from Joshua by the way! Probably going to pick up a Planet Ocean if I can ever figure out if it'll fit on my wrist, or if it will look like a wall-clock on my arm!
Anyways, I'm thoroughly impressed by the knowledge of all you 'guys' here on this board. A bunch of fantastic knowledge, great reviews, as well as come very good vendors from what I can tell. I have two vices currently, Porsche's and Hockey gear - well, I'm afraid I now have three as I can see this replica watch thing really getting exciting!
So, thanks to you all for a great forum! I'm off to research some more...