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Everything posted by agentsmith350
So I was banned on RWI recently for setting a new account up 8 years ago, after my first was banned over me getting a faulty watch and putting a PP claim in when seller would not respond to the helpdesk ticket. I later started over as JDM180 and had spent 8 years since on there never had an issue and felt part of the community, but now that seems to be gone. I think this came from when I tried to upgrade to supporter over on the other RWG and TB banned the account for being a multi account after 8 years. I had made that new one 8 years or so ago to have the same username everywhere and couldnt change the existing name ( only had a few posts anyway ) Original account was still working so took it that I was allowed to stay on that one. I put an appeal in over on RWI but dont seem to be getting anywhere , So started using RWG a bit more for a few days, Had a couple posts (adding value) but logged on last night to this and not sure if I'm banned or it's down or what, Anyone know what this means , and if it is a ban a contact to ask why ?
Just looked at that website , The speedmaster shows a gen on all the website pics so I assume the same for all the others.
Thanks for the comments guys , Good to hear your thoughts. Hi Ken , Thanks for your post looks a fair comment , Just wanted to respond to a couple points that im not sure if are made in general or direct to my case , its not meant as an argument or anything. In this case the PP was with a private sale , Iv always resolved issues with dealers via emails with them as i know the impact PP claims against dealers would have for our family of forums. Whilst I appreciate going the RWI ticket route will take a little time , I had already been dealing with the seller via email and been ignored and even told he wasn't going to deal with me , I did open a RWI ticket and a week past with no contact from the seller before i resorted to PP only to get him to respond , which worked as they replied straight away and actually escalated it to a dispute/claim , just didn't go their way when PP sided with myself. I do see that maybe it would have been looked upon better if i had waited more than i already had and discussed PP option more withing the ticket system , At the same time i do feel that i kept to the rules/procedures more or as much as some others involved , I was happy dealing within the ticket system until the seller started messaging TB outside the case rather than responding to me or the ticket and i started getting PM's direct from TB, I saw this as an attempt to clutch at straws and get TB to throw his weight around a little by twisting things when the seller realized the ticket wasn't going his way. I informed TB that there was already a ticket open and asked to keep to the ticket but was told some thing along the lines of its my forum il do as i like. In my eyes I would have accepted maybe a short term ban and at least a warning to the seller but for the only outcome to be my account getting a permanent ban dosnt seem justified/fair. Starting to rant a little here again so will wrap this up Just wanted to clear any possible confusion on my previous posts. I dont meant to make a big deal out of it so apologies if that's how it seems , Way to make an intro hey !
It just seemed to me that things weren't working out and the seller was ignoring all comms , I waited a week from the seller ignoring me and the RWI ticket to opening the paypal case , and this was done only to get them to reply. I appreciate form TB's view "rules are rules" but if that's the case why not leave it to the mod dealing with the ticket , It was a single use of PP dispute ( out of many sales ) and it was the seller who escalated it to a claim , I believe i noted in the ticket i was going to do this to get a reply from them ( no longer have access to be sure ) It left me feeling as though I was being made out to be the bad guy. The mod who was helping with the ticket was being great and dealing with things well however the other guy undercut him and went to TB which isn't how the rules say things work. I dont really want to turn this thread into a plea or debate so apologies if that is what it seems
First of all sorry for the rant , I just need to speak out about this. I was a member of RWI for some time , Had a few m2m's and all positive. Then in August along came a guy selling a watch i had been looking at for a while in the m2m , However when it arrived it was DOA and had undisclosed scratches and marks , I tried to communicate with him then he went silent , Tried the RWI ticket system and the guy was ignoring that mod / taking days to respond. Starting to panic i opened a Paypal dispute with no intention to escalate only in an attempt to get him to reply , and surprise surprise the guy responds straight away this time. Now i have never dealt with anyone that twists things so much but this guy is obviously in cahoots with the forum owner. I started getting PM's from trailboss ( forum owner ) and told him it was being dealt with via RWI ticketing system and another admin as per forum rules/guidlines and didnt see the need for his involvement , I was told its his forum and he will deal with this however he wants along with more messages which from memory where more orders from the lies the guy had told him. The person i bought the watch from then puts a load of rubbish in the comments of the paypal case and escalates it himself to prevent me responding , Funnily enough paypal side with me and im asked to return the watch. I agree to this and start getting postage prices , due to the price of the insured post I contacted the seller and asked if they would prefer to contribute to the repair of the watch ( I begin to get prices ) I get only snotty replies and more messages from trailboss who is being told i am refusing to return the watch ( this is all within 12 hours of the paypal case being decided in my favor ) Now at this point i should have just sent it back , but i had the watch that i wanted that could be repaired , and didnt want to risk him then refusing to refund and having the watch and my money. I looked around for info on the movement and being no stranger to watch innards decided to take a look , within a day or so i have found the issue ( dislodged jewel ) and repaired it. I then promptly closed the paypal case glad to put it behind me. Next day i log on to RWI and bang iv been banned by trail boss for opening a PP dispute. This is the correspondence from then - Me : Hi , I have just tried to logon to RWI and found my account has been banned for "non authorised PP dispute" I dont think this is deserved for what i assume was the mess with Andrew , I have forwarded the messages below so you can see i was being reasonable and so you can see exactly what was said. You can see i was quite happy for his friend to fix it until he stopped communication refusing to deal with me. PP was the only way i could get him to answer me and as far as i could see he had stolen my money. I assume by your message to me asking why i hadnt sent the watch was because he had messaged you - I have the next set of emails available to forward that show I agreed to return the watchthe very same day he asked so he was only trying to cause more hassle by messaging yourself saying i hadn't sent it . I dont know what else he has since said to you but i closed the Paypal dispute as i am confident i can repair the watch myself for the price for the parts which was almost that of the delivery to return the watch , when i mentioned this to him i was met with more hostility and couldnt put up with him anymore so closed the case. I seem to have been made out to be the bad guy here , All i wanted was the watch i bought to be as described , Instead i got a scratched watch with jewels missing and DOA followed by all this hassle then a ban ... I cannot see how this is fair in any way. Regards" Trailboss : "Rules is rules, you should know that any PP dispute without permission of the sales mods is grounds for a ban, it’s in the forum rules. You made no attempt to settle this in the correct manner via the sales moderators, you simply went to PayPal. You then refused to follow the directions of PP and return the watch for a refund which resulted in the guy’s PP account staying frozen. You assured me on several occasions that it would be returned and that never happened. You wish to play in our sandbox you do so by our (and PP’s) rules." Me : I did not go straight to Paypal , I opened an RWI ticket first , Andrew was taking days to reply to the admin dealing with it and i thought he was not going to so opened the case to get him to respond and did not esaclate it to a claim. Not once did i refuse to follow the directions of PP , HE escalated it to them then as soon as they came back to say it was decided in my favor i told him THE SAME DAY i would return the watch. Then closed the Paypal case when i found the postage was nearly the price of repair. Yes there are rules and if i felt i had done something to justify a permanent ban i would not question it , But you have obviously been misinformed here as to how things went." I never received a response despite two follow up mails asking him to reply To put this in perspective a quote from the RWI sales rules/guidelines - If you intend on selling something, be prepared to help your buyer with any issues. The staff will always side with the buyer first, these statements mean nothing if you send out a watch and it is DOA. No matter what your terms are, you need to be held accountable for what you sell. Understand that mistakes happen and be open to helping others fix issues. Otherwise, we consider that you are just using RWI as a dumping ground for faulty watches and your privileges will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. R2D4 Admin. Im sorry for the long post and to bring this here but needed to tell someone in the community , I had friends on that forum that iv now lost contact with and the more i read on other forums the more what happened on RWI seems unfair. I dont expect many replies if any from anyone adn that isnt the point of this thread , i Just needed to voice this somewhere.
Wow that pearl is very well centered