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Everything posted by sputim

  1. Haha seems like you really hate yellow Legend
  2. Sure I do Now I am so tempted between the project x and the fc v3 but somehow I wanna give the fc a try..I guess yellow will fit for spring..but I probably gonna wait for the v4 case since I heard the fc case on the newly released bumblebee has a much nicer and smoother pattern and shine. Am I right?
  3. Yup hands are rep, rest as above and gen crystal as well
  4. Even the gen has a little play though probably not that much. For my eyes it looks pretty normal and nothing to worry about unless the bezel turns freely and unintentionally
  5. Indeed a very nice piece and legend got a black ap which is not a lemon
  6. Nice to hear and congrats Hopefully my next stem experience won't end in a keyless works issue
  7. Jop Germany is very very tough to get stuff through! Best would be to have someone from UK to drop watch to a uk member and have it forwarded to domi. His turnaround time is quite a bit but what I heard it's worth the time I guess you know a stand up UK member who would do this for you
  8. What a nice watch! Seems like the AP bug has bitten you I never thought about AP's but now I feel the urge to get a AP diver fc v3 and an ap Safari aswell Hope the movement lasts long and the xtal looks nice to me. I will definitely have my Safari serviced by Domi and I guess AR'd aswell since it looks so nice the doubla AR on these AP's Wear this watch in good health it's definitely a stunner!
  9. Please post some pics when you receive it. Will definitely be my next order but I need to save some cash first I can only second the part of lying back and waiting for the QC pictures to arrive. They certainly will no worries
  10. Great for the info since I am considering buying an ap roo in the near future. I guess I will send it to domi for ar work and jewel mod btw isn't domi located in Germany and not France?
  11. I guess at this stage nobody can really tell how good the 5.1 really is since no one got it as far as I know. In you lucky situation I would compare them very closely when you get them and wear both some days and the let the "inferior" one go And since bith of them are excellent reps they will sell like fresh cookies and you won't lose much dough
  12. Little hiking fun although the weather wasn't that nice
  13. Damn that's an ugly rep and even a uglier seller! Shame on him/her!!!
  14. Sorry to say so but please compare other dial crowns with yours..maybe it's the light missing a part but that looks very odd to me. Compare it and then I guess you know what you have to do Otherwise the watch looks good
  15. Just saw the photos you posted over at RG! The rolex crown on the dial looks hilarious! Hope this is just a bad joke from the factory...
  16. Haha lemon yeah I know but the ss version is for me to close to the hub v6 ss/ss I have.. what do you experts think of the bezel screws of the v5.1 btw?
  17. Exactly my thoughts but can't decide between the ss and the fc version
  18. Jack there is always a way post your hunger into the wtb section and offer enough cash and I am sure somebody will sell his absolute super best v2/v3 combo If you want to have my advice go with the recent tc bracelet and you will be more than happy since it's a very good bracelet. I own the latest tc bracelet and the gen one and I have to say the the recent one is excellent but please keep in mind gen is gen and rep will never be exact the same! So if you want a prrfect bracelet search trf for a gen one but I certainly advice you not to do so unless the watch you need it for is gen. Probably v2/v3 combo is better in some aspects the recent bracelet has the better coronet on the clasp. So you will never get a perfect rep bracelet but for sure a very very close one and worth every penny! good luck
  19. Fraggle nice tool and thanks for the effort! Will there also be a mac version in the future?
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