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Posts posted by johncatl

  1. First of all contact FedEx and report your problem.


    Save the packaging.


    Contact the seller and let them know


    Some years ago when iPods were the rage I ordered one from Apple for my son's birthday.  Since the package had to be signed for, I had my daughter wait at the house.  She was in the kitchen when she heard a truck leaving the driveway.  She went to the front door and there was the FedEx truck headed down the street.  On the doorstep was a package with nothing in it and the bottom was slit open.


    She called FedEx and raised hell.  Apple sent me another.  Your situation is not uncommon.


    Glock firearms is located one town over.  They had to switch carriers because of pistols getting stolen from the UPS warehouse



  2. Hello everyone.  There's a lot to learn here but also many helpful members. 


    I have owned a Tudor Sub since the middle 1960's - bought while I was in the military.  It has been an almost constant companion through thick and thin.  Until a few years ago, I never took it off, so it bears many of the marks of years of use.  I think I have been through over 4 or 5 bands and had it serviced several times.  The current band was bought on a trip to Hong Kong many years ago and is of very good quality although not a "factory" piece.


    I look forward to learning much more and I am amazed at the expertise and ability f many of the members.  if I can do anything for anyone local, please don't hesitate to ask.


    I would like to get a good water resistant, 2 tone sub replica but need to learn more and get some guidance.

  3. Hi all.  This is a very interesting place.  My head is spinning from reading the reviews and the detailed knowledge of some of the members.  Does anyone have any experience with the Rolex Gator Mariner rep?  I've seen it online for under $150 and it looks, and sounds, like a great replica for the money.

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