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Everything posted by Johnkaz

  1. An ecclectic selection: Rachmaninov Pink floyd Dolly Parton Wofgang Am Mozart REM Genesis (old) Ludvig Van Beethoven Dusty Springfield Dean Martin. Cheers Johnkaz.
  2. Has anybody been to see this yet, I went Friday, it's OK but the book is so much better, it would have been better with a decent Director, Jackson or Spielberg, that [censored] Ron Howard was not even any good in Happy days!! Cheers Johnkaz.
  3. Learn to swear before sums!!! I do actually know what quite a few of the Glaswegian words mean. Here's a few choice Yorkshire sayings. Ey up - A greeting. Nah then - A greeting or statement. Chipoil - Fish n chip shop Coarsie - Pavement Put woodint oil - Close the door Coiloil - A place to store coal Si thee - Look you Ginnell- A snicket or passage Spice - Sweets So we can put some of these together, Nah then get thee sen dahn chipoil Ill ave one of each, an si thee, put wood int oil on thee way aht. Cheers Johnkaz.
  4. Very nice selection, well photographed. Cheers Johnkaz.
  5. I was thinking about buying stock in toilet paper. Thats where the rest of mine has been going this week. Cheers Johnkaz.
  6. I thought we had one already. The flag of St George. Does that make Yorkshire a Principality or a Duchy, we have the Duke of York who is a Prince. Cheers Johnkaz.
  7. I know a song about Badgers, but not beavers. I suppose you could change the words. Cheers Johnkaz.
  8. Yes I agree with John ask Nanuq. Welcome. Cheers Johnkaz.
  9. I know Blowers, I have bought from them 100% legitimate. Any guys in the north of England want a nice genuine piece, I would recommend Blowers for a good deal. Cheers Johnkaz.
  10. I read some of the other posts, one guy is talking about fake AP Royal oaks, changing hands for a third of retail price . There would be some very happy rich dealers. Cheers Johnkaz.
  11. I will buy the car. So long as I can choose the currency. Cheers Johnkaz.
  12. 15K for that, see what happens when you drive and play solitaire at the same time. cheers Johnkaz.
  13. I like mine tight and juicy. Cheers johnkaz.
  14. I did not see that coming!! Cheers Johnkaz.
  15. Do you mean fake or REPLICA??? Cheers Johnkaz.
  16. Abba was a palindrome. Cheers Johnkaz
  17. They must have been talking to my Mother in law. Cheers Johnkaz.
  18. Seek and ye shall find. Welcome.
  19. Nice one. Cheers Johnkaz.
  20. It's eurovision time again, that crappy alleged song contest. this normally passes by without a stir, but look at these dudes.Lordi Well they are Finnish!!! Cheers Johnkaz. :knight:
  21. Pamela who??? Whats she do then. Cheers Johnkaz.
  22. More of the same. Golf, Beer, Foreign Holidays, Cars, This forum. Particularily the Arcade at the moment. (not as bad as ghostface though) Cheers Johnkaz
  23. What a [censored]!! Nice story even though most of it was too technical I got the gist. Cheers Johnkaz.
  24. I have been robbed too whats happening. This is a job for the RWG PD. Cheers Johnkaz.
  25. No wonder you need the firearm. Easy way to check a marked deck. Hold cards face down, with your thumb from the top quickly let the cards flick on at a time. If the cards appear to change like a simple moving cartoon they are marked. Thats when the gun comes in handy. Cheers Johnkaz.
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