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Posts posted by redmond

  1. I am really getting tired of this watch. I was interested to see how it comes and apart from the flaws on the dial these are smoking hot. Bezel insert, pearl placement, crystal clarity, wow, they are so well made compared to old PO that had a shitty pearl, shitty placement of the pearl, foggy crystal with completely wrong AR compared to a genuine. Bracelet was ok but not good. 45.5 mm model has still wrong date window edge, logo is high or low, twisted or looses, crystal is not even double side AR coated etc.


    And now I see decent reps being rejected because 1 and 2 are not 100 % on the same level. I totally agree if the logo is tilted or the numbers are tilted. But I have a genuine CR PO 45.5 mm and really, its 1 and 2 are as bad (or good) as in some rejected watches.


    Sorry for this post but hey get some reality into this.

    I agree sunny. My LMPO arrived yesterday and now is on my wrist. Wow, what a beauty! I could have been ultra picky about the QC picks (I rejected one), but in real life size I don't even notice the slight deviation of the dial. The jeweler that re-sized my bracelet was raving about what a nice watch it was (and I also had my 15 year old gen Smp getting a new pin, which he didn't mention in his praise).


    I think the only way someone would tell this watch is a rep is if they were standing next to you with a gen Liquidmetal, but the odds of that are 1948 in 7 billion!


    Plus Angus has said if noob improves the dial he will offer it as a part. I see what you're saying cougar about demanding improvement, but in the same regard this is easily the best PO rep, and noob should be rewarded for delivering it, I mean at $300 it's crazy value to me.

  2. Thanks, lots of interesting points being made. I have to agree with what has been said in that watch replicas are worth buying because they look the part, which really is the main reason people buy watches - I mean an iphone keeps excellent time. And with golf the most important thing is function. I guess my thoughts were there are a tonne of rep golf clubs being made in China - if it's anything like the watch game some will actually do a good job of it. So maybe their are some factories that make a decent set of clubs that can be bought for a fraction of the cost.


    Also unlike watches which are Swiss made, golf clubs are all manufactured in China anyway, so the industry expertise is their already. I was trying to buy one Mizuno MP 69 rep iron from a factory in China, but they will only sell the whole set of irons. My brother has the genuine article so I was very interested to directly compare the two. I also wonder if golf clubs are actually that hard to rep as oppose to say an intricate watch.


    Probably these factories are set up to make quick profits by producing good looking clubs. They don't care about reputation so if the clubs are clangers then they don't care. Thanks again!

  3. Hello all,


    I have noticed many replica golf clubs around from China, plus the fact that most top brand clubs are manufactured in China now. I am wondering is there a place around like RWG that has info about ordering good quality rep clubs?



  4. This watch looks amazing. I absolutely love the case back, but tend to agree with others that Omega should have left the Bond homage there. The 007 dial, while only visible from certain angles, is a bit gimmicky (but looks very well reproduced). Still this is a good sign of improvement in Omega reps.

  5. what is paleo guys?

    Paleo diet is basing your eating on what Paleolithic man ate. So in basic terms no processed foods, keep away from farmed grains etc etc. The idea is to follow more of a hunter gatherer diet.


    It works great for leaning out and getting more energy, but IMO it works for different reasons than most people think. The main reason this diet works (and the main reason most diets work for that matter) is that it restricts what type of foods you eat.


    When you take someone who is eating unrestricted, and place them on this type of protocol they will invariably eat less, because they won't have as many food choices available to them. A lot of their favorite foods will be off the list and they will struggle to eat the same calories as before with a limited range of foods. Any diet that cuts overeating out results in greater energy.


    Diets stop working when people learn how to game the system (ie. they find a food group they can eat in the rules and overindulge) or when people have a bad day or two and give up thinking all is lost.


    To be honest I think the Paleo brigade are a little precious. If they want to scorn agriculture and culinary tradition in favor of returning to a caveman diet then fair enough. But they should also disregard all the other modern innovations that man has done like cars, computers, flush toilets etc


    Diet and exercise is simple on paper and hard in practice. Magic formula => Eat less, move more

  6. I agree with Irishcain about http://moderntailor.com. I have found the Modern Tailor service excellent. My first shirt was based on providing body measurements. This shirt arrived and was too baggy. Their customer service was great and they provided a free trial shirt to get the fit right (I measured my best fitting shirt with some modifications - this is the measurement method you should use!). The trial shirt arrived and was great, they then provided me another free shirt once the fit was right!

    I really like the profiles you set up on their site. You can keep tweaking your shirt profile in the search for perfect fit! They also have an awesome array of fabrics and styles to choose from with their shirts. You can order a fabric swatch pack that gives you a chance to see in person the different fabrics before ordering shirts.

    If you would like to try the service give me a PM, I have a few $20 discount codes for your first order.

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