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Everything posted by archibald

  1. yeah, that's what I was told as well. But anything to get a 7750 Ti case...we mod addicts can take it from there...
  2. Those machine marks bug me: If specific machines make tell tale marks, either some chinese factory has repped an ETA factory down to buying the same machines or could there be a chinese factory that maybe assembles movements out of ETA parts sourced perhaps from various places, or a little of both?
  3. I've got blisters on me fingers! The offer text is typed up, and as soon as the Paypal gets linked up we're ready to go...and as a special surprise for you true addicts, a limited # of Roulette DW's will be available on a special order (but same price) basis...
  4. I've only looked longingly at their parts list, but I remember someone telling me they dealt with them..ubi, maybe? May want to PM him...
  5. I do...just so i can take the Asia-2894 out of it and put it in a Muller Cintree Curvex chrono...
  6. The El Primero is my Holy Grails, but I that thing spells, "I would like to appear much, much cooler than I actually am." I could stand to be a good bit cooler than I presently am, but that watch is not my ticket, I don't believe.
  7. More like 12 months and you have to buy it in a watch...
  8. I stand corrected...the GMT must have a display back. The PRO 1 has solid. The rate appears to me to be the same as my 28.8 reps, although it does have the L.U.C. micro rotor movement. I don't know the rate, but I can say the power reserve is unbelievable: I went away for 4 days and it when I took it out of my safe to put on it was still going strong.
  9. Here's the OEM PO strap....can be yours for 169. Even if the rep strap is slightly different it beats paying what you can get OEM patek croc for. EDIT: can't get the pic to load. See it here: http://www.ofrei.com/page750.html
  10. I don't know about you, but I could supply the 10th Mountain Division with stainless watches with black dials. If you're in the same boat, I'd live a little and go w/ the gray.
  11. Yup, once in a while he offers a winner. Nice dial...
  12. The Non GMT version ws my annual gen purchase. It wouldn't be hard to rep, having a solid back and all, but any rep will be an instant tell to any Chopard collector...the fit and finish on that watch is unbelievably good, especaly on the dial, and the date font is unique. Still, I'd buy a rep white dial/blue green lume version 'cause I couldn't make up my mind. Anyway, you have good taste...
  13. Like I said when tis thread was shiny and new, if they would just do a seonds @ 3 hrono movement, even if it's a handwind movement w/o a module, they could do not only the Mare Nostrum, my holy grail brietling, the Tag Monaco, and a dozen other reps that would sell like hotcakes. If you look at the most reent seagull threads, they clearly have tooled up enough to do it--if they can copy the Jaquet big date module and make double tourbillons, even a DD module copy is within reach. BTW, here's a pic of a display ST-19 w/ a swans nck regulator:
  14. After I remove muller crystals (which are epoxied to the cases) I dip the corner of a rag in liquid paint stripper, and a couple of quick wipes later the glue is gone from case and crystal--zero ill effects in about 10 projects. I wouldn't do this on an AR coated crystal however.
  15. The 40mm PAMs have 6mm cyclopses, but the rehaut is so high, the rep mag is better than most of the 44mm. Brian, I'm in for one and more if these work w/ the "sandwhich" crystals.
  16. I've generally been underwhelmed by the quality of his dials, anyway. I must have looked at 2000--both on ebay and via email-- of his dials over the last few months and managed to find about 5 worth buying.
  17. Fair enough. I'll eagerly await finding out the group buy price on the PP Nautilus, and then decide if the savings cancel out the ~$800 risk.
  18. ditto...a tutorial would make you a hero to modders everywhere!
  19. I appreciate them even more now that they've stopped calling reps "1:1 copies." This effort has already yielded real(istic) results. I assume they're going along with this because they're good guys and good businessmen--standardizing desriptions will save them time answering questions and dealing with disgruntled customers, not to mention rehabilitaing their reputations as honest guys in an industry full of bullshitters.
  20. LOL! I didn't even know there was another thread....looks like BMWrolex is the member/dealer go between. Here's the "Official MBW Group Buy Thread".
  21. Aie. Yie. Aie. Yie. Me too. Neil's post about guaranteeing delivery means I'm in for a White 1665 and PP Nautilus. BTW, For what it's worth, having coordinated the 18K Muller group buy, I'd heartily reccomnend that only one of you guys take the orders, field questions, research answers, etc. if The Muller group buy was utter chaos before EL asked me to be the sole communicator--neither of us had a clue how many people were serious buyers or who wanted which version....but it ran as smooth as silk after we decided to have only one interface.
  22. Not every country has the 4th amendment.
  23. Accuracy is objective. Taste and/or lack of it, thankfully, is not. So, yeah, your cash flow problems notwithstanding, the Muller is more accurate than the 45mm PO, since there are no HE position, logo placement, hands, non-coaxial movement, and sub-genuine fit and finish problems on the Muller. Plus, once you subtract the price of the gold which you can always melt down if you get hard up, it's about the same price as the ultimate PO.
  24. No implication intended. I just hit the reply button after I read your post.
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