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Everything posted by archibald

  1. On edit: Please read cornerstone's post about the gold content.
  2. If they only did this one i could die happy.
  3. Quality over quantity, w/ accuracy first and versitility second: Gold Dress watch solid 18k muller casablanca $1200 SS/black dial semi-dress watch: Swiss black dial Daytona $650; SS/Sillver dial you can wear on any ovccasion, Tux to T-shirt: VC overseas, silver dial $200 fasjionably big funky watch: New mvmt AR coated, PAM 111E w/ dial lume/ aftermarket crown and guard $400 sport watch: 4th Gen PO $200 Use the remaining $400 for Jos's ladies overseas and a nice dinner--you're going to need it!
  4. Love 'em...and, as per above, as soon as they rep the Superamerica I'm all in on a EL special project version of the yellow dial watch.
  5. I don't remember reading about any unresolvable no-show problems back when people were paying 1000 or more for swiss daytonas and daylights. Many more than 10 of those were shipped. Anecdotally, I've never had a customs or loss issue on dozens of watches shipped, which I suppose relects the percentage of no-shows compared to the huge number of packages shipped especially using ems or another express carrier. To me the upside of this particular deal is a 20k watch for the price of the gold in it.... I guess the bottom line, though, is everyone has to eventually make the decision of what is acceptable risk and on which dealers wares they want spend their rep money.
  6. I know OEM hands, crowns, and He valves have been fitted to the rep, but has anyone done a dial and/or bezel?
  7. It goes without saying that this deal will be structured with complete transparency. My suggestion is that all funds go directly to the dealer, with the watches to be shipped directly to the buyers from him. I'll stake my reputation (more than 10k worth of flawless transactions w/ members and dealers) on the legitimacy of this deal--and the dealer's honesty has been well established. I don't know about the consecutive serials--I doubt it, though, since this is a new development in the rep world and I suspect the price of these watches is so low because the watches were made when gold was comparitively cheap. If a unique serial is an absolute must for anyone: since the watch is gold, it should be a reletively cheap and easy process for a goldsmith to fill in the serial and engrave whichever one you want. I'm perfectly happy w/ whatever serial is on the watch, since I'm 100% certian nobody will ever have any reason to verify the authenticity of my watch fvia the serial number--less than .1% of the earth's population knows FM to begin with, let alone have memorized the serial numbers.
  8. Are you guys sitting down? On edit: The price range is $1250-$1685 depending on the model you want. On Edit: Please read cornerstone's post about the gold content. Here's how I sold it to Ms. A: In this uncertain times, everyone should own some gold to hedge against inflation and protect our savings from a catastrophic event---and what better way to store gold than in a gorgeous fake watch? She said, "That's some pretty good BS, honey, but if you have to have another watch it you might as well get this one..." Seriously, if we can get enough interested buyers this for the price of the gold alone, it's a no brainer.
  9. ON EDIT: Please check post #109 for a review and pics Check out the pics of this beauty below: this watch is as accurate a rep as I've ever seen. It does NOT suffer from any of the usual muller flaws: bad crown, too light blue hands, or incorrect model # on the back. All three are right on. The only flaw I can see on this baby is the engraving on the back is not quite as crisp as the gen, but even that is only noticeable side by side in a magnified pic. And it's on the back. About 3 months ago A couple of other members and I were working on a group buy of the incomparably accurate solid 18K rose gold Muller Casablanca from one of our most respected dealers. Sadly, we were unable to entice enough folks to get a the rock bottome price. On a whim, I asked the dealer if the same price was still operative and he said yes. Since this watch is an even better deal now I thought I'd float the idea again. As it turns out it would have been a good investment back then since the price of gold has gone up more than 30% since then. It's an even better deal now--basically we'd be paying for the gold and the genuine croc strap--getting a 2824 (or even possibly the decorated 2892 if everyone is willing to kick in a few more bucks) for free. If you're interested please PM and I'll fill you in on the detailsas always, in the RWG spirit, everyone pays the same price & I've got no dog in this hunt except getting great rep at a price I could never get flying solo...
  10. Andrew and Jos, when you ship to the US, may I reccommend packing the watch in a mixture of fertilizer, TNT, and radioactive waste and making sure it crosses the ocean in a large shipping container on a vessel bound for a large American harbor? It is sure to get through since the Bush Administration is busilly making the planet safe for Swiss luxury goods companies while only checking 5% of the shipping containers that arrive at the Port of New York. The down side is that this will require a fair amount of patience on the part of your customers--after all, the phrase "slow boat from China" didn't materialize out of thin air...
  11. That date mag is better than I thought... a little distorted because of the two cyclopses but the mag is good. Can anyone confirm that Andrew's is from the same factoy as EL's. EL posted that his mas made in a run of 20...
  12. The dial diameter depends on the case as much as the movement. I would think any of our PAM rep dials can be turned into a blank by removing the paint...orare there "troughs" of some kind cut in it for the printing and lume?
  13. Apparently, you're not the only one. I've been looking for a Datron to complete my a TT daytona for my pop and have been entertaining myself following this watch--now on its third auction--from $987 to $1244 and now $1781. I shouldn't have maxed my bid at $881 back in April...
  14. Very nice and ambitious project idea! his is going to be a sweet watch when it's done! I wish Jimmy (or someone else if he's actually leaving the business) will do an H series guard so I can buy an H series rep.
  15. Those of us involved in the 6mm cyclops project would like very much to put this puppy to bed. It's been a month since it was announced that they were ready to ship, and there are many members who desperately want one and are willing to pay in full at any time. If you have paid your deposit but not the balance, please do so By 10:00 noon EDT on Tuesday. At that time we will refund the deposits of all those who have not completed their orders and sell the remaining lenses to other interested parties in the order they contacted sssurfer. If you have paid your deposit and still want your cyclops(es) but just can't swing the 2nd payment at present, please PM me and we'll work something out. Cheers, Kruzer00, sssurfer, Finepics, and archibald
  16. I'm informed that Eddies regatta PR has decent lume, but not accomplished in an "accurate" way. Apparently it uses the 2 cuclops trick--one on thr crystal the other on th dial. In the meantime, I have it on good authority that there are a few 1.7X sapphire cyclopses available whcih may be able to be had by contacting sssurfer.
  17. Panerailord, I normally don't go after people publicly, but you've apparently taken your longtime practice of relentlessly pestering people public. Please keep in mind that those of us who work on these projects are not in the watch parts business and cant--and, frankly, have no responsibility to--provide toll free customer service at your convenience. These projects are hard, take time and when you translate it into an hourly wage provide 0 financial gain. They get done when they get done. Maybe we'll see a panerailord project soon? I suggest an 100% accurate H series guard.
  18. Gorgeous...i wonder what the chance of an auto version being produced is...not too good if the gen is 2894 based, I bet. BTW, pics never do Tag's brown dials justice--they're absolutely gorgeous in person. I have a brown dial monaco, which is a lot more versitile that you'd guess--very slick on the honey python strap to wear out and a great dress watch on chocolate croc. Either way I get a "cool watch" every time i wear it... Great buy...wear it well.
  19. god, don't tell the guys over @ paneristi about that thing---I guarantee the skinniest guy there will post a wrist shot within minutes.
  20. I have no problem w/ Tom's post over at TZ. What is it about this specific rep that is going to get the replica industry shut down for good? Is god going to say, "All those 99% daytonas [censored] me off but this good IWC rep IS THE FINAL STRAW!!!!"? I might be [censored] @ Tom if I had just bought a couple of these to sell on ebay but, aside from the picture links, his reasoning makes perfect sense.
  21. That vespuci would be a breeze--All they'd have to do would be take the dial and back off of a few 36's, CNC the Vespucci's solid back, slap on a blue dial blue and, viola, a PAM rep everyone would want because they have nothing like it. The back:
  22. None of those can be repped, but I think the Azimuth can be had for around $1500 if you like the Mille/CVSTOS look...
  23. Sadly the cost to produce a proper sapphire cyclops with mag is too high--I doubt we'll ever see one on an out of the box rep. I like the 194, , but I've implemented a self-imposed moritorium on big stainless watches w/ black dials until they make a few non PAM's built with the same attention as PAMs and Polexes. But fear not..as long as y'all keep selling out 400 bucks on variations of the same cases and dials, they'd be stupid to stop making them.
  24. I absolutely agree. To be completely honest, I can't wrap my mind around buying a gen version of a watch as accurately repped as the ones on your list.. i'd go for a blue or anthricite dialed watch, a Ti automatic, or some other PAM that has not been repped...
  25. Please don't fall for this [censored]. It's a joke. Seriously. LOL reps helping evildoers? Think the record increase in opium production in Afghanistan may be buying a few more AK's for Al Qaeda than Paul's LV sub? Lay off PAM reps, sez the Treasury Department, but keep filling up that Ford Excursion! And who do you think has provided more aid to terrorists, Our buddies in the Saudi Royal Family or Eddie Lee? The PR hacks and lobbyists hired by Rolex and Omega are benefiting far more from the sale of reps rolexes than Osama Bin Laden. I've been saying this for a long time--before too long every crime ever devised will be described in some law enforcement agency press release as being a major funding source of Osama, and which will subsequently be repeated as fact by our credulity-of-two-year-olds media. Never mind that filling up the Excursion buys more evildoer equipment than buying a hundred EL Subs. But, hey, that's the way it works: Send one of your intelligence agents to escort Nawaf al-Hamzi around Southern California and Bush will walk into the White House holding your hand like he's walking you into the teen night showing of Sixteen Candles. Sell a beautiful 212 and they pay someone to try to bust you.
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