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Everything posted by turboGUATE

  1. Hey Robbie, I don't know how old are you but when I was 16 I had 2 of those formula 1 TAGs. The green one shown in one of you pics (which by the way the coolest thing was that the complete dial was covered in lume, so it glowed like a torch) and the other one was complete black with little red accents. WAAAAY COOOL. Unfortunetly the green was stolen and the black one got lost after I couldn't find a replacement strap in my country (which at the time, going to the US was too much). Cheers to the past!
  2. I would couple it with a Metta Strap. Can't wait to see the final result. Cheers!
  3. Good catch and probably a great project. Would you mind posting a side by side pic of gen vs. rep case in better lighting conditions? Cheers!
  4. A well done collaborative job! That's the spirit! Thank you all for making it happen. Cheers!
  5. I don't know if it's the angle or what, but the case color is very similar, except for the CG. Perhaps more Cape Cod?
  6. WOW! Now that finish is breath taking... VDB can you achieve this kind of result? If so...
  7. Ross, Definetly you are the man for vintage dials. And VDB a great craftsmen. Too bad I haven't had the time to finish my own project with the help of VDB... I have to find the time to at least send it to VDB. Cheers!
  8. Is this the caseback (and case) you are refering to, Babola? The caseback seems like it, but this case is brushed with polished bezel...
  9. I'm sure Antiquorum has a Photoshop artist to make us all think about the base Angelus (and makes me wonder of the geniunity of the item sold). Love the strap. May I ask where did you source that? Cheers!
  10. Thanks for posting. The important thing is that you enjoy your timepiece regardless of it's accuracy (although if it's pretty close, the better). Cheers!
  11. Marvelous VDB. I know I've been away and haven't contacted you, but soon you will receive what we once talked. Great job. Viva VINTAGE!
  12. People, you have no idea what a great forum we have with people such as Wiseman. Not only he has been very helpful, but has gone and done so much. I sincerely appreciate it. Regarding the outcome of all this, due to the country I live in (Police service is quite bad) and even though I tried to make them contact the Interpol from here, they say that they can't do anything about it. For them it's a crime done somewhere else so the local police (Edingburgh's) should be the ones keeping track of the case. What I hope is that through all the contacts and help given by Wiseman, not only people have a better idea on what kind of scams are going on, what to do, and who to call; but that the scammer gets aware that there are people capable of findind them and that their lives wont be easier trying to take the goodness of people. Cheers to Wiseman!
  13. Although I think the best currently available Fiddy is DSN's the purplish AR on the crystal is what bothers me the most out of the incredible watch it is. It's curious that I have never seen a Fiddy with a redone AR job where someone took DSN's AR and got Chief/Jakub do a SINGLE inside AR. I can't seem to recall who did do a DOUBLE AR on his crystal, but still wouldn't be "accurate".
  14. Would it be possible for you to "illustrate" this? (Probably it's been covered before, but in my time in rep world this is the first to come across a fiddy crystal topic with so much info). Thanks!
  15. To each his own (not that I don't like pre-v's, but if I had to choose I would definetly take Vintage). There's a saying in spanish that says: "En gustos se rompen generos". Which could translate: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Cheers!
  16. Everyone has different opinions, but here is mine: I used to have a hefty Voodoo PC which I loved for everything I need it to do. But I changed it for a Mac when they switched to Intel and let me tell you: I WILL NOT GO BACK. My workflow is now really FLOWING, everything is there when I need it (no waiting or crashing), no viruses to hassle with, every app I need gives me joy to use it and it's deffinetly quite faster. Of course it has bad things too, but they are nothing compared to all the trouble I had to deal with while using W. XP. I found it to be so usefull that my entire staff runs on Mac and the only PCs I use are the ones that handle the ripping process for my printers. Anyways, it all depends on what you plan to use it, but if it were me, GO FOR A MAC. Cheers!
  17. I think that one thing is appreciation for what is meant or represents (from a watch collector point of view) and a completely different thing is the speculation and just the madness of having disposable income just to use on what ever is a trend or because someone said is cool, so I do it.
  18. I would love to see where this is going... Good luck on the project R. Cheers!
  19. By the way they look I just love the L. Egiziano and the Cali. Although I would've love to see the hands of the Keifer on the Cali. Cheers on great work VDB!
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