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Everything posted by TWP

  1. Gla yy\ou like your watch. I will send you some springbars. Thanks T
  2. You gotta love your halloween spirit. Ah they all look great. The Zigmeister is the master!!!!
  3. The only watch i took on vacation with me.
  4. Just wanted to let everyone know that i am back from vacation and have settled in. I will be contacting the judges and we will be announcing the winners next week. I would like to thank everyone for participating. Cheers TWP
  5. [quote name='Pix' date
  6. OKAY I have decided. I am going to do a 111h or 112H fully modded. It will take about two weeks for me to do this. I am going to send it on a strap culture strap, or the rep strap. I do not care if you change the strap, but if the lug strips it will be your responsibility. This is going to work on a refrerence base only. The cost will be $10 dollars per week, maximum two weeks, and all money will be donated directly to the forum. When the watch finally makes it back to me I will auction the beloved piece off and proceeds will go to the forum Cheers TWP I am going to miss all of you
  7. Hello Everyone. I would again love someone to take initiative when i am out of town to make a poll so when i return a watch would be chosen. I have no problem doing a modded 112H on a kevlar strap, but not ss. Also i think that it is a great idea that members would pay $10 per week to the forum as a donation. I could do a watch for U.S. and Europe. Please tell me what you think. Also Admin or moderators Please let me know if these donations are allowed and if you can provide a link that would allow members to pay. Cheers TWP
  8. Thank you my friend. I need a vacation after working 80+ hours per week, for about 4 months now. Cheers T
  9. Dear All Tomorrow I am leaving for five days to the back woods of Arkansas to get away from civilization for awhile. Retreating back to the cabin with phone service and internet. Hooray. If the weather cooperates I am sure i will take the sailboat out , and smoke the pipe. Okay so getting to the true nature of this post. I have been thinking about sponsoring a community watch. Please forum members get involved. It would be nice to come back to see a poll about the community watches of choice. Okay here is how this is going to work. Only allowed for contributing members. Not a contributor yet, please do your research and you will learn how contribute to this forum. I figured if we can generate enough interest then perhaps we could do two of them. These watchs are donated by me, and if kept well care off I have thought about doing an auction and allowing proceeds to go straight to forum. Okay please someone put a a poll and see what kind of watches that the community is interested in. I will be back in five days. Cheers T
  10. Tomorrow I am leaving for the cabin in the deep woods. So i have decided to allow the rest of the upcoming week to post pictures Have fun Cheers T
  11. Great combination and coordination of colors! Love the strap V. You should paint your nails to match Fall is finally upon us here in the midwest. Going to be brisk in the morning, ah but the smell of autumn leaves. Perhaps I will take a stroll through the park and have a smoke. Cheers
  12. Thanks. Today
  13. Some fresh pics of this one. Still wearing this one.
  14. Rumour has it that the chinese rep factories out bid poljot on really cheap ore. Good news is that this should lower the overall cost of watches by 50%. Bad news, the foundry states they are built from 1/4 uranium tailings and 3/4 ore extracted from real estate once occupied by Chernobyl. Take you iodine tablets boys!
  15. TWP

    My 005

    Babola I just got a couple of these in ane they are impressive. Crown almost 2mm, some of the nicest rep crowns I have seen. The lever pin very nice. The cannon pinion is tall, with minute hand flush. The running seconds hand is already superlumed, although I cannot figure out why they would superlume the seconds hand and not the hour and minute hands? The two i have are broken down for relume, but I will try to provide you with pictures today of crown guard and lever pin. Cheers TWP
  16. Nice work Jiro!
  17. NICE! For me The Admiral
  18. TWP

    My 005

    Please send me a pm concerning this. I am reluming two 005 dials later tonight. Could be an easy and quick exchange if I have the dials are already done I would love to have your business my friend. Cheers TWP
  19. Your waiting has just come to an end. Strap will dispatch tomorrow my friend. Great watch, please update with this bad boy on your nice, thick SC strap. Cheers TWP
  20. These are very nice guys. High res would be nice for wallpaper
  21. IWM Is always a pleasure to do business with. His straps are very cheap, yet the quality is very good.
  22. Here are the ones that I personally have. I will try and get wrist shots of the rest when I have a chance. Cheers TWP
  23. @TT Great shots!!! Right now while working When I get home
  24. TWP

    My 005

    I saw it hanging close to a tree and I thought I was going to witness another panerai murder. Just making reference to the video that neil posted awhile back. Glad to see that did not happen. Nice 005 you have there Cheers TWP
  25. TWP

    TWP 'Plume'

    The Zigmeister with alll due respect you are one of the best modders around, but this mate is how you waste seventy dials. I am speaking about events that have happened within the last six months. When I first started out i thought doing a sandwich dial meant sticking a fine tipped oiler into the groove and doing it that way. Stupid, perhaps, naive yes. You can imagine how many dials I ruined doing it like this. The whole time I took notes on what lume mixtures I used. Once I found out you could seperate the dials, duh, sandwich, Then I realized wow this is going to be simple. So instead of removing the old numbers I would relume much like a sausage at this point the existing numbers. Wow that looks great and now put the top plate back on while the binder is still wet. Well needless to say did not work out. Okay then i started going to one really think coat of lume. And let me remind you the whole time I am trying new mixtures. Thick coat looked great. Only problem, the damn running seconds hand would not seat, and by this time dial is shot to [censored]. Also all dials i put on thick i used super glue. No, no, no. Big no noRuined the top surface of many dials just trying to get the damns things back together again. Finally, what a logically person would have done first was make two observations, the pre thickness of sandwhich dials and the height of the cannon pinion. So I have worked myself all ass backwards doing this. So to say that I am an accomplished lumer, yes I am. To say that I am within your league. Hell no and for obvious reasons. Perhaps with three years under my belt I just might get there Moral of the story your probably right The Zigmeister. I could have used more tact when wording my initial statement of, "wasting seventy dials to perfect this". To something like after luming 70 dials this is what I have come up with and this is what works best for me. Cheers Hope there is no bad blood man. Thanks TWP
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