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Posts posted by mrcjc122

  1. Guys this might sound like a dumb question but i wasn't able to find info anywhere.

    I am seeing obvious differences in the internal bezel colours of the of the ceramic divers which suggest to me that might have been an update of the dial (?)
    I mean that they are so obvious that it's impossible for the factories to miss them.
    I am referring to the minute markers on the internal bezel between 12 and 3 being black instead of white in every TD's shop, plus the 12 marker is half black half orange, the hinges that attach the strap to the case are black (potentially this might be a lighting issue).

    Anyone has any idea what is going on?

  2. I agree with legend, the markers are not straight, it's not just a misalignment problem. The problem is, it's somewhat of and optical illusion. I just looked at my old "antique" AP V5 and when you look at the 45 marker that aligns with the  9 marker, it looks crooked, but when you turn the watch to where the 9 is  straight up, and look at it, it's perfectly straight. I do agree that the ones in the QC photo are more crooked than mine.  

    After looking at the photos from all the angles, you just need to decide whether or not this is going to be a flaw that you can live with or is it going to drive you crazy every time you look at your watch? Generally I find that if a watch has a flaw that I'm obsessing over, It probably won't get worn much and will soon be sent on it's way. Personally, I would give the dealer another shot at getting it right.


    Here are some photos of your watch with each marker in question at around the 12 O'clock position.





    My post is kind of misleading, in the first pictures indeed it appears to be a misalignment but this is not my major concern.

    Maybe the following picture will make more clear what i mean.



  3. The markers look crooked in my opinion. Bear in mind that that the dial and inner bezel can be realigned perfectly by adjusting the dial position, if the inner bezel markers are straight. I've done it myself. But if the markers are crooked, that is a different matter entirely. On your watch I'll ask for a change.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

    Yes thank you, so i am not being paranoid here.

  4. Hi Guys,

    I wouldn't mind a second pair of more experienced eyes to look into this.
    I am seeing a misalignment in the 9,3,7 and 2 markers. Let me know if you can see it too or if i am being too anal.
    I know it can't be perfect but that doesn't mean that it should look like it was created on Windows Paint application.




    The effect becomes more visible in the dark.




    The rest i believe is fine.




    Since this is my first AP and you are more experienced, let me know if you have any comments/concerns.

    what do i do in that case? new dial or new watch? How should i proceed?


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