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Everything posted by Nightwatch

  1. Congrats on the new acquisition and specially on the one in a million.....
  2. It just looks gorgeous, on bracelet or strap. Are these from mmm the same thickness as the gen? Have been wondering for a while. Just a question of time before I want to get one too.
  3. Happy with the little 5513 and picking up the SD as well
  4. Hi and welcome to rwg, there´s an Omega section as well and another for trusted dealers.
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum. The good thing is You found this planet of information through it and this will be informative and fun. Many new brands to dig into in depth as well. If You come around the classic 16600 BP Seadweller in Your quest research it as well. Stay around.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum. Very interesting POV on the PAM and the LV. Stay around and looking forward to some more detailed comparisons of these and maybe others:)
  7. It´s a fantastic Greubel Forsey, if You can afford and store away one of those it will probably be worth 2 Mio. in something like 5 years.
  8. Try it out? Think the chlorine levels would need to be really high to provoke a damage (public pool on a midsummer sunday).
  9. Thi is beautiful wih a mirror finish. Congrats, wear it well, fantastic project.
  10. new 5513 with reshaped case. After all the $400-$500 reps circus I´m utterly amazed how this little $118 beater from Sead runs, feels (slightly whirring winding sound, little rotor spin), keeps time and has an incredible power reserve. It just works quietly and well with no issues at all, like it should be. Considering not swapping the Athaya crown in to not risk messing up the stem.
  11. Try to go with the unmodified Asian movement. The best and first to get is the black 16610 (small marker-dots/green lume) or 116610. The 16600 classic Seadweller (pictured) is better than both imo and in 2nd place after TC, Trusty has it and Supermirrors can get it, normally this one is also water-resistant and thickness is equal to gen. For the ceramic one (big marker-dots/blue lume) choose Toro, this one: http://www.torobravos2014.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=39_115&product_id=1014 There is a whole list of other "must have" Rolexes, so keep the coloured options (blue/green/gold) of the Submariner for later, it´s really a good advice as You´ll notice later.
  12. Try to look for removing cyclops tutorials here and on google. Slow and carefully, not too much heat or even the lens may break. Just don´t force it, looks like it will come off nicely.
  13. Just looked briefly and it looks good if the dust at min 27 is gone. Great watch, nice insert. After silicon-greasing crown&backscase o-ring and testing should be fine for swimming&light snorchel diving. Here is a rep/gen comparison to pass the time:) http://www.bernardwatch.com/blog/rolex-sea-dweller-deepsea-116660-fake-vs-real-comparison/
  14. For just $300 more than the base-model I like it - if it weren´t for the other $12.050. Fantastic watch:)
  15. Because for $289,99 You can buy a brand-new Genesis Nitrox React Pro In-Line Scuba Diving Computer Dive Diver Authorized Dealer Full Warranty http://www.amazon.com/Genesis-In-Line-Computer-Authorized-Warranty/dp/B001JYIZCQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=undefined&sr=8-2&keywords=%24289%2C99 or this: LG Electronics 39LB5600 39-Inch 1080p 60Hz LED TV http://www.amazon.com/LG-Electronics-39LB5600-39-Inch-1080p/dp/B00KVLQURA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1408773190&sr=8-5&keywords=tv Of course on the 2nd day the on/off button would just come off the TV and on the 3rd the remote would stop working. After 1 week the screen goes blanc but You don´t return it to Amazon, You carry it to the repair shop around the corner that takes another $290 to fix it.... Naahhh.... I just know that when I buy another rep I must switch the logic button off
  16. My new 5513 is getting old and getting shape:) before and after pic for Stage1
  17. The collection is growing nicely. Soon You´ll need another box (for Xmas), these are fine for the money: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lionite-Mele-Watch-Burlwood-Display/dp/B0025ZE64Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408620440&sr=8-1&keywords=burlwood+watch+boxes The one on the left has the Dagaz-dial, they were available in July and You should order one right now before they sell out (just $35). The Yobokies build was much more expensive.
  18. Hi, just received a Cartel 5513 from Sead (Supermirrors) and would recommend him ($118+shipping). I wanted the 369 dial, the other is available as well with meters first. The Athaya crown and tube is available through here: http://www.homageforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=24671 (this is the 7 mm one) for $35, arrived same day as the watch. Gen-spec 20mm Rolex lugbars are available from Cousins.UK and were a direct fit already improving the look:) from here: https://www.cousinsuk.com/catalog/10/0/1813/3395.aspx?code=R19196#select 20mm (050) Generic Cousins ref: R19196 Have to say I was very pleasantly surprised by the excellent timekeeper I got, and how well it wears. Except re-shaving the crownguards (more pointy) I´m almost tempted to leave it as it is instead of risking the Yuki-dial not fitting the case or movement etc., this is what I had chosen: http://www.yukiwatch.com/catalog/item/8677972/9766064.htm Good luck with Your project. On a side-note I´m waiting for this to be released from September/October onwards, its waterproof& gen, going for the blue: http://www.borealiswatch.com/store/#!/~/product/category=6645472&id=35192472 Seads Cartel 5513 otb with another strap
  19. It looks great, start caring less and less about "flaws" now - it was the reason I didn´t get it some 3-4 months ago, still want it:)
  20. The 5513 project-watch arrived from Sead together with Athayas crown+tube (now I´ll need advice on how to swap the stem.....) This is 5x nicer than I imagined right out of the box
  21. Hi and welcome. today I´m just going to answer this in a different way I use to. You are asking for the actual best version of the ceramic submariner 116610. That is the Noob V4. It is not a sub that looks as close as possible to a gen out of the box. The engravings on the rehaut are too shallow, You are lucky already if they are well aligned. The ceramic insert of the rep is painted in white, the gen is platinum - so there is a quite obvious difference and sure tell. The good things are: the lume is good, the bracelet with the glide-lock clasp is comfortable and adjustable, the ceramic bezelring has been improved but somebody still forgot to paint the numbers in the right colour, so "it´s not good otb, it´s less bad". Don´t worry, I have a BP ceramic as well which is worse (and much cheaper) than the noob V4 and still wear it a lot. On the 5-digit submariners (like the 16600 BP Seadweller or the 16610 TC) starting with the insert 1.) it looks metallic and is made of aluminium (like the gen), 2.) older Rolex models did not have a rehaut engraving so these don´t have either .... You are starting to see the tip of the iceberg for the question "get a sub that looks as close to a gen as possible "out of the box"." For the looks: Noob V4 = 65% gen (the sold out V3 was better) TC = 90% gen The TT is better in black, if I could choose again I´d take the full gold with black dial, although normally I don´t wear gold watches or the Tudor Blackbay in blue. To finish the story: pics of the purple dial - no fading gold BP Seadweller (starting at $239 with Asian ETA or $188 with 21j)
  22. Around and very active on the other rwg.
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