Hello all!
It's pleasure to say hello, and introduce myself. I'm looking forward to enjoying some quality 'time' with you fine folks.
At the moment, I'm a complete and utter newbie, treading cautiously as i look to purchase my first rep. I've done a solid week's of searching, reading, and gleaning anything i can to try to bring me up to some level of knowledge. I'll be honest; in some ways i'm more confused that when I started. It seems that that for every fact or thing I learn, two more questions pop up. So please be patient....
One thing i have learned: I really like Omega's. For me, they have a brilliant balance of beauty, understatement, and class (at least my version of class ), with a good dose of real world functionality.
My goal, at least for the moment, is to find 2 high quality watches. A 42mm planet ocean, and a mid size Aqua Terra. I am a bit worried, though. If things go well, i could see myself becoming pretty addicted.
As my focus at the moment centers around Omega watches, I'll direct my questions there.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing why this is called the 'friendliest watch forum on the internet.'
I guess a good question here-
Who's a good service person for reps here in NYC? the searches i've done on the subject are a bit confusing.