Hey ANGUS..the new pics look great. As you have told us to give you, our input...I went ahead and made a jpeg using your photo and added in what I would like to see changed. They are very nit-picking things, Not really a big deal but in order for us to call it perfect, I think we have to get it done..Everyone else in the forums,(esp. uziuzi) if you see something I didnt add please let me know and I will add it right away. I only did the face of the watch maybe others can do the crown, back and strap and send them to Angus(puretime2005@gmail.com). I will send this to puretime after I get feedback from the forums. Just want to include everything before I send it to Angus. Im sure I am missing some stuff or maybe the stuff that I gripe about is just my imagination..Please let me know...