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Precious Time aka PT

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Everything posted by Precious Time aka PT

  1. Excellant Designs. Really like the two on the bottom right.
  2. I like the last one you got there. Good Job. PT
  3. I like concepts 1 and 2. Very good. I have a feeling this is gonna be a tough contest. Some really good ideas coming up.
  4. Hmmmmm some of these templates look very familiar..... does Logo Creator V3.6 sound familiar?
  5. Yours is the 3rd entry.Looks good.I will annouce winner next week Friday, so everyone has just under a week. So far 3 entries in total.PT
  6. Looks good. This is the second entry I have.. I'm going to announce the winner next friday. You can post as many entries as you like. No size constraints.PT
  7. The Title says it all.. I feel like updating the logo on my webpage. As you can see its very plain and simple. (www.precioustime-uk.com) I know some of you are very good with designs, so i thought i would give the chance for one you to earn a free watch by designing me a logo for my gallery. I will also post this on RWI as well... Winner gets a Free watch. They can decide from a selection chosen by myself. (Will reveal prize once winner is announced)
  8. HI Friend, This is the most accurate in the Non Chrono Tag range. I have 1 in stock. Let me know PT
  9. I have 10 more in stock
  10. I have sticky balls for sale
  11. Thanks for everyons kind comments: Just to let you know, All pictures i take myself. I dont use factory Pics, I take my own photos and they are of actual stock. PT
  12. they are available, but only cost effective if buying in bulk or if you have an EU dealer who carries them. If ordering from Asia its likely you will have to send money via WU so thats additional cost to account for. Best bet from EU is Ebay.
  13. Light A/R.. Not like the normal A/R you are use to on Pam 111's etc.... docblackrock is spot on. PT
  14. Email me friend, i will send you pics. I just have not updated my catalogue yet
  15. The one you refering to is the non chrono version with asian 21jewel movement. The 7750 is even more. I am only going to stock the 7750 once the back is corrected. Currently the factories producing them have spelt switzerland wrong. I am getting updated models soon. PT
  16. These will be like gold dust soon. These have stopped production. Grab what you can find.
  17. Yes my rep is 42.5 excluding crown, and 45mm including crown. So it is correct. Regards PT
  18. @Watcher71 Correct friend, This was a post i did on all the other forums some time back. I just copied it over onto this board without re-calculating at todays price. Since then gold price has gone up Rapidly.
  19. Correction Friend, Original does not have professional engraved on Clasp!
  20. Precious Time – 14K Gold – A Myth, A Lie or The Truth I Stand by my word I’ve been browsing the forums and I’ve found a lot of talk about solid gold reps. Many customers have also asked me the question “is it really gold” I have also found occasions where certain dealers bad mouth other dealers! Saying that gold rep’s don’t exist. I have a lot of loyal customers who have taken my word for it and purchased some of my 14K gold reps. I have compiled this thread to answer some of the frequently asked questions about solid gold reps. Please note, I am not speaking on behalf of other dealers. I have not seen other dealers reps to assess their claims. I am strictly clearing up the fact, if I claim its 14k gold, them my word is as good as gold. Firstly a few points I want to make. 1. I stand by my word. 2. If I say its gold its gold 3. Gold is not as expensive as people really think. Especially when you are talking about hollow mid links. Each mid link weighs approx 0.8 grams. Assume there are 12 Gold mid links. That is 9.6 grams of gold. 4. I have been in the gold industry for over 8 years. YES, this means I know what I’m talking about. So let’s start with the basics. 24 carat - 100% pure or 999 fine 22 carat - 91.7% pure or 917 fine 18 carat - 75% pure or 750 fine 14 carat - 58.3% pure or 583 fine 9 carat - 37.5% pure or 375 fine Today’s gold rate for 1oz troy is $550 for 24k Gold 1 ounce troy is 31.10grams We have already established each hollow mid link is 0.8 grams and there are approx 12 14k gold mid links on the average TT sub or GMT. That gives us a total gold weight of 9.6 grams. To simplify the math I’m going to round this up to 10 grams. So below is the math $550/31.10 = $17.68 of 24k Gold 17.68 divided by 24 multiply by 14 gives us $10.31 Rate for 1gram of 14k Gold. $10.31 x 10 grams of gold (total for mid links) = $103 for 10 grams of 14k Gold – Yes gold is cheap. Please remember a normal outlet selling fine jewellery would then add a further $200 dollars or so for labour etc... We exclude this value in the reps. So we have now worked out that an average TT 14k Sub has 10 grams of gold with an additional value of around $100. The crown sometimes is also gold, and will weigh approx 1 gram adding a further $10-15. This price does not mean a dealer will sell you a gold strap for $100. The dealer has to earn money too and therefore the price is marked up. Okay, now we have the facts out of the way with….. On with my Hard Evidence!! When I say rep has 14K Gold mid links, that means it is Real 14k Gold!! Not a Myth, Not a Lie, Not plated and Not wrapped on brass. (I do not vouch for other dealers stock as I have not seen other dealers stock I’m referring to my stock) How do I prove this… Simple… OPERATION MELTDOWN The following work was undertaken at a professional jewelers who had a workshop in house. Below i have shown a link from my own 14k TT GMT being melted down. An yes i lost the link and had to pay for this to be done, but its woth putting end to any doubts anyone had about my claims. Below a clear picture of some soldering already on the link. If it was plated you would not see this. Meltdown Begins.... Whats left of the link, while gold is put into acid Final result. 14K GOLD!!!!! What you should learn from this. My word is as good as GOLD
  21. Hi all, Many of you may know i am a dealer on the other boards. I have just had my section put up on RWG and will be hosting the PT Weekly Raffle here too. Im sure most of you already know about the raffle. If you dont, then check my section later this evening to see a nice selection of watches which can be won by you. Regards PT
  22. pp does suck, but it seems to be the easiest method of payment. Note For the Dealers - If you want to stay protected by pp, only accept payments from verified pp acounts and only send to Confirmed pp address. This way you are covered by pp. How you buyers can help us Dealers "Verify your pp accounts, and Confirm your address"
  23. Hello all, found this thread thanks to sean. Lets Clear things up as i have a 100% track record on all boards and intend to keep it that way. First of All PT is just PT - No Paul, No Angus No whatever.... Just PT Without going into to much detail (security reasons), Shipping from Asia is much easier as shipping agents are used. If you want to send by fed ex, dhl , ups etc... its much easier as the agents will even pack the reps for you. Where im from (Not asia) I have to actually go to DHL /FED EX office etc.. and they are 100 times stricter than asia. Also sending to a country like Afghanistan if i remember correctly they will definatley inspect the package. I can always say its a genuine item, but then have to declare the value which will give you customs issues. There are times where DHL will accept the package without looking at it. On another note. The service i used is signed for and trackable until it raches the destination country. At this point the local courier firm will trat the mail as express and it should be trackable on there website. e.g. usps will take over tracking. In Afghanistan im not sure such a service is available. Now for the Good news. I have found an alternate route to use DHL/UPS It took a while but now i am able to ship via these methods. Nouns Defions, I hope we can do business again, using new method of shipment, and because of your previous loss i will take this into consideration and give you 50% off your next purchase Let me know Im happy to help and most importantly i have too keep my 100% track record up Regards PT
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