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Posts posted by Leifhaus

  1. WOW Thanks a lot for this information.

    Let me just add to bwhitesox's very good howto:

    For a T48 on a 6497 the new stem needs to be shortened to approximately 13,2mm, minor variations (behind the comma) might be due to tiny differences among cases and also the number of o-rings you use in your crown. Don't forget to remove these o-rings from your old crown, silicon grease them and apply them (in the same order) to your T-crown. Other than previous replacements crowns (ie Palp), the T-Crown does not require you to sand down the tip of the CG lever - you can leave it as it is. You can cut the stem with a fine wire cutter. Look at the tip of the stem's thread with a loupe and sand the tip if needed.

    To remove an old stem from the rep-crown can sometimes be tricky. Applying a little heat to the crown (with a soldering iron) sometimes helps loosening the thread locker or glue so you can unscrew the crown. Don't rely on this to work in every instance. You need a little force to unscrew and sometimes.... the old stem will rather break. Have a new stem ready (just in case). Also, as you wont have a comparison ensemble to measure the length (stem outside the crown) - measure before you unscrew.

  2. I just ordered a T48 crown and stem for my 112, I was wondering if someone with experience in this would be interested in posting a tutorial with a list of tools, similar to the tutorials on the Rolex page. I'm sure it's a simple procedure, but I'd hate to attempt this and screw up my watch without some guidance.

    If it's already listed deep in the archive maybe it could be made a sticky.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Though I am as aware as most people here of the myriad flaws in that watch, it is worth noting that the VAST majority of posters at TZ didn't notice - and one guy who OWNS a gen is saying he doesn't see the problem with it even after others have called it out. This reinforces me belief that most people, even gen owners, generally don't spend hours, days, and weeks analyzing the tells of fake versions of their own watches. There are a few people who will spot these things - and they are WIS's, suspicious by nature, AND have the benefit of a frozen target blown up about four times larger than life to analyze.

    Very ...Very well said. We are truly within the minority of the minority of watch aficiandos. I hate the term WIS.

    It will be interesting to watch how this plays out. Since having just bought a used GEN SD I've become a little miffed at how good the reps are, and I STARTED WITH REPS :o so imagine how a regular gen owner must feel.

  4. I have been doing extensive research into the 5 minute markers on the gens and now I can't look at my watch anymore without having the dial glare back at me with every one of it's minute markers being the exact same size and width. I am beginning to see why so many members are on the constant hunt for the perfect rep of their favorite model.

    When you really love a particular watch the GEN becomes the only solution. I love this REP community and the topics of conversation, I find are by far more in-depth than the GEN forums, but I had to get the GEN SD. I would love to do a side-by-side comparison, I bet there's only a 20% difference between them. But like my wife who said at the time when we got married and were previously living together, "I just feel legitimate now". It's kinda the same for those special watches.

    However, I put on my MBW Great White the other day and it felt and fit really well, and the hands really glowed compared to the GEN due to the plastic dome, GEN GW SD is circa 20K now. I'll probably have to sell it to help pay off the balance on the credit card.

    I doubt the GEN dial will fit even if you can find one. Honestly try not to stare at it with a loupe. Even with the GEN, nothing is perfect. Good luck.

  5. I've been reading stories about young bands can't afford gas to do their summer tours. That is a right of passage for every rock/punk musician, to tour across America in an old van playing shitty shows and sleeping on people's floors. Too bad, those were some good days. :rolleyes:

    I think horses may come back as a means of transportation. And of course somebody needs to clean up after them, so there will be some new jobs created for you guys. :D

  6. I find one thing that stops me from buying a lot of watches is that I ask myself, "am I going to be happy with this watch in a year?" To be honest that Oris don't look like a keeper to me. An impulse buy may end up as a resell. What watch do you REALLY want regardless of the cash? Might be worth saving up a little more money and be satisfied in the long-term. This is coming from someone who is expecting a 2000 A Series Seadweller in the mail tomorrow, taking the day off to meet the mailman. :)

  7. I only have $1,500 saved, but was willing to get in a little debt to get one, but now all four of my grails are on ebay at the same time! What do I do :o

    PAM 112

    Item number: 310060016963:


    Sinn EZM1

    Item number: 140243583269


    Rolex SD with lug holes

    Item number: 170232536489


    Sinn 1746

    Item number: 180256739914


  8. If I take the long way commuting (trail) I do about 200 miles a month, but I'm usually late for work so I take the short way through the city and that's about 120 miles/month. Either way, it sure makes going to work less of a grind.

    Just got a trailer for the kids so that's even less reason to use the car, except for the resulting higher food prices, I'm loving the gas prices.

  9. I was just looking at ebay panerai watches - looking a gen 112s. And it just really hit me (again) these watches should not cost $4K plus. There is just no logic based on materials and works that this manual wind watch should cost that much. It's just crazy, maybe like $800-$1,200 with a good strap. There's no logic to it. They are just not worth the asking price. They're simple and beautiful but it's crazy. I know the response, yes it's supply/demand, watches are illogical purchases, ferrari aren't worth it either. Just had to vent.

  10. Okay, drinking in bed reading RWG, wife asleep as usual, I think I hear a one of the kids cry out so I run back to check on them, all asleep. I check my DSN 112 for the time, lume is glowing, can see the lume from the side of my eyes (both left and right) but looking directly at the dial I can't see the lume at all, okay just walked back to the darkest part of the hallway to doublecheck - same thing. Lume is visible when holding the watch to the left or right of my eyes, but almost disappears when looking at it directly in front of both eyes.

    any explanation for that other than too much drinking? Must be some phenomena with how the eye works, no?

  11. Since interest in watches and astronauts seem to go hand in hand, I thought I would mention that Buzz Aldrin was at my gig last night which was at a bar in Washington D.C., a party celebrating the new Frank Sinatra stamp. I was standing right next to his table, even got a chair for one of his guests (actually did that before I knew who he was), he was with friends and wife and didn't want to disturb him for a picture, my bandmate got one. A nice little highlight to end an 18 hour day.

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