Call the police and tell them that your Tag Carrera was stolen like you said and when they ask if you have a receipt for it say that your dead grandfather gave that to you as a gift and I think it's worth a few thousand ??
( This will not work if you don't have a dead grandfather ! )
Make sure to have a few pics of you wearing the watch to show your insurance company
Wasn't available in TT or Rose Gold ??
We have a GPS units in all of our fire trucks and it really cuts down on our response times ...
They are great units if you travel allot !
Ya I hear ya , same thing here when ordering from the states , it takes weeks to show up ...
Bought a watch winder from California and it took a month to get here in the East , buy a watch from China and it's in Vancouver in 2 days and then another 3 days to come to the East , doesn't make sense ??
Good Luck SR and I hope you receive it soon !
Try tracking it through Canada Posts web site , Ive never had a problem with it , not like EMS ..
This is just an idea until things get fixed but if everyone got rid of the HTML and pics in their sigs it might help a bit until things are improved ??
Here is the new version of the SMP Chrono and as you can see 'Seamaster' is in red and 'Omega' logo has changed too ...
The hour markers are also outlined in SS ..
When I checked out the new & old versions ( Gens ) the old version is selling for more $$ ?
I got asked about Jos from the same guy in a PM over on RWG1 with 0 posts too ...
Best not to answer and a good idea not to click on links from a first time poster either ( spyware) ?
I think watch winders really are a waste of money when it comes to Reps ..
Out of all my Reps only one Daytona will stay lit ( run ) for months at a time where the others have petered out after a couple days ..
I have the same eBay rubbish that you have but mine is quiet with the top down but like I said it didn't keep my watches wound so I hard wired one side to keep it running all the time and still they die ..
I was going to upgrade to a good one but now I say to hell with it ...
My Gens work fine in them though ...
Super slow this morning ( Sun 8:20 AM EDT )
High Speed Cable T2 Line here and I see a big difference here , sometimes just slow but today it's dead slow ??
33 seconds and counting to open this thread :
The wife is going on a bus trip next weekend to NY NY shopping with the girls from work , are there any street vendors that sell the "good stuff" and if so where are they located ?
I am up for just about anything they have , if they have it ..
Anyone know or purchase from them ??
I just checked out that guys web site :
I like the 10 Tips that tells you how to spot a fake Rolex especially #10 :