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Everything posted by chad

  1. This has nothing to do with the hands or the movement. It has to do with knowing one thing and saying another to sell an item. In fact since I posted this someone informed me even prior to when I bought the hands they had a discussion with Nik about them needing to be modded to fit. Yet when I ordered he said they were fine and now again he says they are fine. Is that honest? I am going to post these hands for sale soon because I cannot use them. What if i just said they fit rep movements perfectly instead of saying that they need to be broached and that two different watch smith's said its a tricky thing to do? Would that be ok with you?
  2. I really wanted to let this go, I really did. I wanted to be peaceful about your business here but time and time again you push the limits. I bought a set of gen hands for the rep movement and you said "my watch maker says they fit all the time" You know there was an issue with this. I told you and others on the forum said the hands need to be broached and can be easily broken if they are to fit. Yet you still repeat that they are a perfect fit after knowing this just to sell parts. This kind of thing is really crappy, really crappy........
  3. As some of you might know, I have been very outspoken in the past about these kind of things and I have had a few issues with some things Concepta has said and how he has handled communication. Including a parts order that he was not totally upfront about in my personal experience. I will suck up my pride and say when it comes to quality pieces of the highest level he pretty much takes the cake. This is coming from someone who is most likely blacklisted from anything he will ever sell. I apologize to the forum for getting overly excited about these issues in the past.
  4. I did not even see that..... WTF are they thinking
  5. Seems a little off in the rehaut/crystal distortion area compared to the H factory....
  6. Way too yellow lume. The H factory watches are too green and too yellow respectively on the lume. Sure it is better than previously offerings but I wore my gen yesterday and switched back to a 26k. It is painfully noticeably. I just do not get it. Over 5 years and they still cannot get color right.
  7. A perfect example of panerais mix and mtach design gone wrong.......
  8. Any luck getting this fixed or a response?
  9. The 201a photo is brushed instead of polished SS. I would say he does not have an eye for detail....haha
  10. I am sorry, looks like a great watch. It's a real shame he is so hard to reach these days with people spending thousands of dollars on these watches. The guy spent alot of money to get a watch that was assembled sloppily. Answer his emails.
  11. Just a fun game. They would be crazy not to rep it due to the popularity. I say June 12, 2012.
  12. The 386 will be poop......
  13. I heard new 112 should be out anytime now. I would sell that one and wait a little.
  14. I do not disagree with anything you have said. He provides excellent pieces at excellent prices but I still stand by everything I have said about the situation. I am sure your 3717 is awesome. I think there is a line you can walk with reps that keeps it away from fraud and more towards personal enjoyment and satisfaction. I try to abide by that in respect for the gens. I own both. My comparison to k2222 is only based on the fact that people blindly followed anything he said or did because he provided a service that everyone wanted. I am not claiming that concepta has scammed or done anything of that nature in any deals. To my knowledge he has done no such thing. If you love IWC then he is the guy to go to. I still stand by everything I have said though, I find some of his ethics sketchy.
  15. SImple solution, do not tell people they can walk into an AD and get papers on your gen part assembled pieces and they will not think you will are capable of scamming anyone in the future. Or for example, do not post a "Discussion" about how a Gen IWC strap is the best upgrade in the universe even over a Gen dial and then post that strap for sale a day later and people will not think you are just here to be a salesman. So you are saying that over the course of your time here you have made "nearly zero" building and selling these watches? I just do not believe that, I am sorry. Even if your profit margin was less than 10 percent you would be well over 10k in profit. Do I care if you have made money? No way, go for it but "nearly zero"? This is an example of the little white lies you tell. If you said, yes I do make some extra money here but I bring great parts and pieces to the group everyone would respect that. Maybe your profit margin is low but not "nearly zero" Nah, no way no how.
  16. If I had to stand against labor laws and abuse in china I would not have this 27'' imac I am typing on, any of my appliances, or some of the clothes I am wearing. It's a terrible situation there, I agree. I do not really have the power to change an industry of 10,000,000 workers being treated poorly. I do have the power to let people know that this issue here is not right in my opinion P.S. I do not buy or support our dealers sale of boxes or papers. It's disgusting.
  17. Im not being irrational, we just have different moral standards when it comes to this. There is nothing out of context. Concepta stated on both forums plainly that you can take these watches to an ad and get a certificate of authenticity. The insurance is an excellent example. What you are suggesting is fraud. Plain and simple. Can you really say if the insurance company had all the facts they would insure the piece for full genuine value, In my buisness there is a well known musical instrument dealer that got involved in putting together old instuments from many damaged ones or ones that could not get certified as 100 percent original. He did the work so skillfully he was able to obtain papers for these instruments as originals and insure them for millions. They contained all original parts but were not assembled by the original maker. He claimed insurance on a few of these and then sold a few in Asia for milllions. He is awaiting trial or currently in jail for the insurance part of it. You are right it is up to the owner to do the right thing but it is irresponsible for the seller to state that. Concepta could have apologized and said it was a silly thing to suggest but he came on here and said he never stated that to anyone, I am sure all the posts are edited now. I will say again these are the best watches on the forums and anyone who wants one should get in line. I have never heard of him not following through on a deal or a sale. He does have a problem with white lies and the shilling gets old. I have experienced it personally as have others who have continued to email in support of my point here. K2222 ripped alot of us off and I am not saying this will happen but when I see something I consider wrong I say something after that. I draw no comparisons between them but they both had and have the luxury of the trust and freedom to do business here. That's all I will say on the matter.
  18. Only when you edit your original post will you have "NEVER EVER encourage ANYONE to try to emphasize any of my projects as official IWC made/built watches!" You are right about one thing. I am sure they will be exceptional pieces assembled by qualified craftsman but I still stand by what I wrote as do a few others that emailed me today that prefer to remain anonymous. Do i recommend anyone hesitate purchasing from you? Of course not but what you wrote was not right especially when many of your customers are new to the hobby. P.S. I saw this on repgeek this morning. You are telling people there they can and should take these watches to service centers and or appraisers to have them certified as gen. I wonder how many of these piece will end up in the hands of someone who does not know what they are getting in the future. Your claim of "2. I NEVER EVER encourage ANYONE to try to emphasize any of my projects as official IWC made/built watches!" is an outright lie. I am disgusted. Originally Posted by concepta Service centers or appraisers. These are not "redmarked" parts...it´s all legit! Buyer: I am in the process of making my 3717 a gen by getting parts from Concepta, once the watch has 100% gen parts are you saying its ok to go to an AD for valuation. I only ask as I will need a valuation for insurance purposes as all my genuines are insured. Its always better to check before hand and it will take a while before I get the gen case and movement.
  19. Really? That's your argument? So if you bought a watch on timezone that you later found out had a certificate of authenticity that was obtained by lying to an AD and was assembled with gen parts by a local watchmaker(no matter how skilled) who's primary business is reps you would be ok with that? A serviced(IWC or locally) genuine IWC watch with have a serial number that is traceable at IWC back to a production date along with who made it. An assembled watch serial will lead back to a caseback that went missing from the factory or from a previously worked on watch. I know that most of you will stand up for Concepta and certainly not publicly agree with me, you guys still want those nice gen parts after all. I understand that. What he wrote about above is not right and it is not honest and that's my opinion and I do not care how many gen parts I lose access to saying it.
  20. I have been around the rep game for a while and have some gens also. I have many friends who have gens and are skeptical or negative towards reps. I always tell them most people who are interested in high end reps are in it for the love of watches and because they like to tinker with them. Not for any dishonest reasons such as misrepresenting themselves or the watches they build or buy. A genuine watch is a culmination of research and development, high quality parts and assembly by what each companies considers expert craftsman. If I am reading correctly Concepta is suggesting or saying you can take the watch his watch maker(no disrespect to that person) assembled from gen parts he has collected and have them issue a certificate of authenticity. That is dishonest and disgusting and undermines everything honest people do here. The watch is not deserving of a certificate of authenticity unless it has been assembled by IWC by their craftsman. Not only would IWC agree but they would take legal action otherwise. So to the original poster, enjoy a fantastic watch but please do not approach an AD about getting a certificate of authenticity. Shame on you Concepta, if you are going to use the IWC forum for a sales corner at least respect the few things that keep reps for us a somewhat honest pursuit when not exploited.
  21. The original poster did not indicate this is a gen watch with serial numbers. I assumed it was an assembled watch. Its just a straight IWC assembled watch from IWC?
  22. http://forums.timezone.com/index.php?t=tree&goto=5625025&rid=0 Since you mentioned the price.... I do not know, when you can get a gen for that and probably talk him down a little more. You are talking about difference of 600-700 dollars or so. Where are your guys breaking points when it comes to price vs gen price? Just curious.
  23. try this beauty instead
  24. Im wearing the watch in your sig today.... The exact one It's great!
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