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geordie sam

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Posts posted by geordie sam

  1. Hi Sam,


    OK if you explore other sections of the forum you will see one called Trusted Dealers (TD's) like you until a few weeks ago I never knew of a place like this either but the learning curve I have gone on has been incredible fuelled by some really friendly knowlgeable members.


    What type of watch are you looking for? we can point you in the right direction,,,,

    I have just bought a stunning Omega from Trusty Time and can vouch for Andrew there on pre-delivery 100% and shortly once I get my new piece will give him a full recommendation.

    Thanks for that Derek,I'm REALLY looking for a Breitling like or similar to the one I put the photo up of,how much could I expect to pay for  something like that.

    Does the figure I said, £75 sound like the type of price you would pay for a GOOD copy,or is it that TOO low,as I say THIS is ALL knew to me.I just DON'T want to pay good money to end up with possible rubbish.



    Ahh, your not him them.

    It ALL depends,where is THIS going.?

  2. I'm sorry but I don't even know what TD's are,unless that means traders?


    I am a member of a few other forums but NONE are about watches,if this is not somewhere where I can get advice on buying s good replica then forgive me for my mistake.

    I thought it was just a case of asking people in the "know" where and how much I might pay for such a thing.

    I am just trying to "pick" a few brains.


  3. 0f4d2c546215281717bd7ef78d2cdfb7.jpgThanks for responding Bvc,after a quick Google I came up with a British company called "Replica watches" UK.

    This one here for example is being offered for sale at £74.99.

    What I would like to know is can I expect GOOD quality for that price, or is that TOO cheap a price for a quality replica,and if it is could you please tell me how much I'm likely to pay for quality.

    Thank you again.


  4. Hi everyone,Sam here,(total newbie and beginner) please forgive me I expect THIS has been asked a load of times by idiots like me, but I'm fairly HOPELESS on computers (I'm 53) and therefor have a LOT of difficulty trying to find the correct section where this may be answered. (it's NOT laziness,it's more like STUPIDITY navigating with computers,it all seems so difficult)


    Q.Where or who are the best companies/manufacturers to deal with (I'm from the UK) when looking for QUALITY replica watches.Sorry again for being so thick in the head.(I'm really a very bright fella at everything else,honestly)


    Thank you.



  5. Hi everyone,Geordie Sam  here (just sam) from the UK, I thought I would introduce myself,I know NOTHING about replica watches,but I will be a KEEN learner.Please expect plenty stupid questions from me :bangin: ,I'm apologising in advance.


    Thank you.



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