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Posts posted by Ipcress

  1. Nice time piece and review.

    Sent from my droptop using telepathy.

    Thank you, and for reading the review too. I am more than pleasantly surprised that Reps. can be this good, especially this model. The only problem I have now is wondering how I can spend the 16K I've saved - you simply can't tell, really.


    General info: Only wore it for an hour yesterday and didn't manually wind, in fact the only manual wind up was on the day i received it, Wednesday 2nd. Anyhow, it has only gained some 10 seconds in the last 18 hours.


    Kind Rgds

  2. A few days ago I received my GMT II ProHunter (Gold) A2836 and I would like to leave a review.


    - Ordered 7th June approximately

    - First one offered did not match order spec, declined it

    - PTA Located nice looking example on 16th. Pictures looked great - however one in the bench to determine its accuracy etc did not match other photos, it having a gold second hand. Accepted it anyway.

    - Shipped on 17th June

    - Arrived in UK 23th June - handed over to Customs

    - Released from Customs 1st July

    - Delivered 2nd July


    The appearance is extremely impressive first off, looked highly accurate to a Gen. even accounting for the customisation variabiliity:




    Closer inspection reminded me of the QC Pictures that showed a different colour second hand - but that had been changed here, or it was an error, this watch the hand is gold ..which is what I preferred; but either way would have been fine.


    The casing is gloss black - perfect.

    The dial is what I expect a new'ish GMTII to look like, with PROHUNTER as one word as requested, not hyphenated either. Gen PHs can come in a variety of configurations; All accurate as far as I can tell.

    Number markers, seconds, lettering all look right to me.

    Date looks the correct font - havent checked all numbers on it yet. And it toggles over nicely overnight. Can be adjusted separately.

    Second hand sweeps beautifully.

    Crown offers adjustment of all hands, the 24hr hand separately. Winds nicely, a little stiff initially to pull out to correct settings, but okay.

    The bezel is superb - numbers look perfect in inset, right font, like it even more than those on the 'discoverph' link above and others. 24 clicks and both ways. Doesn't centre perfectly when arrow is at the top tho', otherwise okay.

    Cyclops looks right.

    Crown shoulders look right.

    Gold looks like gold...don't know what it is.

    Strap pretty flimsy but funtional. I have five arriving soon from the US, all NATO, some with gold furniture and one leather

    Rear casing has number and is nicely black, not so glossy.

    Weight feels right.

    Haven't opened it up to look at the movement but will do if it needs adjustment after settling. It currently gains approximately 30 sec per day.

    To me it looks like the #16,000 watch in the link above and elsewhere, and feels like it is too!


    Frankly I am amazed at the quality, level of accurate detail, the finish, that it works and is fairly accurate - and that it DIDN'T cost me what would have been charged at Gen. retailers! This may be of slight annoyance to them..


    I thanked PTA very much and promised to return and buy another.


    I hope this review is useful and is of general interest too.


    Kind Rgds
















  3. "Have you ever shot a camera? Like, any kind? (I mean manual, pre-1985 so you can see what the older cameras felt like to operate - definitely not hard, so I'm pretty sure even you could do it)."


    Good Morning,


    I had a love affair with 35mm for 30 years and more, started with a Paxette Rangefinder as a 14 year old when starting out in the school dark room laboratories studying the 'O' level and ended with the Nikon F4s which I mainly used in manual mode...yes even me..I could just about manage that. It was my 'ultimate' camera so had to 'do' that sometime, found a mint(-) example with late serial number and thoroughly enjoyed it. All my favourite lenses were AIS, the best I had being 105mm F2.5 and the 50mm F1.2 but I did have a 24mm AFD too which was also nice and sharp with overall good optical performance.


    Only 35mm, yes, and wanted for some time to go MF and a Hasselblad or other but don't have anything to take photos of any more as I live in a dark basement and never get out. Thanks for the info,  I get the settings for block/zone focusing etc and can see that MF at waist level in the street is the right way to go, not least because subjects aren't going to be jumpy or alter their behaviour if they spot someone with a camera if not freeze outright - so yes, more useful taking street photos especially today of course because if in London or NY for instance and at 'sensitive' areas one gets challenged by security so freaked out everybody is by terrorism and potential 'threat'....(OMG!!!) 'he's got a camera'!


    As for Apollo tho', sorry it doesn't stack up - and I mean the whole picture, not you just explaining away how magically things were photographed 'on the moon'.


    Oh yes, I also had an FM2(n?).... in fact I still do - but its broken and in a box someplace in the loft (ooops... just blown my cover). Got rid of all the 35mm gear last year and bought a little Sony Digital compact...in case I ever go out again.


    All that aside, for all you and your buddies know about cameras here which is as interesting as Reps...more so to me in fact, its off at a tangent to the fakery of 9/11 that you've all swallowed hook line and sinker.


    Now before another topic on say...fishing begins and somebody starts telling me about the best rod they've ever bought, or golf (because they played golf on the moon too you know...TV Pictures (poor ones...) showed that so it MUST be true (and 9/11 happened in 2001 ...not 1969 right? when tech, was way more advanced as was weaponry so why the fuzzy pictures?))) and which particular Jack Nicklaus irons they prefer for shooting into greens, I'm going to have to leave you all to it now, let you continue sleeping peacefully.


    Kind Rgds


    For that I'd need lessons from you. It takes serious arrogance to tell someone with a PhD in particle physics flat out to their face that they're wrong about how the Van Allen belts work.



    The fact that I dismiss you as an ignorant twit is not evidence of what you claim here, because you are in fact an ignorant twit. I've seen quite a bit of the world, less than some but more than most, as a Marine and later as a scientist and now in my current job (I'm a management consultant, I travel quite a bit). I've met thousands of people of all kinds, from all walks of life. None of them were as aggressively stupid as you are.



    PhD graduates in the US graduate under a tam, not a mortarboard.



    That's not at all true -- PhDs have been using the title "Doctor" for over a thousand years, while it only came to the medical profession in the last 150 or so. It would be inappropriate for a non-medical doctor to insist on being addressed as "Doctor" in a clinical setting, but in any other setting "Doctor" is both correct and appropriate as an honorific for someone with a PhD.


    (Not that I insist on it, I prefer to be called by my first name.)



    I'm no longer a researcher -- I work for one of the world's top consulting firms. I travel quite a bit, and I actually stay in quite nice hotels.


    This is, once again, demonstrably false. The particle physics of how the Van Allen belts work is not remotely related to anything having to do with 9/11 whatsoever. They are completely separate subjects and the only common thread is your refusal to admit that you're wrong.


    Typical dumbass 'professional qualifications thug' ass-u-ming so much about others, thinking you can BS open and enquiring minds with duff half-science that your entire world view and existence depends upon. You're clearly in the 'up his own, professional idiot' brigade valuing vanity pictures and image rather than harsh reality of the big picture.


    You've willfully ignored all the evidence on 9/11 obviously being faked, then choose to divert to another topic someone else indirectly raised on the Van Allen radiation belts and Apollo 11 being faked and similarly attempt to lob ridicule because I'm not taken in by your unscientific codswollup let alone the brainwashing you're wallowing in for 'professional' advantage. You're precisely the reason why the Establishment both sides of the Atlantic (that's the bit of water separating the US & UK) are getting away with the lies and cover-ups that are killing both nations, but you don't care - you're just another self-serving parasite protecting his position. Another parasite feeding off the US and the real US citizens who care desperately for their lands, lives and the futures and know something is deeply wrong but just don't know how to battle against all the disinformation, power and corruption they see going on all around them as their freedoms and way of life is stripped from them.


    Corporate Organisations love the highly trained brainwashed robots like yourself to carry out their dirty work because you all do it unquestioningly and without conscience; And I bet your paycheques are nothing like mine were in the CityOfLondon, not that it matters but I could afford to pay my own hotel bills and never even noticed it on my bank statements, and they weren't 1 star dives where the receptionists would be 'impressed' by 'an ugly' wearing a mortar board, either. Oh, and I've had 3 careers already and I'm now on my 4th, stretching from arts to science, politics and now reality.


    So tell me, when was the last demonstration you went on? What do you really care about (other than buying fake watches to go with your fake lifestyle and fake belief system)? You'll have no valid answer because you're another hollow man who spouts Unscientific Corporate Professional BS to bamboozle the unsuspecting and the gullible as you go about your Corporate orders.


    You see its Fascist Corporates who are largely responsible for all the woes in the world that 'enlightened' people like you SHOULD care about but you're too professionally and educationally blinded to notice let alone worry about any of it. Instead you'll do your utmost to reinforce it, their lies and sinister deceptions which are slowly destroying all that it is that makes us human. You're helping destroy peoples ability to CARE about anything worthwhile because you prefer your stupid image and accessoried life of fakery and illusions backed up by BS Science that is aiding Corporate Fascism in their relentless onslaught of raping the world and its peoples of innocence and goodness.


    Back to Apollo. In 1969 Apollo rocket and module had no protection against the deadly Van Allen belts but what did they care, the rockets wouldn't be going thru them anyway. Likewise the 'space suits' - there was NO PROTECTION built into the suits for radiation belts they've known about since the late 1950s. Sure they can go through the earths poles but that was irrelevant to A11 - they weren't going anywhere outside the outer atmosphere anyway and they needed Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin for the political photoshoot when back on earth again, so whatever you think you may know about them using your duff science and pointless learning simply doesn't matter, its the BIG PICTURE that matters, you know the one that you are steadfastly ignoring.


    Watch the following exposure of the moon landings and accept the facts about the shadows consistent with studio lighting, the waving US flag in the 'solar winds', the Hasselblad pictures and how they focused the manual lenses to get such sharp results? Like MANUAL CAMERAS being focused from inside massive space suits that they couldn't operate let alone see thru?! Then remember the grainy TV Pictures just like 9/11 TV pictures, all low quality faked pictures for easier manipulation and obscuring the reality of the fakery.


    Then look at the 'lunar' locations being reused miles apart apparently, the astronauts jumping in slow motion half speed when the moon has 6 times less gravity than earth, the use of wires for more 'jumping' etc etc ad infinitum.


    And why no stars? Apparently they never saw any stars when 'on the moon'. Oh really?!


    So all this fakery and BS and really brainy yet empty headed professionals with all the discernment and integrity of a dead corpse can't see thru it?! DMAF, purleaaaze.



    And don't come back with any more ostrich BS while refusing to look at any of the evidence and issues I raise here.


    Likewise for the following repost of WTC 7 - surely even the most braindead paid-up 'professional idiot' can't ignore the outrageous inconsistencies here :



    You're not alone in your denial about all of this, you have all your buddies here and in physics and chemistry departments at the worlds so-called best universities. I know, I've written to them offering up cast iron evidence and they won't 'go there' because like you they have too much to lose if they did; their integrity like yours doesn't seem to matter in the slightest - they might be into fake watches and grad photos like you as well, who knows. Totally gutless in the pay of liars and manipulators controlling your tiny little worlds of make believe.


    Anybody who wants to understand has to step back and look at the whole picture, that events like 9/11 were multifaceted crimes with many objectives - one of them being to actually test if people would be prepared to believe the highly orchestrated fraud that serve the group goals of those perpetrating them - The Worlds Elites ..... who no more care what PhD Grads 'think' than they do what anybody else does. When they know they can get away with this they know they can get away with anything - not least because professional dummies like you won't take your heads out of your a55es and put all your good training to good and proper use.


    Kind Rgds Nevertheless

  5. That makes no sense. The two are utterly unrelated. Also, that's "Dr. Arrogant" to you.


    You were the one who challenged my credential. I would not have posted any details had you not suggested I was lying about having a PhD (in particle physics, from a prestigious R1 university...)

    You might have a PhD in arrogance for all I care, it clearly hasn't given you a very wide perspective on life nor the world at large, instead you appear only to see via the blinkers that came with your tussled mortar board; so just plain Arrogant is more fitting I believe. In any case only certified to practice doctors have any ethical or moral right to use such a term 'professionally' or otherwise, not a research grad upstart hoping to get a free room upgrade at some dingy hotel. Its you who inferred they're like two-a-penny now anyhow, so no - not impressed at all, mostly with this particular holder tho'.


    And it most certainly is ALL related, both subjects - why? Because its ALL about fakery at the highest levels with intention to deceive and manipulate the masses for political ends and both at the public's expense.


    Kind Rgds

  6. Neo,

    You've become comically unoriginal.

    You realize of course governments/monarchs/media have seeked to control the masses for ages. You think this is new? You provided clips from youtube and suggest this is something ever so enlightening?

    Ok. Let's play. WTC 7 was a controlled explosion. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. Let say it was. Don't you think that your observations were not anticipated?? Years of planning and thoughts like yours (actually not your thoughts as you are a simple follower) was not forseen? Are you shitting me?? What if Dr. Wood was a fabrication as a diversion? Have you thought of that you dumb blinded twit? If WTC was planned, could Wood et al also not be planned? You are the most brainwashed of all.

    Seriously. It's ok to question. But you are completely lost.

    Enjoy your internet surfing in your basement flat as you design a barter-like utopian society. Again, your predictability is laffable.

    You're one step ahead of me as usual, I had no idea that 'governments/monarchs/media have seeked to control the masses for ages.', really I didn't.


    So thank you once again for your most articulate insults, they make my day all the more special on top knowing that you've finally accepted my initial position on 9/11; they all will in the end, the truth shines thru the BS.


    And yes, of course it was all planned including the deconstruction of this mass deception and the public ALL finally being exposed to it. That's why they've built all the FEMA Detention Camps in every US State .... not for 'foreign criminals'...oh no, but for US Citzens who go rogue when they all finally wake up and revolt :




    Try not to be so angry with me - I'm just the messenger not the one committing the crimes against humanity that you and others here seem so intent on avoiding in your own back yards. AT Least, up to now you have.


    As for Dr Judy Wood, she deals in real science if you'd only care to look at her evidence, not fakery, or subversive groups, or Govt - that's why they're intent on shutting her up.


    Good evening.

  7. I've personally met and interviewed Aldrin and Armstrong, and they must have been the most convincing liars because they knew a [censored]-ton about how to get someone on the moon and their experiences while on the moon...

    But I forgot - I posted a clip earlier in this thread by the "director" of the moon landing... :whistle:

    When literally forced to with no way out most people will do almost anything. Does it matter if you've met them, how does that validate your belief in the Apollo 11 'moon landings' - did you go there with them?


    No one is saying they didn't train up and have all the knowledge - they just never walked on the moon, that's all. Sorry, all done on a film lot:




    Post Apollo 11



    Watch this liar and tell me you believe him too, notice the Op in the background too? Listen to his voice rhythm and words...who in the world talks like that?! :


    There really ARE such things as 'crisis actors' - wise up, you've been duped. The difference with them and Adrin, Mitchell and Armstrong is that they were unwilling accomplices but had to go along with it....forced to for political space race reasons with the then USSR.


    Kind Rgds

  8. What disappoints me the most is not the wonderful theories you espouse but rather finding out you are in the UK, so presumably British. 


    I have been chuckling away assuming you are one of those crazy American we all know and love - but it is possible you are English. So I feel the need to speak up. You're letting the side down old chap, so let's have no more of this nonsense or I'll have to call those nice young men in their clean white coats to take you back to your nice comfortable room.


    All agreed? Excellent. If you are a good boy we can have some tea and tiffin on the way home.



    I'm an Englishman, yes, but clearly you are of very impressionable mind. Believe me I'm extremely disappointed in it all and as much as you'd be if only you'd be bothered to do a little research and put your thinking cap on.


    I've provided more than enough links for you to make a start - feel free to use them at your convenience. Although its quite shocking what you'll discover and especially so when you realise all the ramifications, like all else - the truth is not so bad and is the only thing that'll set you free from your very own make-believe in all the 'Reality' nonsense you've swallowed over the years.


    As for 'tea and tiffin' with you - I will have to take a raincheck on that, as the Americans say, at least until I see you have passed the first grade on Deception Studies.


    And rather than igore ALL the information I've linked to like everybody else appears too keen to do, it not fitting in with their closed 'world view' - do yourself a favour and invest some time, its for the best really it is.


    Kind Rgds

    Is your mum impressed you still live in her basement?

    I don't know, I'll dig her up and ask her for you.


    Kind Rgds

  9. Once again, this is incorrect. Again, I'm a particle physicist, this is what I literally spent years of my life studying. Passing through the Van Allen belts is a serious but entirely solvable issue. The Van Allen belt's radiation is massive, so it's a type that's easily shielded against. The Apollo missions traveled through the thinnest part (they span roughly 20 degrees north and south of the equator) and traversed quickly. The astronauts received a very small dose of radiation -- far less than what a Space Shuttle or ISS crew receives, or what the Gemini crews received.


    Just like the 9/11 idiocy, every stupid question you'll spout off about regarding the moon landing has a simple answer. 

    Err you're still grade 1 FAIL on 9/11 I'm afraid so must go back and do some more homework before progressing to the next level of Deception Studies, Mr Arrogant.




    Kind Rgds

  10. Hi All,


    The good news is that my GMTII ProHunter from PT is now in the UK - It has landed, so to speak - at least it has according to the parcel tracking service, and currently going thru customs so it says.


    I know you'll all be interested if its as good as hoped for so I will post a thorough review shortly after receipt of it.


    That's all for now.


    Kind Rgds

  11. @Ipcress

    So......   Enlighten us further!


    Who shot Kennedy?


    Did the Holocaust really happen?


    Did we really walk on the moon?



    Its not really relevant but FYI no, Armstrong never did walk on the moon in the Apollo 11 space mission of 1969. Getting out past the Van Allen Radiation Belt 400 miles up would be an impossibility for starters back then, out and back alive at least.


    One of life's biggest disappointments finding that out decades later.


    Kind Rgds

  12. Ipcress - you are really boring me. Your story has become tiresome.

    Well ticktock but I think a few thousand families at least would disagree with you on that but their lives probably revolve around a little more than an automatic movement on their wrists, they probably have hearts and minds and a desire to know what's going on in their names, in their own so-called democratic countries, to their loved ones whilst its all being slowly removed from their grasp. All down to perspective really :



    Kind Rgds

  13. @sneed. Congrats on the PHD man. That takes much time and effort to accomplish. And actually at a young age. I was in grad school in my late 30's thru 40.....

    Sent from my droptop using telepathy.

    Yep - all that studying and he still knows nothing worth knowing. Just goes to show you can still fool most of the people most of the time... letters after your name or not.. and the 99% stand back in amazement.


    But some people with PhDs do know what they're talking about - WTC 7 :



    But hey, lets just ignore them for they're clearly all morons and idiots too if they believe that kind of nonsense.


    Kind Rgds

  14. You surely do like to show off how little you really know about the world around you. Northwestern is one of the finest engineering schools in the United States. My uncle graduated from there as a chemical engineer and felt enough about the school to leave them endowment money to fund several yearly scholarships in perpetuity.  The school is rated number 12 in the United States, actually tied with Johns Hopkins University.





    It doesn't matter if ultimately the minds of students rolling off the production line are channelled and in effect closed down to reality to what has and is happening in the real world.


    Likewise someone can throw qualifications around like confetti as some kind of WMD to say 'how dare you challenge my nonsensicle argument'...even tho' what I'm saying is complete non scientific BS...BUT I robotically worked for a meaningless qualification from Universtity Whatever in the grand scheme that impresses people, gets me a compliant J.O.B and is the fulcrum of my entire belief system even if its all build on fraud and illusions which I'm reinforcing thru my selfish ego and vanity.


    Kind Rgds

  15. Another insult.... hmm. An awful lot of people used to insist that the earth was flat too, maybe you're still one of them.


    That aside, do you also have one of those self-validating PhD's from Northwest University, only don't tell me, yours is in Psychology?


    And you're asking me what you are, 'a mindful thinker'? Nope - you're just one of the 99%.


    So go on kiddo follow that herd, go on run.... you might miss the real world as it passes you by but what the hell, you're with that herd which is all that matters.


    Baaahh baaaaahhh!


    Kind Rgds

  16. F@ck, this is the best topic on rwg by far!

    Ipcress, pleas share what you smoke mate, we all need some of that :D

    Well as much as I like the aroma of Havanas, it ain't those!


    In fact I stopped that 25 years ago but do burn on something I suppose.... Desire, on pure oxygen... no other added ingredients.




    Kind Rgds

  17. Ipcress. Let's assume for the moment that you and Dr Wood are correct (although you and Dr Wood only see a small part of the grander picture because, ironically, you are "brainwashed" as much as you claim the rest of us (the world) are).... What's your end game here? Realistically, no one is going to provide you with sourcing letraset stickers for your watch. With your so-called investigative brilliance on projectiles, explosives and the like, you cannot find stickers,,,???? Stickers!??That's a friggin joke. Truly a FAIL.

    Are your plans to continue being a Wood disciple and attempt to enlighten us minions ? Does this forum give you the voice you need in your life? Is this what motivates you when you wake up?

    Seriously, what's your end game here?

    Good luck in your sticker quest.

    In the first instant - Dr Wood ONLY deals with the science of WTC destruction including surrounding areas which is more than enough when learning what its truly about, and not the 'bigger picture' which I and others do. Indeed if you saw the bigger picture you'd name it rather than attempting the infer it.


    'Does this forum give you the voice you need in your life? Is this what motivates you when you wake up?' That's a decent and fair enough question. Its one 'voice' yes, about an extremely serious event that 99% simply don't understand or plainly now ignore whilst bearing the NWO Consequences. It does matter very very much to me because I care enough about the world, people, peoples honesty and the truth; and there IS only one truth - and you, nor anyone else has been given it yet. And as for using this forum, yes and no. I ONLY bring it up to defend and answer the mindless non-thinkers who blindly fall for the fakery and Official Narrative and pick fights over it because I was open enough to describe what my interests are when making an account here. It is now ALL about mind control and shutting down alternative views using an array of psychological operations in politics, media, corporate-land, education, even so-called professionals are being channelled NOT to dare question that official narrative, or else! Hollywood... some people there know AND speak out - then lose their work flow; Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen etc. These people are NOT stupid and even if they don't have PhDs in whatever neither, they know what is being officially peddled is complete BS. They speak out and it costs them - but why should they be alone? So yes - its an outlet and its extremely important to me for the reason I state and if that categorises me as a 'disciple' in some peoples minds, a blind one at that then so be it.


    But Dr Wood doesn't want that - she wants people to think for themselves AFTER she has offered her evidence which is the best God Damned Scientific Compendium of evidence on 9/11 that those dumasses at NIST and Congress

    can't match so try to shoot the messenger instead; hence her losing her teaching post at University. But she chose to battle them all and I take my hat of too her because she is strong and brave and is doing it for all the right reasons. She doesn't make any money from selling 'Where Did The Towers Go?' as its done at cost. She does it because its the right thing to do and because nobody else is doing it and someone has to.


    Does it motivate me when I wake up? Yes. As does the London 7/7 bombings - none of that is as the Official Narrative is either, but that's another 'story' - you all don't want to talk about 9/11 in anything like an honest and open and informative and inquisitive fashion, so 7/7 would be a non starter. By the way, did you know that both Rudolph Guiliani (hero of 9/11) & Benjamin Netanyahua (who had a good 9/11 in his own words) were both in London that morning, the latter warned NOT to leave his hotel by the police. Just a shame they didn't warn the 56 people who died, told them not to use The Tube or better still not go into work that morning. Too much? I know, I'll stop. But I only started because someone tried to be a smart a45s on my 'interests'. I'm happy to drop it - but please don't expect me to suck up any BS from anybody on that.


    As for the stickers - well I only have a BSc so its taken me some time to realise I can get ordinary decals from model shops. If I had a PhD especially of the sort obtainable from NorthWestern University then I doubt I'd even be able to find my way to the model shop...so I count myself lucky there.


    My 'end game' here currently believe it or not is just looking forward to receiving my Rolex GMT Master II ProHunter and seeing how it is. I may even post my own pictures of it, but in the mean time I'm more than happy to leave 9/11 alone, and beyond too, its been done now, but there's a but - just don't start, anybody because I have the answers and won't lay down or roll over like the bought-out dumbed-down pros' do.


    Kind Rgds


    1) Yes, my PhD says "Evanston" Illinois... as that's where Northwestern University is located. 
    "Northwestern University is a private research university with campuses in Evanston and Chicago in Illinois, United States. Wikipedia "
    2) You assert that I lifted pictures off the internet... yet it's clear from the picture that I physically had the degree with me.
    3) If you were to look for pictures of Northwestern PhDs on the internet, it would become clear quickly that my degree is an authentic one.
    4) If you think someone with a PhD is less likely to insult you, you must not have ever met anyone with a PhD in real life. Having a PhD doesn't make a person any nicer, if anything PhD holders tend to be more prickly and far less tolerant of blatant idiocy like the kind you are displaying right now. (And also, as someone with a PhD in physics... no one would pretend to have a PhD in physics. Physicists aren't that cool. If you're going to lie about what you do, you're going to be an astronaut or a Navy SEAL, not a physicist.)
    5) Speaking of your idiocy, you demand to know what university I graduated from and the date. You know those are printed right on the degree, yes? They're literally right there in the picture.
    6) PhDs do not have a "cert number." They are not a professional qualification, it's not like a PE license or a bar card. If you need to prove that you have a PhD (for a new job or whatnot) it's customary to submit academic transcripts.
    7) As for my thesis, it was about the flavor-changing neutral current interaction. I'm a particle physicist. My academic institution was Northwestern, but I actually did my research at CERN, I worked at the LHC. I happen to have a copy at my desk, in fact

    If you want to look even more stupid, I can dig up some pictures later of me at CERN and me getting hooded. Don't have time right at the moment. 



    The planes were hijacked at altitude. They came down from that altitude. Therefore, they were high up in the sky and then came down. Do you need me to draw you a picture? The fact that they were in straight and nearly level flight for the last few miles doesn't mean they didn't come down from high up.



    And we've reached the end of the rabbit hole -- you can't logically refute what I'm saying, so you accuse me of being a "DisinfoOp" (a word which I'd never heard until today, but whose meaning seems clear from context). I guess you've "uncovered" the "truth". I'll go back to running the X-files now.


    WOW! You know all this and have all that experience and inside 2 years of qualifying, that's most impressive - to some at least. Yet its deeply troubling that such an expert follows the same denial mindset as most other bought and paid for ones in the so-called professions, in that you won't or can't accept the genuine science of 9/11 together with all the intricacies associated to it. Instead you attempt to baffle with BS and meaningless 'paperwork' which anyone can print off from any 'paper' online they like; is that what you did? By the way, why take a PhD so late in life, were you not quite at the right level, as a 27-30 year old or something? Not that I'm saying one 'gained' later in life is worth any less of course, it isn't, why in some ways its more valuable. If its a worthwhile study and overall achievement that is and real too, of course.


    Now I know Judy Wood's and Dr Morgan Reynold's ARE real qualifications and not least becase what they say makes sense - they DO understand and on a deep level as the best teachers always do, clearly they KNOW what they're talking about. You on the other hand ...don't, not even when you try upping your game to the vernacular where unfortunately you let yourself (oh, and your...'university'....) down big time. Did they give lollipops away with the cert. too - or gold watches? How old are you anyway, don't you feel a little ashamed to be making stuff up like this and for highly dubious reasons, any decent person would. Whatever, you offer up nothing but muddle and misdirection together with 'qualification thug techniques' which are designed to shut down reasoned argument challenging 'professional' BS'ers, conditioned to or paid to lie or otherwise.


    You can offer NO ANSWERS to : "But this is just the 'aeroplanes' at the scene of the crime - what about ALL the other evidence that 'believers' ignore, including you no doubt. Does not all the other damning evidence surrounding 9/11 including the Pentagon and Shanksville, WTC7, WTC6,WTC5,WTC4,&WTC3 - All destroyed? The 1250 cars, trucks and buses toasted on FDR Drive 1km away, what had that to do with the 'two planes'?"


    Then what about the lack of any seismic readings when the Towers 'collapsed'? Why no readings ...surely two 500,000 tonnes of steel and concrete COLLAPSING into two small footprints on bedrock would create massive shocks, no?


    Why were the magnetometer readings bending the needle between 8am & 10:30am?


    Just how did WTC7 'fall down' too, I didn't see any planes hit that building... unless they went REALLY FAST of course, too fast for the human eye to see of course.


    How did the composite nose cone of the 767 slice clean thru 236 three foot wide SOLID STEEL BEAMS on the outside PLUS 47 EVEN THICKER STEEL BEAMS in the core and appear out the other side? Nose cone...like plastic? You don't need any Physics degree to know that that just ain't gonna happen.


    Likewise no acknowledgement to what real pilots above say. Nothing to what a real expert on the subject Dr Morgan Reynolds says, above. Nothing to the 30 or so questions raised in this thread earlier on - nothing but hot-headed, knee-jerk illogical responses. Yes, its YOU who is being illogical because you will NOT answer basic questions but instead go-off on one, ranting, insulting, throwing qualifications around (fake or real...doesn't matter - NO IT DOESN'T) - when you cannot rationally and calmly explain events raised then any qualifications are irrelevant. Likewise positions in authority - some of the most corrupt people in the west hold very powerful positions; but they misuse their intelligence for quite evil things, and like you start holloring and insulting when people question them. Not that I'm saying you're one of them, just your general demeanour over the internet, that's all. Same as when some people drive their cars, they lose total control and respect and are simply a menace to themselves as much as anyone else.


    So why don't you just step down from your horse and talk like a sensible human being who wants solutions, truth and justice - far better especially with me as BS doesn't work, nor any other of your rather negative approaches.


    You can either continue ranting which only impresses the weak minded, or wise up and calm down then face the questions raised and answer them in a rational manner that becomes a gentleman.


    But insisting on 19 mad box-cutter wielding arabs who couldn't fly a light aircraft collectively let alone them hijacking secure US Airports and Boeing 767s, all controlled from a mountain top cave by another mad arab via satphone whilst hooked up to a kidney dialysis machine, won't cut it I'm afraid.


    Nor will you ignoring the physics of the event - including Newton's Laws of Motion. The buildings were NOT hit by Boeing planes as you saw on TV (SO IT MUST BE TRUE?!), they did not largely COLLAPSE (psyOps suggestion tech), but instead they were pulverised. Does this look like a collapse ?:  http://www.drjudywood.com/home/bubbler.jpg


    No, of course not. This is anything but the result of a 'collapse' and even less to do with imaginary TV Planes. Only the willfully blind or plain ignorant would say otherwise. Unless an Op. of course, they would.


    I think perhaps that your 'qualification' is hardly worth the paper its written on - attitude or no attitude - so perhaps with your current view you could join an official 'truth movement', they're all herded down blind alleys of full or partial disinfo too, all looking the wrong way learning nothing and knowing even less - after they've been hijacked too of course for that express purpose.




    Kind Rgds Nevertheless & have a nice evening..

  19. No, it's not.


    Vne is a number (well, it's a number as a function of altitude at any rate). It's an arbitrary line drawn across the flight envelope. If an airplane is going 1 knot below Vne, it's within the envelope. Going 2 knots faster puts it 1 knot outside the envelope.


    This does not cause the airplane to explode, or the wings to rip off, or any other nonsense. That's not how structural failure works. Vne can be and has been exceeded without catastrophic damage. An aircraft that exceeds Vne MAY experience immediate catastrophic structural failure (Egyptair 990 for example), but it doesn't automatically break into a million pieces.



    Nor is that how air resistance works. And those speeds are easily achievable at low altitudes by 767s -- those planes were descending from altitude. Height = energy = speed. A 767 can't accelerate to that speed at that altitude in level flight, but it can certainly achieve that speed in a shallow dive. Simple physics.




    Among the other things you know absolutely nothing about, a PhD is not "numbered" nor does it have a "cert. number" or an "issuing signature". Take a look:





    If he's a REAL pilot I guess he has one of these





    I used to be a demo guy in the Marine Corps (well, technically I was an 0351, not EOD or combat engineers, but we did a lot of demo). I have seen pieces of plywood punch through sheet metal and glass marbles go through concrete. Aluminum will cut steel and concrete when it's traveling at a relative speed of 800 mph, no problem at all. Simple physics.


    Congratulations, you're an idiot. I'm not even talking about the 9/11 thing now -- you don't understand basic physics like "when airplanes come down from high up they can go fast." You display a shocking lack of ability to reason. 


    Hi again,


    Several insults in one post eh.... are you worried about something, hiding something or just wrong and rumbled so kind of kicking out. Either way you've lost because of : So its  FAIL for you too already.


    But looking at your wider response - you did your PhD in 2012 did you? And at 'Evanstone, Illinois'? :bangin:   Before ripping pictures from the internet its best to check for a fit beforehand  :g:


    Surely you'd show YOUR cert. as you're so proud of it, I know I would be; still cover up the name, sure, but why not show an authentic one if that is what you're attempting to pass off here. But anyway, the insults - most unbecoming and doesn't say much for a holder of any PhD qualification. And FYI I meant the issuing Cert number at the University - believe me, they have them - but maybe you're not aware of that. So just state WHICH University you earned your PhD in Physics and WHEN....date please?


    Then tell us about your Thesis - What was the title and what was it about? And what methodologies did you use in your studies/research? But please, spare me the insults, I'm only after truth but the resistance encountered in the pursuit of it can be quite intense which is quite a surprise, wouldn't you agree on that at least...ie if you want to know the truth why be resistant to evidence that points towards it? Bit of a 'no brainer' ...that's what we call that in England. And on that score - ID's covered up of 'id' mean very little , but you may be a pilot, so what? Means nothing, especially when bearing in mind so many 'top' professionals are conditioned into accepting the Official Narrative and they're fully qualified to be brainwashed drones too, didn't you know. So my oldest mate's qualifications will trump yours but that isn't the point, and of course, cannot reveal his identity - totally improper and silly to of course.


    "Nor is that how air resistance works. And those speeds are easily achievable at low altitudes by 767s -- those planes were descending from altitude. Height = energy = speed. A 767 can't accelerate to that speed at that altitude in level flight, but it can certainly achieve that speed in a shallow dive. Simple physics".


    FAIL. Even a ('Ipcress is a dumbass' & 'You're a moron') knows that 'the planes' were NOT descending from height when they 'went into the Towers' - as there WERE none in the first place. But even the pictures on TV show the planes as flying in level and from a distance on WTC2. Your supposition is based on imaginary scenarios that simply didn't happen nor could have done.



    Professor Reynolds ...someone who actually does have a PhD just as Dr Judy Wood has :



    But this is just the 'aeroplanes' at the scene of the crime - what about ALL the other evidence that 'believers' ignore, including you no doubt. Does not all the other damning evidence surrounding 9/11 including the Pentagon and Shanksville, WTC7, WTC6,WTC5,WTC4,&WTC3 - All destroyed? The 1250 cars, trucks and buses toasted on FDR Drive 1km away, what had that to do with the 'two planes'?


    Admit it, you're in denial or one of the dumbed down 99% ....or worse of all ... a well placed DisinfoOp? You choose.


    You see, all that and without insulting you, easy.


    Have a nice day.


    Kind Rgds

  20. That's simply not true. Yes, it's outside the certified flight envelope, but airplanes don't magically explode when they exceed Vmax.


    ( I have both a PhD in physics and a pilot's license.)

    Good Morning,


    Yes it is - and most definitely IS whatever you postulate about Vmax.


    Pilots including ex 747,757,767,777 pilots are united (mainly retired) in stating that the 'Official 9/11 Report' as compiled by NIST of the planes 'hitting the towers' is simply impossible and if only for the reason that no Boeing Jumbo of whatever flavour can fly at 500mph at altitudes less than 30,000 feet and certainly not at 700ft (approximately floor 80 of WTC1&2) as their wings would break off and the entire fuselage would be shattered due to resistance of the air alone, and that's assuming the planes could get the additional 8 times more power to propel them to that speed at such a low altitude - another impossibility in itself wouldn't you agree? I wonder if you saw that and what your thoughts on it are. I think you can find that too on the accompanying video. (The many pilots include John Lear of Lear Jet Corp, Capt. Russ Wittenberg pilot of 747, 757, 767, 777, Commander Ralph Kolstad, U.S. Navy (ret) pilot of 757, 767, military aircraft, combat instructor; and 100s of others)




    If you have a PhD in physics that's something to be proud of. So where did you get it from, which University, what year, what was your thesis on, what is the PhD number and cert. number and the issuing / authorising signature?


    My oldest friend also is pilot 'too' (a REAL one), as well as Chief Pilot and Head of Flying but only of Cessnas for military and police and just on the ALUMINUM / STEEL impact to slice thru the buildings he laughs as he knows its all a sad and sorry tale of makebelieve; thin alley wings are not designed to cut thru 3 inch thick 4 foot wide solid steel beams and girders, believe it or not, they're designed light for lift and overall efficiency - not building demolition that may surprise you to learn. But as for flying at 7-800 feet at that kind of speed its breaks all known laws of mechanical science, materials science and sorry to say....common sense.


    But you have a nice day.


    Kind Rgds


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