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Everything posted by Ipcress
I concur to an extent, but my interests were asked on sign-up and then one or two posters got curious, then asked a question or two, then got carried away with being outraged and the insults then started and all I'm doing is responding. Do you suggest I just lay down and take it? Can't do that I'm afraid. Yes, I was very interested in the Milgauss but you can't seem to get the right glass for the RVs - not without paying for Gen. glass with is disproportionately expensive. Anyhow, I went for the Rolex Vintage Red Sub 004 from Andrew in the end. Kind Rgds
Again, more insults but complete failure to 'go there' and even look at what's happening in your own country, let alone your world. I guess people just don't care enough, they prefer illusion and an easy life as their freedoms are taken from them while allowing the minds to be filled with nonsense. As for 'meds'.... strangely enough no, I don't do them, nor any other drugs or alcohol. What about yourself..... er no, I'd rather not go there, too messy. Thanks for your reply. Kind Rgds
These are not 'theories' but instead evidence and facts. As for 'Have you ever taken a plane wing and whipped it at a fully occupied building yourself to see what would happen?'..... I'm casting my mind back..? Kind Rgds
This 'thread' may have been hijacked but only by people who take issue with 'my interests', post inane comment and insults and expect no response. My responses are logical, rational and based upon facts. All that is returned are empty rhetoric and ignorant misinformation. CTs are different to evidence and facts, I deal in the latter. Kind Rgds
Thank you for your insults. I see you have no answers or constructive thoughts tho', unsurprisingly. Have a nice day. Kind Rgds
I don't know about that which you divert to, Roswell...? All I'm interested in here are watches and to answer questions and ludicrous suppositions on 'my interests' which some members here take exception to. Nothing else. Kind Rgds
Look at the nose cones of Boeing Jets hit by hale stones at 500 knots. They are made out of thin aluminium and glass fibre - same for the wings - they cannot withstand any impact as they are made so light to ...guess what.... get the plane off the ground to fly just like birds do. That's right, if a bird hit a series of steel beams even at 1000 knots it wouldn't punch its way through the metal and concrete either regardless of any 'momentum'. I'm afraid you just get it all wrong. You like most simply refuse to go to reality and prefer the safety of Official nonsense just for an easy life. Have a nice day. Kind Rgds
Hi, and thanks for your reply. You appear to be conflating two entirely different things. Leaving aside the inconclusive or rather the weak piece of evidence of the straw 'thru' the tree picture, your other pictures show the effects that can happen in hurricanes with trees bending so far they crack thus allowing in debris, and the wood slat in the brick is an easy one as brick is a relatively 'soft' material and the wood probably found a weak spot in that hollow brick and mortar. Kind Rgds
Unbelievable. You cite 'basic physics' and don't understand how thin light fragile aluminium aeroplane wings can be, how they can't possibly slice through solid steel beams holding up the Twin Towers as shown on the all important TV? Common sense tells the average intelligence person its impossible but you defend that as 'basic physics'?! And people complain ....oh sorry...they're 'concerned' about.... my sanity, LOL! The world has been duped, dumbed down and made utterly compliant, effectively forced and bludgened into accept/believing ludicrous fantasy official explanations for an impossible crime. People can't and won't think for themselves about it and rattle off silly yet ignorant self-satisfied nonsense about 'basic physics' that they don't have a clue about. Try this then - Just read and think about it all before getting upset or anything else because this points to evidence, okay, not CTs, its EVIDENCE : a) How can two aeroplanes hitting WTC1&2 destroy all seven World Trade Centre buildings as they did apparently on 11th September 2001? They were direct hits we were shown on TV? - The other buildings were not impacted apart from minor damage by one beam falling on WTC7 and so that alone raises questions as to how did the other buildings develop massive circular vertical holes through their centres before being destroyed? Evidence of advanced Directed Energy Weapons is the answer. How did the buildings turn to dust in mid air if they were 'hit by planes'? If you study the evidence collected by Dr Wood, you will see that they appear to 'dustify' and not collapse at all. Merely the effect of seeing the dust settle and hearing descriptions of the event using the word 'collapse' leads people to think it was a collapse. Of course there were some remains of the buildings left, some core columns and 'shreddie-like' steel meshing and concrete but representing 10% of the original mass only. c) Dr Wood's book initially discusses a 'Billiard Ball Model' to illustrate how it would take significantly longer than 10 seconds for either Tower to 'collapse' as in both the official record and as shown 'live' on US Networked Television. But how did the 110 story buildings with each floor 'pancaking' on top of the one below take just 10 seconds to be demolished? Should it not have been 30 seconds minimum - or a full 90 seconds if each floor pancaked as officially recorded and mathematically calculated. Mathematically, scientifically and common sense suggest that each of those buildings virtually disappearing in 10 seconds approximately is impossible. d) It is scientifically not possible for the nose cone on the 'plane hitting' WTC2 to go clean through some of the tight fitting outer steel girders ringing the entire vertical structure and some of its inner core column steel girders and out the other side, yet that was seen on 'live' USTV until it 'lost transmission' temporarily. But just how can a Boeing 757 Jet's nose cone cut clean through solid layers of steel in this situation and appear out the other side of the building in tact? Boeing 757 nose cones are made of fibreglass and aluminium and in flight have been damaged by hailstones in the past. Such an incident occurred in 2005 when a Boeing 757 was battered by hailstones as it took off from Palma on the Spanish island of Majorca bound for Gatwick outside London. Its nose cone and wings were damaged, and the cockpit windows cracked, so how can a nose cone let alone a whole 757 cut straight through solid steel and concrete of a very well reinforced skyscraper? Answer, it cannot. e) Similar to Boeing 757 nosecones, how is it possible let alone probable that aluminium aeroplane wings can slice through solid steel girders, because the laws of physics, Newtons laws of motion, and Materials Science would suggest to the average scientific student that it was an impossibility? To my thinking as there were 236 steel girders around each tower and 47 in their centres, why didn't we see TV pictures of the Jumbo Jets tail sections breaking off and their fuselages falling to the ground as that is what basic physics and dynamic laws of motion will tell an average intelligence person - me. But I didn't see that and am very surprised to say the least especially as the plane reportedly hitting WTC2 did so at an oblique angle rather than head on. But instead we saw a Boeing plough straight through solid steel like it was a wet paper bag leaving a perfect cartoon silhouette behind. How is it possible that aluminium planes can do that, slice through in effect solid steel girders leading to the simultaneous failing of those girders just prior to the buildings 'collapse'? Answer, they didn't, it is not possible and any pictures showing that are evidence of deception. f) There 1200 cars, lorries and buses toasted, rusted with melted engine blocks over at FDR Drive, 1 Km away from WTC. What had they to do with two planes going into the towers? Could planes hitting the Twin Towers affect motor vehicles nearly 1 kilometre away? g) Why if the towers 'collapsed upon being hit and destroyed by planes' were there no significant seismic signals recorded? h) Why were there massive magnetometer readings at 08:45 and 9:10 up until 10:20 that morning as recorded by the Alaskan research stations at precisely the time of the plane impacts and respective Tower's destruction? Could that be a natural phenomena do you think and it is just coincidence? i) Why was Hurricane Erin, directly off the coast of New York that morning, barely reported especially when remembering the US coast guards are so weather minded? Cynics might suggest that it was because it would have interfered with the prepared centralised MSM news coverage of the impending 'plane' attacks and because it was part of the high energy generation process used in the destruction of the WTC via Directed Energy Weapon. Hurricanes are high energy fields, huge Tesla-like coils storing enormous electrical energy and that electro magnetism affects gravity which gives credence to how cars and other large objects are upturned when caught in hurricane fields. To NOT report that massive hurricane in the four day build up and directly off the east coast at 8am on the morning of 9/11 is highly questionable. j) The melting point of steel is 1200C minimum. Bearing in mind that kerosine burns at approximately 600 degrees why is it that people widely accept that this is what 'weakened' the steel structures leading to their 'collapse' outright? Answer, it is part of a general ignorance and misleading information broadcast by media and other so-called educational 'experts' blindly following official reports written for a misleading and deceptive agenda. k) Dr Wood’s research highlights so-called “Fuzzballs” of fine dust appear to be being created after heavier dust had settled as the buildings are turned to dust. This suggests that there might be some sort of nuclear action occurring. Similarly, the cleanup teams had to repeatedly hose down this reacting debris that by some accounts was 'hot', molten hot in some accounts. But how can people with rubber boots work for hours on molten material? And what could be the reaction that requires the debris to be hosed down so frequently and for an extended period during and after wards. Indeed that hosing down lasted many months after 11th September. l) Pilots including ex 747,757,767,777 pilots are united (mainly retired) in stating that the 'Official 911 Report' as compiled by NIST of the planes 'hitting the towers' is simply impossible and if only for the reason that no Boeing Jumbo of whatever flavour can fly at 500mph at altitudes less than 30,000 feet and certainly not at 700ft (approximately floor 80 of WTC1&2) as their wings would break off and the entire fuselage would be shattered due to resistance of the air alone, and that's assuming the planes could get the additional 8 times more power to propel them to that speed at such a low altitude - another impossibility in itself wouldn't you agree? I wonder if you saw that and what your thoughts on it are. I think you can find that too on the accompanying videos or on YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKHqhdlpvOQ (The many pilots include John Lear of Lear Jet Corp, Capt. Russ Wittenberg pilot of 747, 757, 767, 777, Commander Ralph Kolstad, U.S. Navy (ret) pilot of 757, 767, military aircraft, combat instructor; and 100s of others) m) TwinTowers 1 & 2 somehow, miraculously, fantastically showed the perfect silhouette of Boeing 757 wings and wingtips at the 'points of entry'. How is it that the Boeing jet that hit the Pentagon - flight 77, also an AA Boeing 757 didn't leave any outline of wings or wingtips. Surely bricks and mortar are easier to penetrate than solid steel, or am I missing something? Initially all the world saw of that impact was a large circular hole in one face of the building. Surely there's a little inconsistency there let alone the bigger one that a plane couldn't have approached the Pentagon from the North side at all in the first place due to obstacles and its flight path. n) The Twin Towers couldn't have 'collapsed' into the 'bathtub' that was built as foundation on the bedrock over the Hudson River because putting the TV pictures aside there were no seismic readings that correspond and no pile of rubble that reflects 500,000 tonnes of material, and most importantly Lower Manhattan would have been flooded due to the fracturing and destruction of that 500,000 tonnes of steel and concrete falling down upon that 'Bathtub' foundation. o) The poor people trapped high up in those buildings were taking their clothes off but seemingly not because of radiant fire heat. Clothes protect people from fire heat - so why take them off? Those 1250 'jumpers' seemed almost relieved to be out of the building, why was that? Because they were being subjected to intense microwave bombardment in the destruction of the towers? p) Following the destruction of the biggest office blocks in the world, the first responders, fire crews and police didn't see one desk, one chair or a single phone - just one single, barely recognisable bizarrely crumpled filing cabinet from a shop based on a ground floor - but nothing from the offices above. That's an unimaginable amount of unaccounted for office furniture - where could it all have gone? Would smoke, fire and remaining building rubble destroy it beyond trace? No, that would defy all existing laws and constitute a physical impossibility the result of an airplane disaster. q) The streets were littered with millions of sheets of white unburnt paper right next to burning cars in some instances. Scenes of burning buildings, burning cars, 'red hot' steel pouring out of the Towers, and yet millions of perfect white unburned papers everywhere. How is that possible? r) It is a criminal act to clear away the evidence at the scene of the WTC before any investigation was undertaken. Yet FEMA operatives were on standby the night before on 10th September and involved in the organisation of the Clean Up operation almost immediately after the Twin Towers were destroyed. Over 3000 people died in that incident let alone all those first responders who also died during and afterwards from the dust inhalation and other effects. The many Clean Up personnel who died as well or were permanently harmed subsequently is also of great importance. Just one murder surely requires a full investigation yet not apparently in NYC on 11 September 2001. Within minutes of the Towers being 'attacked by terrorists', the TV News networks had already solved the crime flashing up pictures of 'terrorists' known in the country and those men remained accused of the crime thereon afterwards. s) In one WTC building, mainstream MSN TV pictures show people in the cut out sections of the Boeing wings at 'impact points' waving for help. If the kerosene had heated the steel structures up to 1200C by exploding then why are those people not incinerated and especially as they were peering out of the impact points? Again, a physical impossibility. t) Only two people have legally challenged the Official 911 Report as compiled by NIST and which omits nearly all of this data, they are Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds. Those legal cases can be found at: http://www.drjudywood.co.uk/articles/NIST/NIST_RFC.html. The NIST contractors have subsequently stated that their report which the US Government has released as the Official 911 Report only deals with events leading up to the alleged plane hijackings and impacts of the Twin Towers - and NOT their actual destruction. And yet this official report has been actively represented as THE definitive explanation of the event up to AND including the Towers destruction. This is fraud and deception on a national and international scale affecting the UK. u) Miscellaneous - including Official 9/11 Reporting of mysterious 'distressed phone calls to relatives' from alleged hijacked passengers in an era when that technology did not exists and certainly was not available to the public, i.e. direct dial from personal phones whilst in commercial passenger Boeing 757 Jet aeroplanes at altitudes of 35,000 feet or more. Remember, you implicitly asked and so I'm just politely informing you that you and the world need to rethink it all and start asking questions because at the moment you're all looking at and seeing illusions and hearing nonsense to back up those illusions. Have a nice evening. Kind Rgds
There's a lot of 'concerned' people here, that's why I like it. But I'm quite remote from you, don't you have anybody in the USA to be concerned about, their health and safety maybe - after all, charity begins at home. So you could start by tearing up the Official 9/11 Report and collectively calling for a proper investigation into what actually happened that 'fateful' day. After all, those thousands who died including the jumpers deserve it, don't you think? Have a nice evening whilst you think about that. Kind Rgds
That's your first mistake, assuming. And for what reason, what right do you have... The only people who have been rude are those doing throwing mindless insults and provocation and than complain when they get a response. It doesn't take high IQ to see who is 'offending' in your little list, does it. As for Andrew, do you mean Andrew in China? If anything I think he'll be laughing .... Have a nice evening! Kind Rgds You're tried the Comedy Store I take it, where next for you, Broadway, Caesars Palace? Kind Rgds
LOL! Actually I think I dissed him and he me in return first round. But if it makes you happy you keep on with your dreams and illusions - we do after all live in a world of fakery if only people could stay awake long enough to see it. But boy, I've got vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals! Kind Rgds
Thank you. When I see it then I will know, and if satisfied I expect I will do it again, that's the plan at the moment anyhow. Kind Rgds
Rolex Vintage Red Sub 004 Swiss Mvt.
Thanks to everybody for leaving their highly entertaining comments and feedback. I have just completed the purchase of my Rep. from Andrew who will I am sure be delighted to tell you that the Chinese are in fact all way ahead of you on understanding precisely what IS going on in the world of GeoPolitics and associated fakery. Its saddening that you are mostly all babies in your journeys to knowledge and understanding of the world you inhabit and you'll most probably stay that way possessing permanently closed and narrow minds without even a glimmer of curiosity showing to your collective names that might lead you to knowing what really is going on. Kind Rgds & Have A Nice Day!
And what does the world think of your opinion I wonder.. Replicas, its an art form now you know.
Try the complete works of Shakespeare for 'good reading'. Or better still, drjudywood.com Kind Rgds
ALL I'm doing is looking for a Rep. to start off this marvellous pastime, mentioned my interests on the profile as requested, and have subsequently been asked questions, insulted and argue with by a couple of people looking for a fight over things they don't know about and have no real interest in finding out about. I don't think I ever brought up the topic for conversation. Just using the resources provided on this lovely site as I decide upon a Rep. and if some people want to discuss that's fine - if they want to insult I will answer their 'queries' appropriately and its not up to anybody including yourself to tell me otherwise. Kind Rgds
Starting off with insults immediately loses you the argument - and you don't need a PhD to know that. Next, we have the entire public sector in the US and the UK and all Europe who have to be on-message with the Official 9/11 Report otherwise they lose their 'approval' and maybe their J-O-B-S and superannuated pensions; hence some of the firefighters who approached Judy quietly in fear of losing just that. So for all your experience and qualifications they mean precisely nothing if you continue to play the game and walk around with your eyes wide shut. The US Govt contracted on-message companies to write the frlendly NIST Report that failed to address any of the details on the actual destruction of the towers let alone the other five buildings. The Govt only required NIST to produce a report up to 'the attacks', nothing afterwards. Sciencists are bought and sold all over the place just as architects and lawyers are when representing the powerful Governments position and they dare not do anything else or they'll suffer professionally. The Psychological operation to effectively brainwash the public into submission that it was a 'terrorist attack' by 19 mad men with box cutters and beards organised by another bearded nutter from a cave in Afghanistan whilst connected up to a kidney dialysis machine started 20 minutes after TV Pictures showed buildings going up in smoke. They'd even started naming the suspects - without evidence or investigation of anything. And of course people are hired all over the place to keep the Official Story which is all it is a story, going. They pop up all over the place along with the easily duped who cannot comprehend let alone dare look at any evidence so they just follow. As for 'explosives' experience, well I don't know where that's supposed to lead - a misleading truther movement or something? Nothing of the sort - you haven't examined any real evidence, either that or you are not meant to look at any. So again, you lead saying your 'background' gives you credibility, well I say it doesn't and theres plenty of examples just like that, not interested in evidence but talk 'authoritively' - so if you still have that mindset with a qualification AND experience then you'd best send your PhD back because its virtually worthless. So please keep your insults and petty anger and do some homework before even attempting to refute what I'm saying. Now if you don't mind I have a Rep. to find. Kind Rgds
Have either of you looked at the evidence let alone examined it before drawing any conclusions I wonder? Of course not which is why ignorance and the brainwashed mindset prevails, you're all playing Their Game, a game set to their rules. Judy can only try to show people but if they are still determined to be fools whilst taken as fools playing word and guessing games to agendas outside their imaginations, understanding and open-mindedness - that's precisely why they're losing. Now if you don't mind I have my own very special 9/11 fakery project to create, choosing a Rep Rolex which will be as good and genuine as the TV pictures and propaganda that fooled the world.... Have a nice evening.
Yes sorry, I misread that and have corrected. Kind Rgds
Hi & thanks for your Rep. advice which make sense. On Judy tho', come on - look at the other evidence; aluminium wings through steel girders (236 outside,, 47 core), Boeing 767s 'flying' @ 500ft @ 550 knots?! - their wings would come off, 1200C melting point of steel vs 600 ignition of kerosene, dustification, no debris pile, all evidence shipped out before investigation, hurricane erin, magnetometre readings, no seismic readings for any 'collapse', 'collapse' at freefall speed...?!, All seven WTC buildings destroyed...There were only 2 planes weren't there? Concur its hard to get head around, sorry about your losing of friends. Thank you for your reply, am trying to narrow choice down and focus on one, check acceptable imperfections etc as you say. Kind Rgds
Thanks for that. Now, I know Tor, Andrew of TT and PC, but not TC... I'm more 'vintage' like the Sea Dweller Red on TT .. ROLVIN002 - Rolex Vintage Sea-Dweller DRSD #1665 - Swiss ETA http://www.ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_103&products_id=564&zenid=2cb18314cc62e39839ef647d052b1aa6 Appreciate suggestion anyway.
Hi, I'm looking at several as I like too many of them; Milgauss black, Deep Sea, Classic Divers '1950s'. Problem I see with Milgauss is the hands luminous insert varies too much from Gen. - particularly on the hour hand. Then the hour marker corners are not sharp and square enough on Trusted Dealer site, others on the site are much better 'tho. ..So still looking. Thanks for your reply. Kind Rgds
Nothings 'off topic' here if your eyes weren't wide shut, its just a wider topic than you can imagine but in most peoples cases just limited because they want it to be. And if thats all too much for you and your comfort zone, just continue sleeping then, nobody's bothering you and neither will the truth - you clearly don't have motivation to look any further despite the lead, no need or room for it. Sweet dreams as long as they last. Kind Rgds