I think this is the most valid and concerning point of all. Is he still banned? If so, and he has 4-5 user id's, why is this one not banned as well, and why are we welcoming him without an explanation for his very, very bizarre behaviour? If he is currently in violation of board rules, why are the rules not enforced?
I was present for the end of RWGI, and spent considerable time those (last few for RWGI/first few for RWGII) days trying to figure out what the hell was happening. I read all the posts concerning the behaviour, on both boards, and was deeply sympathetic towards the new admins, mods, and everyone else who were awake for days on end trying to keep this little community afloat; a community that I believe is like no other (at least, no other that I have ever come across). Yet when these guys were killing themselves to make sure our little 'Home on the Net' stayed alive, Gran was running around trying his best to wreck everything. I've stayed silent on this topic until now out of respect for Gran's tenor; far more established than my own. But I, like I am sure others, have come to regard this community with affection and pride, and as such, am more protective of it than I might have been if this had not turned into such a wonderful little spot.
I'm all for extending the olive branch and a second chance, but I would like an explanation. And I would like it to be public; admin, jraines87, Nanuq, johnnyboy, jonthebhoy, kenberg, offshore, Thor, TomBombadil, and Willith all did their good work in public to keep us going, and Gran, I think you owe it to them to make your explanation just as visible.