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Everything posted by Delicious

  1. Stunning! Congrats wear it well Whos the dealer?
  2. Thanks a lot for a greeeeeat review ..funny and very informative good job
  3. Lani!! you are the best :-) thanks for your helpful and interesting topics
  4. fanatastic reply toadtorrnt very usefull
  5. Nice website.. good work
  6. DAMN..nice pics
  7. what a great review thanks a lot friend
  8. velkommen min ven
  9. congrats mate..looks very nice cant wait for my sd
  10. Hey frank This is probably a stupid question but what is a oil-bath for the bracelet? what will the oilbath do for the bracelet? shine?
  11. a GREAT reply.... thanks by-tor
  12. Welcome mate.. :-) Og nu p
  13. Thanks for sharing .. :-)
  14. GANT the blue one : pussy magnet! Now you are warned
  15. Thanks for some good and informative replies :-) i agree with by-tor in some points the reason i started too look into the supplement world is 1. that i think i need some thing more than just whey/soy protein in my diet 2. im not interested in steroids About glutamine i tried it by an "accident" im working in a medical firm and i had the chance to try 99,9% pure l-glutamine i tried it AND i thunk it worked BUT im also afraid that MAYbe it had an psycological effect on me, if u guys know what i mean.. because o tried to find information about L-glutamine and it is not that fantastic wonder supplement that i felt it was.. And during my search for info on glutamine i fond out that everybody is talking or maybe "hyping" about the N.O supplements i thougt maybe some of our members have tried it and wanna share there experince with other members.. below Ive pasted some info i found on a website where it is explained how N.O works .. dont know if it is reliable info .. judge your self : What Is Nitric Oxide? Nitric oxide (also known as "NO") is a gas that functions as a signaling molecule (neurotransmitter) telling your body to make blood vessels relax and widen. What Does Nitric Oxide Do? NO gives more blood to organs when needed. When your arms need more blood supply for movement or for warmth, for example, the brain signals the blood vessels in the arms to release NO. After a big meal, NO sends more blood to your stomach to help you digest the food. It controls blood pressure, giving more blood when you exercise, and reducing the flow of blood when our body is at rest. NO is also responsible for the relaxation of blood vessels in the penis, causing the blood to pool which produces an erection. The anti-impotence drugs Viagra
  16. Has any of our members experinced the so called N.O suppelement? I want to give it a try but im not sure if it is "over-hyped" stuff or does it really work? Ive tried (of course) normal whey protein combined with soy protein and L-glutamine ..it was good increased strength and better bloodflow But i hvae never tried L-Ariginin or N.O so if any one have any experince hen please share it here thanks
  17. Welcome on board :-)
  18. No he cant do anything wit just account details.. he will need some sort of his personal pin or code to get acces to his account ..
  19. COngratulations
  20. very nice
  21. Damn wath a beauty..congrats my friend!
  22. im JEALOUS!!!!!!!!
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