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Everything posted by Jaymoi

  1. Why yes sir! He would!
  2. Houston... we have a problem.
  3. False alarm folks. He has kindly offered to change his avatar. However if you have any funny pics that would be suitable for avatars we might aswell put them up for a laugh! Here is my contribution Jaymoi
  4. Dear RWG-ers. A most terrible incident has occured. SOMEONE ELSE HAS MY AVATAR! YES!! MY WIDELY LOVED SCRUFFY YODA-CAT AVATAR HAS BEEN PINCHED! If the other owner of my avatar doens't budge then... I may have to change my avatar Please put forward your funny pictures for my maybe-new avatar! Your cooperation is much appreciated in what is now "very hard times" for me Jaymoi
  5. Wait was to me? Are you going to change your Avatar? Or should i. I am terribly fond of my cat!
  6. You stole my cat avatar! Nooooooooooooooooooo!
  7. I'll bear it in mind!
  8. I'll take that as a yes! Your donation of $900rwg's is kindly accepted TwoTone!
  9. I was robbed! What a gyp! The casino took all of my money. They made me spend it ALL, with all their fancy games and flashing lights! Can anyone help a fella out during these low low times? Pugwash!? You guys know im good for it!
  10. Man researching hurts! Ok i have found out two things today: The first is that there are craploads of people selling pams. The second is is that they are good hagglers! More later. Also watchwatcher of course i am sourcing all brands of watches aswell. If i find anything i'll pass it on your way. Im going to use these "sick days" away from work to research like mad. Robertrinaustin i'd really appreciate it if you can look into your prices for me. Please PM me whenever is good for you! BTW just to let you all know there Hermes bags i was selling before went down a treat! Jaymoi
  11. Haha! With an attitude like that you should stop holding your breath, as if i ever do find $1500 auth Panerais you are now not getting one! The way i see it is that this site doesn't just cater for people who like replica watches, its for watch lovers in general. I know i have gen and rep watches. I was just looking for a couple of leads, there is no harm in asking my friend, "if you don't ask you don't get"! So stop your whinging Oh and by referring to yourself as "we" you are generalising for all of the RWG peeps. I am sure there are some people who will be generally interested in what i find, if i find anything at all. So dont generalise Kanerich! Jaymoi
  12. Hey! Anyone wanna set up a watch shop with me in London!? Go oooon. It will be a laugh!
  13. Don't worry that's my idea of way way too much! Must go, am researching. *beads of sweat pouring down my face* Jaymoi
  14. If the guys on Paneristi can get them and then sell them on for a PROFIT then so can i! When i find the places don't worry i'll take care of all of you Panerai lovers! Wish me luck i started my search last night, was researching for about 5 hours last night until 5am in the morning. TUT TUT Naughty moi! Jaymoi
  15. Are you being genuine or sarcastic mossanti? My definition of Dirt cheap is cheaper than Paneristi and e-Bay. Jaymoi
  16. Located in London. Wait wait i don't understand. There HAS to be a place to get dirt cheap watches. Otherwise where do all the guys at Paneristi get their watches!? I want to find the places where they get their watches from! EVeryone knows that the mark-up on watches is huge, so it does make sense that there would be plces to get them relatively cheap, otherwise you wouldnt have anyone selling on Paneristi or e-Bay.
  17. Yeah i think im going to get a defect one! You really couldn't tell where there was a stain etc?
  18. Yeah i think im going to get a defect one! You really couldn't tell where there was a stain etc?
  19. Jaymoi


    Why don't you splurge some of your money getting her botoxed to hell and back so at least then she might pass for 47...
  20. Im looking to buy an authentic Breitling Navitimer and maybe also a Panerai. Not sure which one yet though. Does anyone know of a place where i can get a dirt cheap authentic watch? Cheers! Jaymoi
  21. Preferably real but either i guess! Im open to see anything on offer.
  22. Ok Andrew just PM'd you!
  23. Does anyone know anyone on here that deals with panerai boxes, breitling boxes, boxes for multiple watches and protective watch cases? Thanks! Jaymoi
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