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Posts posted by Qsub

  1. You have obviously failed to make the distinction between Admin & Dealer...

    So with this laundry list of folks at your fingertips, why would you even be visiting this site...

    Apparently not [in the General Forum at least]...

    Sounds like to me that with all your knowledge on Forums and all your contacts abroad, that maybe you just go start your own Forum...

    Does anyone else get tired of Noobs dumping on our little community?


    Nobody's "dumping" on "your" community. However I AM questioning it's value; which, given the fact I'm being asked to contribute to it, is my right.

    So far WHAT value have I had? when, after contributing, I asked a SIMPLE technical question I got "go look it up on google" and when I raise some perfectly valid issues I get "go start your own forum"

    Why would I be visiting this site? Simple; I actually HAVE a life, so do my brothers and sister and none of us particularly has the time to spend trawling 'round markets sorting out the wheat from the chaff. Yes, I have contacts, and YES, if I wanted to I could probably even stock up and start dealing myself.... EXCEPT I already own and run a business; I'm Managing Director of my own registered Company... And you can even check it out with Companies house... If you care to email me I'll give you the details.... And frankly, I'd need to be selling thousands a of watches a week to match the turnover and income I get from the job I've been doing for the past 28 years So!!!

    A fascination with watches is a VERY small part of what is an extremely busy life. THAT is why when I'm not bogged down with work I spend a little of my leisure time doing something completely different...

    It's FAR more efficient to find online dealers. People make all or part of thier living doing the sorting out for those of us who simply consume the end product... It's also FAR more efficient to gather the combined experiences of a worldwide group than work in isolation....

    As for Richard's comments. Did you actually READ what I wrote? TWICE I said that the figure involved WASN'T the issue..

    NO I'm NOT discounting the cost of running the board. which is WHY i paid my 10 euros BEFORE I started to take part in it. Equally well I could site FAR busier boards that don't require such a contribution....

    Now, given that my experience so far has been a) a snippy reply to a perfectly civilised technical question B) a distinct LACK of substance and now c) A piece of downright insolence from a MODERATOR of all people you'll appreciate that I am now EXTREMELY glad I didn't pay for a year's VIP membership!

    What's it worth? Not a lot

    As for you two-tone. The only person who has spread excrement of "your" very own slice of personal power that you call a "community" is yourself. As a moderator the rational, conscise and intellectually sparking way in which you've dealt with my comments speak volumes about you and your community. It was SO incisive of you to pick up on and offer cogent counter to the points I've made.

    So I've failed to make the distinction between admin and dealer? NO! SOMEHOW I don't think so..... I notice that STILL neither you nor anyone else haven't explained the coments made to the OP. You know, the ones to the effect that if he wants to know where to buy a watch he should upgrade????

    Why don't I start my own forum? I spend my working life producing television, video and multimedia content. Why the HELL would I want to come home at night and start faffing about with this sort of trivia??????.....

    But hey; Two-Tone; tell you what. Why don't you take "YOUR" personal private community over which you hold such IMMENSE and awe-inspiring power and.... #Well you know where you can shove it!

    NO doubt all the hunyaks will be out with the daggers and cat-calls.. I really don't give a toss.... THIS?? is your "community" Well bright spark, given the 'welcome' you have in store for new members you better start a breeding programme; otherwise your poulation can ONLY possibly go into decline... If you were brighter than a 5 watt lightbulb you'd realise that ANY community depends on new blood to sustain and expand itself... But if you prefer your own personal cabal fine with me!

    I'm scrambling my password and deleting my bookmarks to this site.... It's obviously a complet waste of time and effort.

    TT; have the 10 Euros with my compliments.... No doubt it represents a week's wages for somebody!

  2. Qsub

    Thanks for the info,I have put some serious websearching time in recently, but the club idea is a good one.

    Ps how can you not be drawn to the classic :drive1: mind you a porsche isn't a bad car to have.I did have a lovely def 90 until someone else wanted it and took it in the night,now that's a great car.

    Oh I've had my moments. ALMOST bought a beach-buggy once... The fact it was in baby-pink gelcoat put me off though :animal_rooster: I suspected it might get me the wrong sort of attention... And oddly; before I got my first Landrover (back in '86) I DID consider a VW bus... Even back then though they were silly money here in the UK...

  3. I'm interested in buying a VW Camper poss a split screen (splitty)1965/66,however I know little about the possible problems and what to lookout for.I may even consider trying to import one.Again I know nothing about importing a car and costs.If anybody has one and can give me some advice on the camper or/and importing I would be interested to hear.


    As with all classic cars there will be particular enthusiasts groups and forums that can answer your questions. Often, when considering the purchase of a classic, it's worth joining the owner's club in advance of purchase. they can often tie you up with a local enthusiast who will 'mentor' your enthusiasm....

    A lot will depend on your location. Here in the UK most of these vehicles rusted away decades ago... Never been into VWs but I'm lead to believe that there are air ducts in the body that are rust traps... The air-cooled engines are strong units though.

    I've run a number of classics over the years and the current toy is an '83 Porsche 924; actually it's more of an everyday driver; my other vehicle being the Landrover I use for work...

    Good luck with your search..

  4. Do you think it would be worthwhile to sign up an account primarily for the purpose of bidding on all these Scammer's watches?

    Imagine some ridiculous amount that would open the eyes of everyone currently bidding.

    At the same time report to EBAY staff that the item as fake, and cover all grounds by e-mailing the Seller for more info and push all his panic buttons.

    Or is there too many restrictions to an EBAY account (personal info) that prevents this from being an effective tactic.

    I can just see the non-anonymous Bidders name.


    ReplicaCollector (0) - highest bidder $1,000,000

    I would imagine that it is a no-win situation for the scammer to have a winning "absurd amount bid", as it would force him to De-list his scam and try to move onto other prey?

    There is no way he could win an argument from Paypal or EBAY over a $million dollar bid and a obvious Replica pictured by him, which would include back up details to the EBAy ppl that are investigating his scam.

    Does it sound like something like this could work?

    Just came across this post and thought I'd add my own experiences.....

    About two years ago I reported a whole series of very obvious scams on ebay.....

    Ebay acted; but THEN turned on me. I have NEVER listed or sold a rep ANYWHERE. But suddenly Ebay started ending MY auctions because I was supposedly breeching one policy or another. One particular come to mind where I was listing a particularly cheap quartz watch. At one point I was told it hand been ended because it was an 'informational product' and was under the wrong category.... I was given the usual run-around by Ebay; passed from pillar to post.... I ENDED the madness by 'phoning them up from my business address. I happen to run a video production Company. I told them that I was researching an expose' on their activities and cited this particular issue...

    At first I was met with incredulity.... But my Company IS real; it's listed at Companies house, and I am known as a documentary maker.

    I guess they checked!

    Guess what? :D They ate pie! :rolleyes: Promised they'd investigate and deal with the individuals responsible....

    But I wonder how many others who don't happen to have a production Company at their disposal Ebay have bullied into submission...

    My point is that with Ebay, routinely reporting scams is just as likely to get you into hot water than actually running them! If Ebay weren't into cloaking themselves in a sham veil of respectability it would actually be a MUCH safer place for both consumer and seller. As it is they're actually ENCOURAGING and supporting fraudsters by censoring those who don't mis-represent their reps.......

  5. @Qsub

    Well every opinion is repectable, and yours is certainly too.

    I understand that it is confusing "member on time fee" and "vip recurring subscription".

    I made the same error and paid 10 (member) + several times 5 (monthly vip) and finaly 30! that since january 07.

    The 30 US Dollars - 15 British Pounds asked for a year of VIP membership is a contributions for servers, maintenance, upgrades, moderation, ....

    Sorry if I missunderstand you but nobody here, and certainly not members from the Admin team, is selling dealers informations or a secret dealer list.

    I'm probably not an as experienced collector as your self but spent a lot of money (even more than what you mentionned) these last 12 months.

    Since I became member here, my purchases are wiser and the quality of my watches is much better.



    OK.... Well these are fair points; but if VIP membership DOESN'T get you access to more dealer information what were the initial responses to the OP about? As for the membership fee... Well, I could cite other boards which are FAR busier and manage without fees of that magnitude; I'm not suggesting the management are wrong t0 make such levies; if nothing else it'll keep the jokers out... And, as a private forum it's up to them what they charge. ..and up to us what we're prepared to pay or not.

    As I say; the actual amount is not relevant.... I simply found myself labouring under an illusion... How I became lead towards that illusion is another matter; and in the final analysis an unimportant one....

    As I say if the dealers want a slice of my cash let them roll out their wares. Admin have verified my email address and my 'plodpal' account. Narikaa (for one) would be able to verify I'm a bona fide buyer... I really DON'T see why these guys aren't all listing their sites in the links section... Especially since I've seen other members offering items on private sale...

  6. ...at least you donated something :)

    One question though: is 30$ a year so much money compared to the time, energy and errors you save to yourself ?

    The amount is simply NOT relevant..... What I DIDN'T realise was that the 10 Euros I was was charged WASN'T going to give me access to a reasonable list of reputable dealers. The way I read it VIP membership was suitable for those who wished to sell or trade.... I keep everything I buy; it either becomes part of my collection, is dismantled or given away... The only watches I ever sell go through the bay and are the 'chaff' from batches I've bought for parts or because they contained a gen vintage watch I was after...

    It's a bit like paying the admission charge to enter a nightclub THEN finding once you're in that there's another charge to access the bar.... While all the time there are people wafting delicious cocktails under your nose....

    Personally I'm looking for UK/EU dealers since I wish to avoid the trials of shipping high Quality stuff from the far East. But the bottom line is that I AM as far as the dealers are concerned a paying customer. If THEY want some of the 1800-2000 POUNDS (that's 3600-4000 dollars) that I personally spend on the hobby annually then I don't feel I should jump too many hoops.... 10Euro is a reasonable price to pay for a list I feel. 30??? Nawww!

    So no, I personally just don't feel it's worth upgrading. Paying a charge for the privilege of spending my money? Hmmm... FWIW I told Costco to get lost too!

    I don't make too many buying errors. There are a couple of guys I deal with in the UK. I have two brothers in HK who are cops, and a sister there who is a market trader. My sources in that part of the world wouldn't DARE risk crossing me :whistling: I've a friend In northern Thailand who can source me good pieces. If I buy from elsewhere I generally buy for the parts value and experiment. And pay buttons!

    As for the rest of the board facilities; well most people seem amicable enough, and there are things to be learned just by reading and looking... And I fully intend, where I can, to bring such hints tips and advice I can to the board.... But I personally just don't feel it's worth upgrading from this perspective; it's an exchange of information. Certainly the bijou flea-in-the-ear that my simply asking a civil question induced (A simple technical question; NOT "where can I buy etc") shattered any illusion that it was somewhere that was likely to provide a source of rapid and definitive advice..... And as it happens; whilst I eventually gained some information from that particular exchange it turns out that the whole story is potentially a bit more complicated.... C'est la vie! But another reason to make me disinclined towards shelling out again...

    As I say, just my 2p's worth....

  7. Can someone clue me in?-thanks

    A newbie's (to the board; but long-time rep collector) 2P's worth on all this......

    From the outset I think you have to recognise that this hobby and the trade that supports it is essentially illegal! And people really HAVE to be somewhat 'guarded' in their approach to it; ESPECIALLY the dealers....

    Frankly, if you 'walk into' a forum and find the dealers laid out like an open shopping mall you're asking for trouble! The guys who want to stay in business work HARD to make sure that none of their customers becomes inclined to blow the whistle.... And a big part of that is being guarded in who they sell to!

    To find most of the information on who the dealers are I think you need to upgrade to VIP status. Upgrading to ordinary member allows you access a 'links' section which has just a very few dealers in it. The 'Reputations' section (which, I assume is where all the really useful info is) is still closed off.... Personally, and this IS just personal opinion, the very short list of dealers in the links section is of limited value; though if you had absolutely NO idea where to buy a rep, it's a starting point.

    There are other means of finding dealers. I first came across Narikaa for instance on a certain online auction site; and no it WASN'T the dreaded 'bay!

    Dealers (apparently) are generally referred to in posts either by their own names or sometimes trade names; either way links to their websites seem to remain shrouded in mystery except for the few in the links section. The 'cognoscenti' seem comfortable with this but as a newbie to the forum I've found it impossible to figure out who is who or how to get in touch with the ones I'm interested in.... Much as I appreciate the need to be 'guarded' in this trade that's not to helpful... I'm afraid the fascination with watches (rep and otherwise) is just one tiny facet of MY life.... And life being too short to 'stuff a mushroom' it looks like dealers I knew about before joining will continue to get my money! Which is a bit of a shame.

    Personally my list of trusted dealers has NOT been boosted by becoming a member here even though I'm aware that there IS at least one UK based seller I've not used before.... They regularly show the watches they have; and many look interesting, but no link no sale!

    I've seen a couple of items of interest in reviews and posts; but frankly am left disinclined to make enquiries in case I get shot down in flames! I've made a SINGLE technical enquiry since paying my membership fee and pretty much got a 'look it up on google' reply..... (as it happened I HAD already! which is WHY I asked for help!) Though to be fair one member DID chirp in with some of the info I asked for.... Frankly though the experience has left me disinclined to seek assistance again. Reading through various threads it seems I'm not the only person to have got such a reaction to a perfectly civil question...

    Quite rightly it appears that 'trading' is the preserve of VIP members..... I can understand this for sellers; but why anybody here thinks it's useful to restrict the buying audience???? As a paying customer there is a limit to the number of hoops I'm prepared to jump to look at anyone's wares.

    To be fair there is a HUGE amount of useful information here. And out of all the other similar forums it's the least obstructive and least unhelpful. If you want to buy AND sell VIP membership is probably a good option. If like me you're interested in buying only you may be less inclined to incur a repetitive fee, however tiny.

    You pays your money you takes your choice; and I think it only fair that if you are going to take something from the forum you make some small contribution. Certainly ordinary membership will allow you to get the 'heads up' when things are going awry; and to that extent this is the ONLY rep forum which I read regularly, EVER post on and have ever felt inclined to donate any money too.... But personally, I WON'T be upgrading to VIP status.

  8. Well shift me from the 'most likely' to 'definately does' bracket.

    Everything I sell is hand picked by me.

    Purchased in person after selection (each item as if I was purchasing for my own collection)

    Everything packed and shipped (after final inspection) by me.

    NO DROPSHIPPING BY ME - PERIOD (how the hell can a DropShipper talk about QC he/she has no influence over, especially when it is being allegedly carried out in GZ on trust by one of the lying, cheating, knowlegeless, minions there!!)

    NO BS FROM ME ABOUT STOCK (If I offer it , Ive got it - bought 'n paid for 'n ready for immediate shipment).


    I've had a couple of nice reps from Narikaa..... ALWAYS quick reliable transactions. Any time I've ordered something it's been on my wrist the next morning.

    And, as an example of top customer service, when I damaged one I was particularly fond of (it has a uniquely pretty dial) he even arranged for my favourite dial to be fitted to a replacement watch.. Quality wise I've had fair to excellent, NEVER had a faulty watch. MY only slight 'observation' (not a criticism as such) is that I personally would like to see more solid steel and high end ETA and quartz based watches in his range...... My favourite for instance turned out to be coated brass (although it was never mis-represented and was sold at a price entirely appropriate to it's construction) OH for the same thing in solid steel!

    Thoroughly decent bloke...

    I'm rapidly getting to the stage where I'm trying to ONLY deal with guys in the UK..... And really need to find more options.... It's a pity in many ways it all has to be so cloak and dagger; Even when I see recommendations here I've often NO idea who people are talking about or where to find them! PT for instance...

  9. A misalligned datewheel is jsut absolutely NO indication for a rep... have you seen any genuine Rolex Sherrington? Misalligned bezel inserts, dusty dials, no accurately at 12:00 clicking date, poor bracelet quality, and many many misalligned dates...

    I have a couple of genuine 'Dates' of early 70's vintage. On each of them when the date gets up to the '20s' it's too far to the left....

  10. Hmmm ^ thats an Idea as well...just swap pearls....25.00 thru watchmaterial, thats not bad at all...i think ill do that......ill bet im gonna get screwed on the shipping lol

    I'm planning on trimming the inside of the cg's this weekend

    I'd order a gen crown and tube if i knew i wouldn't screw it up, problem is I tried searching for, but didnt find a "How to replace the tube and crown" post. I did however seem to see mulitple people recommend changing out the crown and tube on a noob/so called perfect sub before, so I'm HOPING that its totally possible without very much modding required?? Is it just a open case back, remove crown, remove movement, remove tube, and replace?? Can someone confirm for sure? BK?

    I'm about to do that very same task. There IS a tutorial on the process on the board which helps. I believe you have to re-thread and countersink the hole to take the genuine tube..

  11. Since when did this CN sub bezel became hard to remove?? Are this different than the usual piece of thin wire retainer arround the bezel? The last sub I had (BeginMariner) was the same thin wire retainer arround the bezel just like my 2 year old subs.

    Rather than a watch knife I've been using an old credit card which has been sanded down on one edge to a 'wedge' shape or 'knife-edge' The thin end is slipped in and the card worked round GENTLY working the bezel up as you go.....

    I have to say it's not the quality of the pearl I couldn't live with; more the TERRIBLE quality of the print on the bezel as seen through a glass...

    Another issue I have is the 'sloppy' nature of the bezel once fitted. FAR too much lateral play which gives the whole watch a cheap feel. I assume adjusting the retaining spring might help but haven't worked out quite which way to bend it. I even contemplated making a new spring out of something like an old guitar string....

  12. Not to digress too much, but just something I occassionally find amusing...

    It's funny how metric is the widely used method of measurement for the majority of the world, yet STANDARD (which, by the name would imply the standard) is only really used in the U.S.

    Don't mind me... I'm just talking out loud...


    Metric has it's place for some things.... But I still prefer to know how many miles I get to the Gallon (even if we can't quite agree on what a gallon is) and to drink my beer in pints....

    Sometimes you're better off with your own standards; even if no-one remembers what they are :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  13. Drills are sold everywhere in numbered or lettered sizes, it's fairly common... No idea why the charts are different, but my drill set is a 60-1 numbered set, bought it at Sears.

    I doubt you will ever find the specs that rolex uses, other than the crown tube threads which are 3.0mm, the rest is straight forward, it's a trial and error fit of the tube to the case.


    The Zigmeister, with all due respect, I'm sorry but you are mistaken in your first statement. As it happens I've just retuned from my local branch of B&Q, and ALL they have are metric bits? The reason for this is simple. I'm in the UK. They stopped teaching me 'feet and inches' when I was six... Which was 38 years ago! And numbered drill bits; whilst possibly available here , are not something I've ever encountered. There isn't a Sears for a couple of thousand miles! What's 'everywhere' in one country isn't necessarily so in another....

    Much as we might resist the influence of the EU on Britain has been to eradicate much of our imperial sizing. I think at one point they were trying to make it ILLEGAL to buy Oranges by the pound! Insanity I know. But to be fair it makes engineering more of a level playing field EXCEPT where you have to translate between metric and the various flavours of imperial.

    A wise engineer measures twice, checks his dimensions, measures again THEN cuts!

    Now, no doubt someone can direct me to a local-ish source of these numbered drills. But in 30 -odd years of tinkering with everything from model steam engines to Landrovers and Box Brownies to Arriflexes I can't even recall ever seeing one! As for dimensions given in fractions of an inch... These are something my 65-year old Father (a qualified electro-mechanical engineer and former lecturer in that discipline) even has to consult his 'little red books' over..... Whilst I can tell you that Glasgow is almost 40 miles away and my office needs a 15'X20' carpet ...any division of an inch other than 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 is actually REALLY hard to visualise for me!

    Conversion charts (in general) tend to vary a bit depending on who compiled them and by what method. Some adhere to satutory standards; which is fine except satute varies from country to country. Some seem to compiled by a wizzened ol' guy using the slide-rule function on his watch!. Others seem to be devised by chopping the limbs of minor local potentates and cutting them into increasingly smaller pieces. I guess that's where the I.S.O. step in....

    Thank you for confirming the tube thread size. That, in all sincerity, does help immensely as it clarifies otherwise confusing data from other sources. A certain 'batty' materials house supplier would like me to spend almost sixty quid ($120) by the time shipping is added on his 'special' Rolex case thread tap... If this is a simple 3.0mm metric thread then he can go :whistling:

    Regards and thanks


  14. Google "numbered drill sizes" and you'll have your answer...all the information is out there, it only takes a bit of effort to find it.


    'twas one of the first things I did.

    (Unlike some I only ask for help where I feel my own efforts are inadequate... You'll find this is actually the first question I've ever asked here!)

    ... and one finds several different charts which seem to not-quite agree with each other. which to believe? I stopped and asked when I happened upon the 5th differing opinion!

    Add to that the need to convert from fractions of an inch to millimeteres (with the possible mathmatical error involved) and, with such small scales involved, we have a recipe for relatively serious error. I've involved myself in various projects on a similar scale relating to optical equipment, and know only too well that minor cumulative errors can lead to pieces being ruined.

    Ideally I'd like to find out what Rolex's own specifications are for the necessary holes and threads, AND buy the appropriate tools for the job.

    Thank you for clarifying the tube number Ubiquitous; much appreciated.



  15. Gentlemen,

    I find myself somewhat confused.

    Having purchased a genuine 16800 crown for one of my Subs I obviously now need to acquire and fit the correct crown tube.

    Could I possibly call upon some one of the experienced members to advise me what size/part number I need? I shall probably order a generic from Cousins.

    I would also very much appreciate it if someone could advise the correct size of drills and taps I shall require; preferably in millimetres. One tutorial refers to something called a 'number 10' drill; Not part of a sizing scheme that is familiar to me.

    I have a few projects in progress and it WOULD very definitely be a good thing if I had the correct tools to replace all my rep crowns with genuine.



  16. i am looking for the right board to learn.

    i am looking for the right board to learn.

    i am looking for the right board to learn.


    Can you follow me? :gathering:

    Looks like the needle's stuck.... You sound like a broken record.....

    To access many of the features on this discussion board you need to pay a small fee. I too (being a new member) am TOTALLY confused by most of the references and abbreviations. But I DO know this; people are supplying their knowledge for free. This 'place' costs money to run, and it's only fair to make a small contribution....

    To blunder in, take knowledge and not contribute is at the root of the problem.

  17. Jeebus....not another weegie that I have to accept a pint from when I go home.......!

    BTW......you can get bargains at the Barras................

    'Fraid so :thumbsupsmileyanim: though I'm in exile near Edinburgh..... Can't remember the last time I was at the Barras, never been watch-huntin' there though.

    We hit a few places around there including O'Neills, but the watch spotter was in Babbity Bowsters. Went there so I could sit outside and have a cigar (fecking smoking ban..... angry.gif )

    Aye! I know Babbity's well enough....YEARS since I been there too..... The smoking ban doesn't affect me other than that the pubs are all now MINGIN of P*ss because the smoke isn't masking it!

    There are quite a few expensive flats in the area; and a lot of folk with good incomes and no kids for one reason or another..... That and some good gen dealers in the City; that might help explain why you see so much fine metalwork..... Mind; you've to watch your back. I had a guy follow me onto the Edinburgh train one night.... He'd been in O'Neill's and I clocked him following me all the way to Central Station...

    I got on the train and phoned for someone to pick me up at a station a couple of stops before mine. Matey follows me off; and this is a remote station... turned out he'd spied the Cartier on my wrist.... As I left the platform he made a lunge and grabbed my right arm and tried to twist it up my back while pushing me towards a wall.. Obviously he didn't reckon on me being left-handed from the somewhat surprised look on his face when I gubbed 'im.

    The really funny thing is he was by this time 30 miles from Glasgow, in the middle of bandit country, slightly bruised and there wouldn't be a train heading back to Glasgow 'till after 9am the following morning..... :whistling:

  18. 'No, it's an Omeega.'

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Eckshellent reeshponse.....

    Was this the place next to the old fruitmarket? Can't remember the name.. O'Neill's maybe? (things are usually pretty blurred by the time I get to that end of town) Been there a few times and noticed quite a few excellent timepieces been worn by folks....

    Quite fancy the uPO... It'd probably look ridiculous on my wrist though....

  19. And he said that he is the OWNER of the jewelry store. Not just a jewler there but owns the business...

    Furethermore, he was not wearing a watch at the time.

    To get good at ANYTHING you need to have a passion for it. Whether it's selling fruit and veg from a market stall or performing brain surgery. That passion drives you to LEARN everything you can about your subject. And with that knowledge comes a certain confidence whereby you simply don't NEED to throw your weight around 'till somebody prods..... This MIGHT even give the impression of disinterest, but when you know your stuff you have nothing to prove!

    As the (supposed) owner of a Jewellery store his lack of adornment would tend to indicate a certain lack of confidence in his own products combined with a failure to appreciate that when you're in business, particularly retailing luxury goods, EVERY occasion is one on which to quietly promote your wares. I could understand the owner of a motor factors (auto parts store) not walking around with a camshaft in his pocket, but equally well I'd expect a certain quietly dignified knowledge couple to a 'helpful' attitude.

    Ever noticed for instance that REAL martial arts experts are often among the quietest calmest people you could ever hope to meet? It's the wannabes that go around shouting the odds & picking fights...

    You've fallen foul of some chancer who's got lucky in calling your watch rather than a real expert. your own confidence has taken a knock and played into his hands. As others have pointed out; maybe the rest of the picture didn't fit ( Which is a lesson to us all) and he just took a chance. And clearly you've been taken by surprise and you 'folded' too easily.... But remember those 'impressions' we form aren't always accurate; hopefully next time you'll call his bluff..

    One good trick in these situations is to laugh it off.... "yeah; got it for three quid off a bloke at the barras" ...and hand the watch to someone. The fact it's a good quality rep, obviously DIDN'T cost three quid will inevitably sow the seed of doubt in people's minds and cause your 'attacker' to fold! 'Everybody' knows fakes are made of tin and cardboard! right? ;)

    One of the reasons I collect reps is that I've SO often been disappointed with the genuine item. Ok; So these things carry a certain cache' but my genuine quartz tank which cost well over

  20. This defininetly was not a pleasant expericen and I think this guy is an a**hole no?

    I thing this guy is an orifice of the first order! OK' so it' a rep, and you were maybe caught out..... but frankly it's nobody's 'kin business but yours what you strap to your wrist!

    A handful of things strike me here...

    Yes; clearly this 'gentleman' is no such thing and personally I'd have bluffed him out. Or possibly laid him out!

    Anyone who REALLY knew their job would have a gentle nod to themself and saw the potential. There's obviously now't to this guy! So he works in a jewellery shop and reckons he can spot a fake. Woop de piggin do! Jings! I just BET his mammy is SO proud of how he worked through apprenticeships and college and whatever to become what? A shop boy? HA!!! SEVEN years floggin tinsel? WHAT an achievement!!

    A REAL player in the jewellery game would have had a gentle quiet word and (knowing you were into the old tickers) have started to broker you a deal on some nice vintage Gens.... Or even some infallible reps!!!

    What's he done instead?; Proved what a jerk he is and alienated at least one (possibly many) potential customers! Business wise he's proved he's a guy you can't trust.... Immature! So what if you'd been the genuine victim of a fraudster? As a professional Jeweller how would his actions have helped? Short answer is that no professional jeweller worthy of the title would sink to that level!

    And, frankly, maybe this [censored] just got lucky in spotting your rep!

    Rollies are my thing; I own several Gens and several reps. I've lost COUNT of the number of times somebody has 'called' fake on one of my Gens. With Rollies in particular there is SO much cack written about date wheels and crown guards and this wee detail or another.... I'm wearing my gen '73 Date right now, and noting how far mis-aligned the '29' is in the window and how low the cyclops is.... Fact is though it's over 30 year old, WASN'T that great to start with and had a generic crystal put in in '84........ My '04 sub... Scratched it up while trying to get some rope off the prop of a boat... So now it has a rep insert and even post-polishing it looks roughish .... the CGs according to many are wrong; fact is though it was bought full retail from an AD and is 100% real!. For a while I left the back loose enough to be opened with blu-tak or tape! and to be honest, even when it was new out of the box many people just assumed it was a thirty quid fake!

    Particularly where vintage frankens are concerned there's no telling what's what until you get the back off.... sure there are DEAD giveaways and we strive to avoid them...... But equally well there are enough variations and QC failures with many Gen manufacturers that the ONLY sure way of calling many a "fake" is to handle the thing and see the movement....

    Next time just face the guy off..... I'd have told him and anyone else who would listen he was obviously talking bull**** and even if he was right (which I'd insist he wasn't) I'd point out how unprofessional and childish his actions were.... If he wants to score points in dragging other folk down than play him at his own game!

    Try to rise above it ol' bean...



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