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Everything posted by milsub5517

  1. this belongs in a museum!!! Great watch! this may be a stupid question but why was one of the gears removed?
  2. genuine eta 7750 for 310 usd? yes im interested!
  3. are you going to re-lume this beauty?
  4. you think it will fit ok under my dress shirt?
  5. over on TZ one guy did a test with his rolex seadweller i believe, on one the trips he submerged his rolex along with special camera down to 1000ft and it passed, his post had some pretty cool pictures. how about this bad boy? Rolex Deep Sea, only a few were made in the 60's. 11,000 meters or 38,000 ft. It passed the test after it was strapped to the outside of a deep sea submarine. apparently it still holds the record for an automatic watch capable of being submerged to nearly 11,000m. Other than this watch, only a liquid-filled quartz's can survive at those depths. talk about snorkeling. lol.
  6. SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE A PICTURE OF GEN CROWN AND T-60 SIDE BY SIDE. C'MON PEOPLE WITH GENS!!!! on the V's picture the shape of teeth on rep crown looks different from T-60.
  7. so we now need to figure out why and which gens have > 48 teeth...
  8. V, we are comparing apples and oranges. Please put gen crown next to T's. I know you have one
  9. listen to our own PAM expert. If its good for rolli its good for me!
  10. T, 1500 crowns is way too much for this community IMO... i say keep selling these crowns and later on if there is interest produce more correct ones. Guys, i wish one day the incorrect number of teeth on the crown is the biggest problem with these reps!!! (~ but somehow i think this will not be happening anytime soon.)
  11. everybody relax! i think it is impossible to notice 10 teeth difference when someone looks at your watch. this is a rep world. it is much better than exploding crystals on fiddy's. lol.
  12. who the hell is going to count teeth on the crowns???? T dont worry about this! I think more important is that they fit rep cases and have appropriate thickness. Forget about teeth! This is still the best crown in town. lol.
  13. its near tuscon az. b16 are you still flying?
  14. here are 2 more sources saying the same thing about McCain's adviser getting money from Georgia: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iG-8I87...8irqmgD92HK3480 http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=...&id=6325881 my question is whose interests do these politicians represent? aren't they supposed to represent americans? most americans dont even know where georgia is! the sad part some even dont know where american state georgia is. (funny fact - when news broke out in USA for the first time some citizens were under impression that russia invaded american state - georgia. lol.)
  15. dont tell me that this is a 1600$ NDT case... i love this watch so much but the prices for parts are insane!!!
  16. wow, this is cool guys! I believe there is a forum somewhere where people post all weird things they find on google earth.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7586605.stm Putin blames US for Georgia role Mr Putin believes US citizens were in the area of conflict Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of provoking the conflict in Georgia, possibly for domestic election purposes. Mr Putin told CNN US citizens were "in the area" during the conflict over South Ossetia and were "taking direct orders from their leaders". He said his defence officials had told him the provocation was to benefit one of the US presidential candidates. The White House dismissed the allegations as "not rational". Georgia tried to retake the Russian-backed separatist region of South Ossetia this month by force after a series of clashes. Russian forces subsequently launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and another rebel region, Abkhazia, and an EU-brokered ceasefire. Diplomatic wrangling Mr Putin said in the interview: "The fact is that US citizens were indeed in the area in conflict during the hostilities. "It should be admitted that they would do so only following direct orders from their leaders." Those claims first and foremost are patently false, but it also sounds like his defence officials who said they believed this to be true are giving him really bad advice Dana Perino, White House spokeswoman Mr Putin added: "The American side in effect armed and trained the Georgian army. "Why... seek a difficult compromise solution in the peacekeeping process? It is easier to arm one of the sides and provoke it into killing another side. And the job is done. "The suspicion arises that someone in the United States especially created this conflict with the aim of making the situation more tense and creating a competitive advantage for one of the candidates fighting for the post of US president." White House spokeswoman Dana Perino rejected the allegation. "To suggest that the United States orchestrated this on behalf of a political candidate - it sounds not rational," she said. "Those claims first and foremost are patently false, but it also sounds like his defence officials who said they believed this to be true are giving him really bad advice." SOUTH OSSETIA & ABKHAZIA South Ossetia Population: About 70,000 (before recent conflict) Capital: Tskhinvali President: Eduard Kokoity Abkhazia Population: About 250,000 (2003) Capital: Sukhumi President: Sergei Bagapsh Diplomatic wrangling over Russia's actions in Georgia continued on Thursday with the Georgian parliament urging its government to cut diplomatic ties with Moscow. Earlier, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner suggested some EU countries were considering sanctions against Russia. Mr Kouchner insisted France had made no proposals for sanctions itself but, as current president of the EU, would aim to get consensus among all 27 countries of the bloc if sanctions were envisaged. France has called an emergency EU summit on Monday to reassess relations with Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described talk of sanctions as the working of "a sick imagination". Such talk was an emotional response that demonstrated Western confusion over the situation, he said. The US has said it is now considering scrapping a US-Russia civilian nuclear co-operation pact in response to the conflict. The White House has also announced that up to $5.75m (
  18. may be they "downgraded it" jokes aside, that thing is huge, if those little briks around the pyramid are trucks ... you can guess what the dimensions of that thing are. Also, i am pretty sure that 99% of the structures are underground all we can see is camouflage.
  19. wow night stroker. how about this? i was watching history channel last night, show about masons and how the american republic started. and when i saw your area 51 pic of a pyramid i immideatly realized where ive seen it before! your area 151 image (thank you for finding it!) now, look at the left side of the 1 dollar bill. LOL! now, this: 5 letters form: MASON
  20. for "some reason" no one is talking about this even though the elections are around the corner... And None Dare Call It Treason - McCain Advisor's Georgia Connection Who is Randy Scheunemann? He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States. But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role. He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons for client regimes who have made this moral mercenary a rich man. From January 2007 to March 2008, the McCain campaign paid Scheunemann $70,000 - pocket change compared to the $290,000 his Orion Strategies banked in those same 15 months from the Georgian regime of Mikheil Saakashvili. What were Mikheil's marching orders to Tbilisi's man in Washington? Get Georgia a NATO war guarantee. Get America committed to fight Russia, if necessary, on behalf of Georgia. Scheunemann came close to succeeding. Had he done so, U.S. soldiers and Marines from Idaho and West Virginia would be killing Russians in the Caucasus, and dying to protect Scheunemann's client, who launched this idiotic war the night of Aug. 7. That people like Scheunemann hire themselves out to put American lives on the line for their clients is a classic corruption of American democracy. U.S. backing for his campaign to retrieve his lost provinces is what Saakashvili paid Scheunemann to produce. But why should Americans fight Russians to force 70,000 South Ossetians back into the custody of a regime they detest? Why not let the South Ossetians decide their own future in free elections? Not only is the folly of the Bush interventionist policy on display in the Caucasus, so, too, is its manifest incoherence. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says we have sought for 45 years to stay out of a shooting war with Russia and we are not going to get into one now. President Bush assured us there will be no U.S. military response to the Russian move into Georgia. That is a recognition of, and a bowing to, reality - namely, that Russia's control of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and occupation of a strip of Georgia cannot be a casus belli for the United States. We may deplore it, but it cannot justify war with Russia. If that be true, and it transparently is, what are McCain, Barack Obama, Bush, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel doing committing the United States and Germany to bringing Georgia into NATO? For that would commit us to war for a cause we have already conceded, by our paralysis, does not justify a war. Not only did Scheunemann's two-man lobbying firm receive $730,000 since 2001 to get Georgia a NATO war guarantee, he was paid by Romania and Latvia to do the same. And he succeeded. Latvia, a tiny Baltic republic annexed by Joseph Stalin in June 1940 during his pact with Adolf Hitler, was set free at the end of the Cold War. Yet hundreds of thousands of Russians had been moved into Latvia by Stalin, and as Riga served as a base of the Baltic Sea fleet, many Russian naval officers retired there. The children and grandchildren of these Russians are Latvian citizens. They are a cause of constant tension with ethnic Letts and of strife with Moscow, which has assumed the role of protector of Russians left behind in the "near abroad" when the Soviet Union broke apart. Thanks to the lobbying of Scheunemann and friends, Latvia has been brought into NATO and given a U.S. war guarantee. If Russia intervenes to halt some nasty ethnic violence in Riga, the United States is committed to come in and drive the Russians out. This is the situation in which the interventionists have placed our country: committed to go to war for countries and causes that do not justify war, against a Russia that is re-emerging as a great power only to find NATO squatting on her doorstep. Scheunemann's resume as a War Party apparatchik is lengthy. He signed the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) letter to President Clinton urging war on Iraq, four years before 9-11. He signed the PNAC ultimatum to Bush, nine days after 9-11, threatening him with political reprisal if he did not go to war against Iraq. He was executive director of the "Committee for the Liberation of Iraq," a propaganda front for Ahmad Chalabi and his pack of liars who deceived us into war. Now Scheunemann is the neocon agent in place in McCain's camp. The neocons got their war with Iraq. They are pushing for war on Iran. And they are now baiting the Russian Bear. Is this what McCain has on offer? Endless war? Why would McCain seek foreign policy counsel from the same discredited crowd that has all but destroyed the presidency of George Bush? "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence ... a free people ought to be constantly awake," Washington warned in his Farewell Address. Our Founding Father was warning against the Randy Scheunemanns among us, agents hired by foreign powers to deceive Americans into fighting their wars. And none dare call it treason. link 1 link 2
  21. lol! what if one of our members/watchmakers opens account with rolex? wouldnt that be cool?
  22. yeah, come here, hold your face still i'l show you my wrist. LOL!!!
  23. Dave, i agree. It pisses me off so much that they are SO CLOSE to perfect rep and still they always manage to screw little things up. I guess we cant have it all!! Enjoy it for what it is guys! the rep is pretty good actually.
  24. yes, bottom left. I can see the lume dots are off on the bottom right and top watches. also the 3 o'clock dot is too close to the day window on both reps.
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