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Everything posted by milsub5517

  1. kruz, out of 3 breit's i have , the Sky V2 has the best bezel! very tight and firm, no play at all. i was shocked when i first got it, its that good. now, i am not sure how consistent is the quality in all of them.
  2. hhmmm, why would you want to do that???
  3. well said fish. Putin is doing the best he can with the country thats was torn apart and illegally sold off during early-late 90's. I lived there during that time and i saw what was going on.
  4. How can you trust these puppets and what they say on TV after this??? McCain adviser got money from Georgia By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer 45 minutes ago WASHINGTON - John McCain's chief foreign policy adviser and his business partner lobbied the senator or his staff on 49 occasions in a 3 1/2-year span while being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia. The payments raise ethical questions about the intersection of Randy Scheunemann's personal financial interests and his advice to the Republican presidential candidate who is seizing on Russian aggression in Georgia as a campaign issue. link on yahoo news
  5. here you go. Your potential president and his crew. How can you trust these puppets and what they say on TV after this??? JohnG, are you still sure that usa politicians are not getting paid by large corporations to lobby their interests? they even take money from 3rd world countries for gods sake! McCain adviser got money from Georgia By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer 45 minutes ago WASHINGTON - John McCain's chief foreign policy adviser and his business partner lobbied the senator or his staff on 49 occasions in a 3 1/2-year span while being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia. The payments raise ethical questions about the intersection of Randy Scheunemann's personal financial interests and his advice to the Republican presidential candidate who is seizing on Russian aggression in Georgia as a campaign issue. link on yahoo news
  6. thank you brucelles! this information is not being shown on the american television. im glad some foreign sources still have balls to tell the truth. What russia is trying to do is to neutralize all armed troops that did this and also apperently the next step for georgia was attack on abchasia, which does not surprise me at all. pro-western media sources are trying to blame everything on russia and the big plan is to start cold war again! the history repeats itself!!
  7. i thought i should mention about georgia - osetia conflict here as well. i just watched CNBC report and they are portreying russia as an agressor. lol. they "forget" to mention the fact that agressor is georgia, they attacked south osetia first burned down the city and several villages. killed innocent people (using faschist methods btw) now, that russia pushed them back they are saying that all of this is because russia wants oil??? All russia did was protection of ossetians who would have beed exterminated otherwise. they also forget to mention that usa sponsored georgia's millitary program for years, georgian troops have american equipment/weapons etc., also usa moved georgian troops from iraq to georgia to develop the conflict further. if any of you know languages other than english go check local news, the information is 100% the opposite from what CNN, Fox etc tell us here! I cant believe this. this demostrates us one more time how news here can lie.
  8. this is crazy. i just watched CNBC report and they are portreying russia as an agressor. lol. they "forget" to mention the fact that agressor is georgia, they attacked south osetia first burned down the city and several villages. killed innocent people (using faschist methods btw) now, that russia pushed them back they are saying that all of this is because russia wants oil??? All russia did was protection of ossetians who would have beed exterminated otherwise. this is pro-american propaganda. they also forget to mention that usa sponsored georgia's millitary program for years, georgian troops have american equipment/weapons etc., also usa moved georgian troops from iraq to georgia to develop the conflict further. if any of you know languages other than english go check local news, the information is 100% the opposite from what CNN, Fox etc tell us here! I cant believe this.
  9. the last thing i care about is what other people think about my car. lol. i've seen one the other day, the owner is a cool guy in his 50's , the car is sick ... engine sound is like music to my ears :D
  10. everything should be taken with the grain of salt john. you are not a kid to believe everything 100%. BUT It is stupid to not believe that a lot of money gives you a lot of power in this and especially other countries, so much power that it is enough to influence and change directions of the politics in the country. this is whats happening and what im trying to say. the rest are just details.
  11. nobody said Bush ordered this, or [censored] Cheney or Alan Grinspan. These people are just faces. Bush is just a puppet and not the one pulling the strings.
  12. i like the look of these bony crocs, but i am not sure if i can pull of wearing it. great strap nonetheless.
  13. throughout the history there are hundreds of cases when mass murders like this happened. why do you think this can not happen in 21st century? Do you think people have become more humane? Do you think we care more about others? LOL
  14. dont start with me about rockefellers. "countries working together for the benefit of one humanity." LOL, like usa right now is working together with georgia for the benefit of osetains, like china is supporting Darfurs policies for the benefit of those who live there etc etc Every country out there is trying to protect their own interests, every business out there is trying to maximize their own profits. and all of you know what happenes when politics is mixed with buiseness. Unfortunately, there is no "working together for the benefit of one humanity". period.
  15. yes, and the reason is genocide against osetians. unfortunately, news here do not cover this part well. the reason is that it wont make america look good as it sponsored georgia's military program and backed the country in general.
  16. the same applies to every other country. there is always a political reason behind every goodwill gesture.. is this news to you??? yes, russia.
  17. georgia attacked south osetia using rocket system "GRAD" they pretty much destroyed the city and several nearby vilages. then georgian troops moved in and started a "clean up", no one was spared" kids, women, wounded. there are reports of tanks driving over people (kids too); people locked up in buildings and set on fire alive. they shoot at vehicles trying to evacuate wounded. this is a genocyde against osetians. georgia considers that that land belongs to them. Georgia recieved multi-million funding from USA to purchase weapons and ammunition. What ever is told on TV by western media is completely different from what is going on over there right now. I just got off the phone with my family members ...
  18. I agree, people are afraid of being embarrassed because they ingonred whats was going in the country for so long.. a lot of people are full of themselves and still think that the USA is the sh..t and USA CAN NOT POSSIBLY be wrong. USA media gladly helps them support "their beliefs". BTW, have you heard that Europian Union is now thinking of creating what they call "EU CIA"?? Guess who is going to help and cooperate with them? --> American CIA. Guess, why they are creating it? "war on terror" definitely helped. Now, whoever is running CIA will potentially have access to all of you europian folks, your privacy, your rights --> your lives and lives of your KIDS. Regarding the RFID chips - yes the plan is to chip everyone of us. you think im crazy? look around. RFID chips have been around for a long time, they are used in private businesses, they are used in our cars (ever used EZ-pass, Fast lane etc), they are used in pets as an identification, what do you think is the next logical step???
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