take this as a lesson and think about all the money you'll "save" on this forum in the future! keep this watch as your first rep ever, you will not get much for it anyway.
did you have to remove the day wheel (not date wheel, which is covered by a new date disc) from the movement, since its not really needed?
also, how do you cut off the dial feet?
I have all the parts for 16014 franken that i need to put together. My other PAM project was consuming all the time...
did you try playing with depth of fied to get more detail out of the wind mill? not sure if it would work though the watch could be too far from the bg. interesting idea though.
get a correct brown color dial from Davidsen if he still makes them (50 shipped) and you are all set! although your current dial does have a very good L Swiss made L spacing (from 6), the dial color itself is not correct. 232 is one of my favorites in the radiomir line.
Im thinking that we should see the effect of the crisis on the rep world very soon. We could see: less new rep models come out ( due to "r&d" $$$ cuts), lower overall prices, may be even closing of factories (i hope not the ones who make super reps) etc.
What are you thoughts about this ladies and gentlemen? ... hold on we don't have ladies here anymore...
guys, i am sorry for going off topic, but since you mentioned XK8 ( i love this car) - way too many with engines failed under 100Kmiles. i was seriously looking into getting XK8 back in the days but reviews pushed me away. later when i have more funds set aside just for hobby cars i may get one.
now back on topic - SD gets my vote. In general - vintage is the way to go in this hobby