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Everything posted by Blindman

  1. Does anyone know of anyplace to service reps in the KY/OH area in USA? Specifically a7750?
  2. Fedora for sure, when the temp drops though it's off to the Fur Mad Bomber. I always worry though walking in the woods with it on - near sighted hunters. My dog loves it also and cuddles with it, but the cat attacks it on sight.
  3. I got a rep TAG formula I a while back and ended up wearing it as an everyday screw around in watch. I got it used off this forum. It died after about a year and I cracked the back to see if it could be fixed; all of seven jewels,,,,,,,, not worth it. I tried our dealers trying to find a replacement,,,,,,,, no luck. The joke is I liked the rep so much I ended up buying the real thing just to replace the Rep Some watches just feel good when you wear them.
  4. I'm a custom jeweler and work out of a private studio. When my studio was in the city I had three attempted burglaries and one attempted robbery. There is a loaded pistol in the safe and one in the bench. Every attempt was foiled not by the gun but by the dogs, save one. I was moving my studio next to my house in the country and had already moved the dogs,,,,,,,,,,,, a shame. My wife and I have both White Sheppard and Pit bull. I do have to agree with Dani, the Sheppard is scarier. The pit is very defensive about us, the Sheppard is defensive over her property as well. During the robbery they got the drop on me but the Sheppard had no hesitation pulling the trigger; and she was loaded to the teeth. Took on two teens, who were fortunate I regained control of her. BTW the one successful burglary really wasn
  5. Naaaa, even after growing up in Chicago the best Pizza I've ever eaten was in Garmisch. A hidden little place with a full view of the Alps. The best Goulasch soup is served in the cafe on top of the Zugspitz - the colder it is the better the soup.
  6. Neat thread, 1. Family 2. Boating and fishing through the summer months. 3. Moonshining - the making of distilled spirits,,,,,,drinking it's fun too. 4. Beekeeping 5. Gardening 6. Watches 7. Restoring stuff 8. Hunting - if the weather doesn't get too nasty.
  7. Blindman


    Luciano Pavarotti, 1935 - 2007, who now sings with the angels.
  8. Wow! After 20 years in the military I always thought myself a bit right wing. The test tells me I'm a left wing libertarian wuss. Well even if I start wandering around in home spun underwear I'll still wear the authorative symbol that time matters - my watch.
  9. Hey Folks, had a bit of misfortune. I was repairable and survived but my TAG formula 1 didn't. It certainly isn't the greatest of my reps but I wear it the most often. My wrist really feels kinda naked without it. The trouble is I puchased it from a member here and not from a dealer. I have seen a couple dealers carry it but I don't remember who. I'm looking for the dealers who sell the TAG formula 1, black dial, with just the date. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Wow!
  11. All ya need is a sub and a convoy Torpedo Los
  12. It's RCI, anything other than what is sporting a crown on it would be lost on most the clientele. Really want to impress the crowd? Carry a book thicker than the menu. Don't wear it off the boat while exploring off tour or on your own - it's a invitation and it does happen. Customs? You shouldn't have much to worry about with two or three watches. We once over bought booze and as we approached customs our porter offered sage advise; only offer information if directly asked. If you want to play the game next time go Celebrity, Silver Seas, or Holand American. Where the blackjack dealer not only notice which watch your wearing but your cufflinks and shoes as well. VC would not be lost to them.
  13. Yes, yes I see this FLASH GORDEN MUST DIE!
  14. What are you looking for? I make some now and then.
  15. because; GOD wills it! :knight: Might makes right!
  16. Vodka, Tequila, Swill God drinks Bourbon
  17. @TTK Well you did ask when does a person need to own a gun. Some hunters do hunt grizzly with pistol, makes you laugh when the bear wins. Now on the discover channel they have a guy who's gonna teach wolves to be wild - there's a darwin award in the making. There is some sense being spoken on gun control issues. I am pro gun but lets use some reason. 1). There is no real need for assault rifles unless you are in the military. They use too much ammunition, and there are just as accurate if not more accurate bolt-action rifles. If you need that many bullets to hit the target, trade the assault rifle in for some shooting lessons. Economically you'll even save money to buy more watches, bullets aren't cheap. 2.) Armor piercing or exploding bullets - Living in the woods I haven't seen any game wearing bullet proof vests or driving armored vehicles. Don't really need them to pierce paper targets they only have one purpose- they need to be banned. People selling them need to be treated the same as drug peddlers - toss the key. 3.) Handguns - Ahhh! the controversy. It would be impossible to license every handgun but to license every owner. Expecting responsible ownership is not an infringement of any rights. A class, a test, and a renewal process. No questions as to how many you own, but if you own, are you educated in the safety and responsibility of ownership? Oh! Want to buy a handgun? Do you have a license? No license - No Sale 4.) 2 Week hold on purchase. The only legit reason for owning a gun is hunting or sport shooting. Plan your purchase two weeks before season opens or the sporting event. This law protects us all from the hotheads and the mentally imbalanced. As a gun owner this doesn't bother me, in fact it should be a federal regulation. NOW ON MY SOAPBOX 5.) I applaud my state for requiring hunter certification prior to issuing a hunting license. The amount of morons it has kept out of the woods is dramatic. Hunting related accidents reduced by 72%. Years ago my wife's grandfather
  18. A gun is a tool specifically used for killing. I have killed many predators over the years protecting the livestock. I've found it mute to reason with the fox that eating that chicken will be detrimental to its health, but they never listen. I've killed fox, muskrat, skunks, feral dogs, coyotes and even had a run in with cougar. A fox in the hen house kills as many as it can - it doesn't just run off with one. Coyotes have killed as many 5 sheep in an evening. Feral dogs are very dangerous. I can't see a lamp or knife being of any aid, as I just don't run fast enough to catch them, unless it was in an effort to make the predators laugh them selves to death. I have used traps as well - with the same result and have to listen to the PC people rant over that as well. I don't know how things work in Scotland but let me explain how it works here. Say a bobcat comes into the area and is killing your livestock. You contact animal control and they will send out a game specialist to track and kill the animal for up to two weeks. They will however charge you $175.00 per day whether they get it or not. Or they will tell you to shoot it yourself and call them to pick up the carcass (rabies testing). I also own and carry a revolver; it's impractical to carry a long gun or shotgun while driving a tractor or carrying a posthole digger. Before I have to listen to extremist rants about extremist gun owners. I've never found a need for an assault rifle as I haven't had any paratroopers stealing sheep - when they start I'll buy one. I've never used a gun for home defense, my friend (Avatar) takes care of that for me - she's always loaded. If you feel so threatened that you need to carry a gun in your home - it's time to move. Please don't spout about removing natural predators, and it being all our fault anyway, I really don't want to deal with bears and wolves in addition to what's already out there. Its economics - dead livestock equals lost money. Capitalistic? Damn right - don't go there. Any person claiming here they're not, just take that watch off and throw em in the garbage. Any dealers here don't like us capitalist Americans? Quit selling to us here. Reminds me of a prostitute condemning her john for lacking moral fiber.
  19. As the tragedy dominates the airwaves, both factions of gun control rally the zealots of their cause, as the media vultures descend to feed off the emotions of anyone to be found at the scene. Who is to blame; the gun or the person holding it? I contend more fault lies with the media than the gun. They play each tragedy immortalizing the person, the people responsible, or the cause. Gun, bomb, airplane, doesn't matter, as long as it makes headline news. In this case, a social terrorist, little difference from a political terrorist. Would gun control had made a difference or could an alternate means been found? A bomb maybe? The story that this doesn
  20. Did they move the member's watch sale area? Can't seem to locate it.
  21. Yup! Two thumbs up on that one.
  22. It always seems allot longer when you're the one waiting for it. Ahhh! The expectant parent pacing back and forth - waiting for customs to give birth.
  23. That
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