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Everything posted by Blindman

  1. I disappeared here for quite some time - I was two months in traction with two herniated discs. A MRI is the only way to make sure. Everybody preaches chiropractor - go to the doctor first and get properly diagnosed, then gather up all treatment options and make an informed decision. I know the pain will overide the smart button but don't let it. If someone would have told me hooking up electrodes both fore and aft and cranking up the voltage would relieve the pain - I would have tried it. Remember if you do the wrong thing, the condition can worsen or become permenent. Seek professional medical help - until then hot and cold, or seek out a hot tub( it really works) - ensure you have someone there to help you in and out. Seek professional medical help. Spelling edits AAARRGGGHHH!
  2. I heard somewhere in a field of dreams "If you build it they will come". It falls hand in hand with " If you list it, they will bid". TTK is on the mark, someone with more money than brains will purchase it seeking a vintage pre-40's rolex. The term pre-40's is beginning to fetch a price the same as Victorian. The old addage proves true - a fool and his money are soon parted.
  3. Your Pizza money funds the Mafia I thought everyone knew that!
  4. Germany Netherlands Austria Switzerland Italy Spain France Canada Mexico Bermuda Cancun Belize Belgium Luxemburg
  5. TW seems to be down, any word if it's coming back up? I don't even mess with RWG1 anymore - got tired of the cr@p. If they take WT away I'll be lost On the lighter side Wristwatch stopped by today - he really liked the black dial daytonna I got from PT.
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