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About brep

  • Birthday 05/01/1969

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    United States

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  1. Agreed - craft shop may have the dye as well. B
  2. I saw the topic and had my response ready - but you beat me to it ;-) -B
  3. dluddy, What does the front of that watch look like??? -B
  4. Doing a little research on watches with the movement. Does anyone know much about this watch? I found this info site that has a picture of a similar watch: hXXp://www.antiquorum.com/html/vox/vox2004/vacheron.htm Anyway... -B
  5. Thanks for the clarification re: Seagull (I have fixed the topic header). I also agree on the Moonwatch, but have read enough to believe the current version is nowhere as accurate as the previous. I do like the PAM - but requisite is that you have to be able to see the movement ;-) Keep 'em coming... -B
  6. Every time I see a watch with the Lemania movement, I smile. I think I may need to add one to my collection. My understanding is that they are very dependable, and of course, great to look at. What is your favorite watch containing one of these movements? Just thought we could get a little chat going on this topic... Thanks, -B
  7. Could that be my 3717??? As above, even if not, bummer... -B
  8. Man - that is beautiful! -B
  9. I recommend using the search button and looking for trustytime or Andrew. By and large, he has a very good reputation here. I have purchased from him, if there are issues, he will make it right - just keep talking with him. -B
  10. I use an Oral B and have for years-one of the cheaper ones. My wife picked 1 up later and hers has a time built in-pretty nice. -B
  11. Some of the recent 3717s have had stem issues. I am guessing that this is your problem. I sent mine back to my dealer and they replaced the stem with the (correct) longer one. I am guessing that this is your issues as well. If you have a trusted smith - it might be easier than sending back to ??? Hope that helps, -B
  12. I have had mine since they came out - no issues at all. I agree though, I was concerned that the added GMT might affect the movement - has not to date... -B
  13. Miss V, Hope you had fun shopping - I actually had to run a couple of errands this PM myself. BTW, who said anything about going to sleep??? Yes, it's been a long day... 'Nite, -B
  14. Did it! Braved the cold (and I mean cold night) and got a new TV for the living room! 46 inch LCD - now the kids won't have to watch their cartoons on a broken, formerly color, TV. Anyone else? And yes! - where are the rep deals to tempt us??? -B
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