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Everything posted by Highflyingclive

  1. I am sorry to hear of your ill-health and other varied misfortunes. I wish you an early recovery to full health. The other stuff is just things. Not important.
  2. @RavishingRick.. I am still enjoying your 195 - a lot! Despite the Asian copy 6947, it is till ticking, keeping perfect time and looking very cool. I have four "Unitas" pams. Three Asian and one Swiss. The Swiss has died but all the riceburners are running perfectly. Luck of the draw, I suppose.
  3. Get a HKTan strap. It will transform your watch.
  4. 0434/1000. Purchased second-hand - original dealer unknown. Love it to bits! EDIT to add... a perfect timekeeper, and the chronos run - and reset - perfectly.
  5. I loathe excercise in any form. But sweat once ruined a very nice genuine alligator stap. And the only excercise I was doing was lifting beers at an italian pavement cafe. I dislike metal bracelets. But now, when I travel to the Far East or the Med, I wear my Omega SMP 300m GMT. Nice watch - and sweatproof! And I have to admit, the Omega bracelet is excellent. Almost as comfortable as a leather strap. Almost...
  6. It may be time to take a breather. Edge, for whom I have had a lot of respect in the past, seems intent on a stirring up a lynch mob. All because of one ... can we, for the moment, call it an error? Just to give us time for reflection? Can any of you remember what the market was like before Joshua appeared? I certainly recognise several people from the old days in this thread. If the so-called "cartel" have a fault, it is that they have held prices down... and because of this have influenced other dealers to follow their lead. Or would you prefer to pay Honpo's prices? Service? Before Joshua appeared it just did not exist. But since Joshua started making good the inevitable DOA movements, dropped markers, loose hands, etc, et al.... look what happened. The other dealers followed suit. When Andrew first appeared, he made a lot of mistakes. Not least of which was misrepresenting the movements inside his watches. He was naiive enough to put into print stuff that his dealer had told him. There was quite a bit of fuss over this... but no lynch-mob. Andrew set about putting his house in order and worked hard to overcome those early difficulties. But now Edge wants to see Andrew, Joshua, King and Angus driven out of business... over one error, in one watch? It seems a little disproportionate. I'm not saying that nothing should be done. But I think that the people involved should be given the chance to put their case - and if necessary, put their respective house in order - before we let the lynch-mob loose. In my opinion, Andrew was ill-advised to enter this thread when he did - and I certainly don't blame the others for not wishing to join in until the emotion and the rhetoric die down. I have to decare an interest. I have been dealing with Joshua since he started his business. I was one of his first customers. I have bought several watches from him since. In every case I have been delighted with every aspect of the transactions. I have a B&R. From Joshua. I had one of the first... perhaps the very first, of the PVD models. No - I haven't a clue what movement it has inside. Yes - it keeps perfect time... to COSC standard. Am I about to open it up to see if I have been "ripped-off"? Of course not. Would I deal with Joshua again? Certainly - without hesitation.
  7. We are even. I roared when I read that!
  8. Nice of you to think of me Ry... but I cannot see any U-Tube stuff... idiot site insists that I don't have flash installed.
  9. This has become a pretty idiotic, albeit amusing thread. I see no reason to exclude George.
  10. Tim, Ry.. you crack me up! Thanks, guys. Hyphens? My ribs actually hurt!
  11. Tell your girlfriend to look at your watch whilst standing upside-down, in front of a mirror. Could be fun
  12. Thank you, sir... I aim to please. But are you referrring to the (now sadly) emasculated avatar.. or to the tobacco tin?
  13. I would refer you to my response to Ry.... "ibid" as they say.
  14. Ry... you realy need to get out more. Drink beer... meet girls. Anything rather than spend your life doing this.
  15. "Furious hand action?" Are you sure that you're on the right forum?
  16. My Dearly Beloved and I went shopping. Seperate baskets. At the checkout, I got twice as many vouchers as she did... even though she spent twice as much as I did. "How did you manage that?" she asked. "I gave the checkout girl a wink", I replied. "You tart" said she... but she smiled sweetly as she gently took the vouchers from my hand ... and lovingly drove her stilleto into my instep.
  17. HK = Mamon. No doubt about it. Still love the place, even though the usual rules of retail commerce do not apply.
  18. @capt390... Teaming a brown leather strap with a black rubber suit is unlikely to make a positive fashion statement. Especially on the wrong wrist.
  19. I bought a $20 GMT11 in China. It fooled a Rolex collector in HK airport. Gave me chapter and verse on his own collection. I wore it into eight high-end ADs in Kowloon. The sort of shops where the shopkeeper looks at your wrist... then decides if he will give you the time of day. Only one gave it a second glance... You guys would tear it to pieces - and rightly so. I was ripped off. It is really only worth $10, at most. In reality, any rep will fool anyone... as long as you stand back and move your wrist quicker than anybody near you can focus. I like to think that I know a little about Panerai. Saw a bloke wearing a 111 the other day. On rubber. I'm conviced that it was a rep. But only because of the rubber. Close as I was... he didn't hold his wrist steady enough, for long enough, to enable me to make a proper appraisal. I hate it when that happens.
  20. Rainbow on the crystal? No problem. Take drugs, gaze at watch :... and enjoy...
  21. Damn. And I thought that learning Mandarin Chinese was difficult...
  22. Would you mind discussing the positive aspects of your philosophy with my Dearly Beloved?
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