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Posts posted by gridlock1983

  1. Dont get dont me wrong, if someone has done wrong it totally deserves to be brought to light but you shouldnt just limit it to people who want to PM you. that kind of hides the fact of what i've actually done from ME!!!

    If it was so bad that it cant be in the open forum why not let the mods know and at least get them to either ban me or get to the bottom of it.

    I was going to sell my Hublot but until this is cleared up thats kinda ruled out now isnt it.

  2. can i just ask what the problem is. I cant remember selling anything to you?

    If I did what was it?

    Its just that in the last say 5 or 6 months I've sold about 5 watches give or take on here and I've had no complaints coming back to me.

    I'm an amicable guy so if there was an issue with something I'd happily sort it out but I've checked and double checked my PM inbox and cant see anyone moaning about anything.

  3. Has any of our members experinced the so called N.O suppelement?

    I want to give it a try but im not sure if it is "over-hyped" stuff or does it really work?

    Ive tried (of course) normal whey protein combined with soy protein and L-glutamine ..it was good increased strength and better bloodflow

    But i hvae never tried L-Ariginin or N.O

    so if any one have any experince hen please share it here thanks :)

    yup used it quite a bit. been bodybuilding for over 11 years. currently sit at just over 127kg so i;m not a small guy.

    problems i found with it are its simply not designed for any real lasting effect. brill for the gym and to hit the clubs a few hours after but the facy is it doesnt really do anything else.

    if you want a good delivery system that will shuttle nutrients into your muscles then get a good creatine that has some dextrose or something with a high GI to make sure you get the necessary insulin spike so you can get those carbs and protein into your muscles after training. you'll notice that a pump will stay much like these pumping supplements mainly due to the higher glycogen uptake and its got more of a benefit due to the release of the most important anabolic hormone of all, Insulin!

    depends which way you want to go, but if you're happy going further down the line you can look into stuff like igf and hgh. you'll get some good fat burning with the hgh and some decent health benefits provided you use it right.

    igf, while stronger is not so good for fat burning. but you do get to a state of hyperplasia (cell split and replication in a real real basic term) which you wont get anywhere else, provided you can mechaniclly overload your muscles enough.

    and no, injections wont turn you orange.

  4. Hi team,

    I found this when searching for a vintage breit. The listing hints at it being a rep; advertised as "silver watch (with Breitling written on the inside)". But still, I don't think anyone would pay $255 (current bid) for a broken rep... I emailed the guy to ask if it was real and where he bought it. He told me he wasn't sure, but it looks real to him. Said he got it from an auction :animal_rooster:

    I have emailed ebay to report a fraud, but as usual, they are reluctant to act. I reported on Saturday and it is now Tuesday morning here. There is 3 three days left on the listing, so I'd appreciate some help in applying some pressure 8)

    Here is the listing:


    Thanks in advance :drinks:


    i think in this case most people would know it was a rep mate as its not been sold labelled as a breitling and the fact that the guy has put it on with no reserve and it has fake diamonds on it kind of gives it away.

  5. Domi can do the servincing on watches and i think that he recently started reluming

    hands and dials.

    He lives in Germany and i can recommend him

    Carpe Diem



    any ideas on how to get in contact with him?


  6. so i think this is a regular fixture now. seeing as Andrews got in on it.


    wonder where they're gettin all these gen bits from if its a constan seller though :confused:

    and imagine this starts happening with other watches. prices will be slashed!!!!

  7. i was looking at some of his new ones coming out and they were 800+ dollars. was quite shocked when i saw the prices.

    i know the quality is high and its cheap in comparison to gens but i'm wondering how many guys out there would pay that price?

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