Now that you've posted pics, I'd have to say that crystal looks permanently ruined. Those scratches look to be deep, and not merely surface swirl marks. And, honestly, I can't understand how you could have done that without realizing it. In fact, out of 200 or so crystals that I've coated now, this is the first time I've seen one ruined like this. The fact is that this coating is very durable. You can touch it, and clean it with relative ease. In technical terms, this coating meets US Military Specification MIL-C-675 for durability. MIL-C-675 specifies that the coating will not show degradation to the naked eye after 20 strokes with a rubber pumice eraser. MIL-C-675 coatings can be cleaned repeatedly and survive moderate to severe handling. They will not, however, resist scratches in the same way as uncoated sapphire. If you do not use common sense when cleaning the coated crystal, you CAN scratch the coating. Your crystal looks to have been rubbed on or with an abrasive material. As for my own coated crystals, I routinely wipe them off with spit and a T shirt. I've been doing this for months and have no scratches to speak of.
Now with all that said, if you are able to strip the damaged coating and would like to resubmit it for re-coating I'll send it off in the current round due to ship in two weeks at no charge. At the very least, I would like to see the damaged crystal in person to make a better evaluation. Let me know.