The watchmen did have a bit of distortion, but so do the gens. I have a watchmen cyclops on my 2892 063, and it meets my expectations. It is, however, slightly too strong in mangnifcation power in my opinion. Nevertheless it is a huge improvement over what comes from the Chinese factory, and not any concern to me. Perhaps it's an illusion, though, as my datewheel is inaccurate. The numbers might just look over-magnified due to them being the wrong size and font to begin with. Once I receive the Finepics datewheel, I will have my final say.
All that said, I think there is still significant interest in 6mm cyclopes. I'm toying with the idea of doing a 6mm run once I've paid off my investment in the 6.75mm versions. If it does come to fruition, I'd probably make them ever so slightly weaker in mag power than the watchmen so as to slightly reduce total thickness, distortion, and reflections.