I like to play with these people who just have to ask, and typically respond "You tell me" while moving my wrist towards them so they can get a better look.
Yea, nobody in their right mind would have ever wanted Geddy's hair!!! Hehehe... But, yea, Rush was the real deal and definitely no Fly By Night hair band.
I've got no clue how to go about extracting the existing cyclops from a sandwich crystal since it is recessed into the sandwich. That doesn't mean it can't be done, though.
Well the fact is if you can get ahold of a Ti Seawolf, you'd be completely remiss for passing it by. But, as you know, they're hard to track down. I'll be hanging on to mine for now. I've got its crystal off for double AR at the moment, and then I'll be installing a gen dial. It will definitely be a looker.
My I offer a Suicide Solution?
PS I did respond to Mr. Crowley with a commit (no this doesn't mean I've tried pestering TTK)... Didn't hear anything back, so I dunno.... But you know where to find me.
Looks great, vacuum. I assume that the bezel clicks are aligned with the points on the outer edge so you can just use those as a reference for where to relocate the pearl.
Bought one off panatime.com for $35 on sale. It's a 4 PAM case with the watches on one side and compartments for straps on the other. Nice case. Black leather. A tad small for my long straps, but they can be made to fit.
Every CC should have a virtual card number generation tool on their website by now. Use it. Create a valid card number for the exact amount of the purchase with a 1 month expiration timeframe. Between that and Visa or Mastercard fraud protection, there is little about which to be concerned in my opinion.