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About guanaco

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    United States

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    Sidi Power Plant

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  1. That clasp is just what I need for mine. So I just send him a message asking for one?
  2. guanaco

    Hair loss

    No, I just realized that becoming bald isn't necessarily a bad thing. I could start going bald any day so I accepted the reality of things.
  3. guanaco

    Hair loss

    Why do people worry so much about being bald? If I were to start going bald I would simply shave my head and start being awesome.
  4. Plus you're retarded. Any questions? Hey sunshine, if you're the only one crying about a forum harassing you [which we never did but you blatantly suggest we did] is it: a.) Only one guy makes the posts in the forum and you got trolled by him. b.) You're a nuisance, you're doing it wrong and on top of that no one likes you because your IQ is that of an Orange. c.) The members at RWI were doing it wrong and you were the only one doing it right. d.) Pork Chop Sandwiches! If you guessed "b" then you are correct! I would've also accepted "d". Oh crap, gotta get back to moderate RWI, where did I leave my whip and chains?! You know... to keep the members at bay, you don't think they love spending time there do you? No sir, we keep them by force!
  5. No offense but, that's a pretty snobby and dumb supposition, he just wants to make it look as close to gen as possible for his own pleasure, just like a lot of people mod other brands. Sometimes "close enough" is not "good enough" for others, why do you think people mod their reps to begin with? lol
  6. Sander, just wanted to revive the thread to tell you that the CORRECT Vegas caseback can be found in the Totally Crazy Hours rep, silly Chinese, lol. So you'll need to buy one of those TCH and swap case-backs with the 5850CH you have on now.
  7. Glad to hear that, sorry, just checked and I seem to have missed the post #15 where you mention you had stopped, I need to read harder next time, lol.
  8. You haven't lost any weight because your body has gone to "starvation mode", this is why diets like the cabbage soup diet fail miserably, IF you lose weight it's going to be mostly water... fads like this are dangerous because you're denying vital nutrients [keyword: vital] to your body, protein is going to be gotten from somewhere because you can't function without it, so it's going to come from your muscle tissue [lipolysis in muscle] - If you want a good cleansing eat 6 small balanced meals everyday, you'll feel much better, less hungry and you'll lose weight eventually, also remember, you can't lose weight simply lying around, you need to exercise, 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat, roughly, to give you an idea - Juices alone aren't going to give you the fuel nor nourishment necessary to do a good workout. Stop!
  9. Notice I blanked out the part regarding the resale value, anyways, I just give my old Laptops away when I need to upgrade; my $1,500 17" Laptop will EASILY beat the specs of your $3,500 white brick, lol, overprice a pretty laptop with a fruit as their logo and the masses will buy. Move it, coming through!
  10. Keep lying to yourself.
  11. Bingo! However the Mac fans think their precious Macs came down from heaven meanwhile us PC users like to tease the Mac fans and these sort of threads begin, lol. Oh and Macs are overpriced for what they are, so there. InB4 angry Mac lover says No U!
  12. So PC's don't work? Well I'll be dammed, lol
  13. There's the Taormina King and then there's the Taormina King Chronograph which is the one they have repped.
  14. Orange on a Overseas? No... =(
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