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Everything posted by cenobyt

  1. cenobyt

    p90 x

    p.s. just do a search for p90x torrent. the ipod/mp4 version is available. however without the calender and schedule it's a little tough so get that too.
  2. cenobyt

    p90 x

    That's part of it. After taking some time off, due to a pretty rough auto accident, I'm going to start the P90X program again. I still have a back injury and have put on some weight but I have the OK from the Doc to start exercising again. I'll do just the Cardio set for the first two weeks to build back some endurance. It may even take 3 weeks. Once I'm able to burn through it at the expected pace and can complete it with some level of confidence, I'll start the lean version of the P90X program. I will post weekly results.
  3. what about removing the movement and adapting it to something else? is that an option?
  4. my mom bought it for my dad on their wedding day. obviously he beat the snot out of it. he has never worn a watch since.
  5. Hi all, Not sure this is the correct section to post this in but I'm looking for some opinions. This watch is roughly 40 years old and in need of some real love, just not sure if it's worth it. I've attached some pictures so you can check it out. Clearly the crystal is broken on the corner just under the date. The caseback has some chunks taken out of it and there is a real issue with the crown. The case has some obvious oxidization. When shaken, you can feel what I think is the movement bouncing around inside. Oddly enough the thing still works. Opinions?
  6. cenobyt

    p90 x

    Hey guys, there are several comments being made that are simply way off. The program has been posted by someone. Try it out, then comment. Just watching it doesn't count. If you can follow the program, that's a big IF, you will see obvious results. I think that's the whole and only point. IF you are motivated, can't make it to a gym or maybe you can't afford it, don't have room for a home gym, want to see results, and can follow the program, then it will work. That's it. It's the only claim. Nothing else. I've worked out for years, this gave me better results then any other "natural" workout program I've done and it did it in a shorter time. It's not just "fancy marketing and buzzwords", it's a program that works. If you are looking to get un-humanly jacked and ripped then do a stacked cycle of Sustanon and Winstrol with super quick sets of chest and squats. Those work too. Results will be quicker then P90X by a whole month. Less energy and effort expended too. In the end, you'll achieve your goal, which is just a different goal then set by those who do P90X. Not being sarcastic or a jerk. Just pointing out that people's goals vary and may be different and thus this isn't the program for you.
  7. The lack of weight loss is due to the fact that the body senses that you are not eating and goes into starvation mode. This allows the body to shut down it's metabolism and start hoarding fat which it will use later as fuel. These diets do nothing other then breakdown muscle, sometimes retain water, and store fat. All bull crap. It gains opposite results then what your looking for. Any weight loss that does occur is a false loss as its attributed to the body flushing water. If you are one of the few who does lose weight, you will 100% regain it as soon as you start eating normally. Eat your veggie!!
  8. Hey all, I've done a bunch of searching around and have found prices ranging from $260-$388. Most post $278. I only searched the reputable dealers on these forums. Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in these reps or simply some dealers giving better deals? P.S.> They all seem to spec it the same.
  9. cenobyt

    p90 x

    No snake oil involved with P90X. Have a few friends who spend thousands on personal trainers and none have seen the results that I have seen in the same amount of time. Yes thousands. $100 plus per session at some of the best gyms. Sure they look better then before, but they have spent thousands, I spent $100. Over the last six months they say "gee dude you look good", then they get [censored] when their wives comment. P90X works because of a few reasons. Muscle confusion, which is not a new concept, but not followed by most. A good exercise program that focuses on balance which reduces injuries and builds the core which in turn allows for more fat burning, again ignored by most. A balanced diet. If you want to keep bench pressing, go for it. Given, as mentioned by others above, you need to be self motivated. You also need to handle the intensity of the program, or take it slowly. I hurt myself and can't keep up anymore. Although I'm sure I'll be able to start again shortly. I can't wait.
  10. cenobyt

    p90 x

    Hey, I lost about 25lbs in 6 weeks doing p90X. I also dropped about 5% body fat. It was intense. Problem is, I broke a small bone in my foot which has kept me from progressing further into the program. I think I landed wrong during one of the plyo sets. I'm going to try again in about 3 weeks.
  11. I agree with everyone else, sandals or flip flops. However, skip the sporty stuff like teva, keen, merrells. Stick with a brown leather preferably one that matches your watch strap!
  12. Hey guys, Just my opinion but the button down collar looks very 1990 to me. Oxford style Ralph Laurenish. However, I really hate when my collar flairs out because its not held down. The look of a crisp collar is key. Ubi's collar in the photo is how shirts usually start out, but give it a few hours and they spread. Not crisp enough. Therefor I always try and find the ones with the button underneath. These are rare. So...I buy these... http://www.wurkinstiffs.com/default.aspx Yes they work. Sometimes, my evenings get a little rough (mosh pit etc), and you can lose the magnets but for the most part, they're great.
  13. p.s. http://www.strapculture.com/legendmp.html and just a reminder if I didn't say it enough, these straps are thick and the buckle is big too. But again, it looks good!
  14. Hi all, I received my 177 and Strap culture strap a few days ago. I purchased the legend mp historic brown with brushed buckle. It looks absolutely amazing. They are great to deal with. They do ship from hong kong. Took about 5 biz days to arrive and I live on the us east coast. They claim 7-10 so that was a nice surprise. Quality is A+. I can't believe how thick the strap is. Only issue is I always thought I had small wrists, next time I'd up the size because I think this strap may be too short. Due to the thickness in the strap it just feels short but may be OK. Seems to stretch slightly while wearing it. Anyway compared to a few others, they are slightly cheaper and provide a quality product. I'll post some pics tomorrow. Also everyone at work noticed, commented and were intrigued. Works well when dressed up but adds a casual feel. Wife approved and thought it was sexy.
  15. donation made
  16. You're right it's not. But honestly, in some countries they just can't be bothered. Too much paperwork means they'll look away rather then create more work. That being said, I'd really like to find out what the actual law states. Especially here in the states. There is always that gray it's not illegal if you're then one buying it, just illegal if you sell it. I don't totally believe that, if they want to bust you, they'll bust you. Just because it's one watch doesn't mean I'm not selling it and they can use that if they wish.
  17. Someone mentioned Greece. I do not know the specific laws in regards to replicas, however, take a stroll through, a not to be mentioned here, part Athens after about 6PM and you can buy absolutely anything that can be replicated. It's so out in the open they can't possibly care. No one does anything about it. I saw every brand of high end watch, bag, software, music, and movies. Not only is it out in the open but they're pushing it. I also saw police officers stroll on by. The only thing the guys selling the stuff do is walk away and act like nothing is going on. But it's so obvious.
  18. Hi all, Very willing to donate but would love to upgrade too. Can we do it via the same process? If that's been answered sorry, don't have too much time to read every post. C-
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