I am very happy to have found this board and I hope to become a part of the community here. I began my replica journey about four months ago by finding the old RWG. After hanging out there for a while and consuming massive amounts of my time reading, I started looking around for other boards. I have just been getting to know this place for a while now, so I thought I would at least say hello - and Thank You! So far I have purchased: Tag Link Chrono, Omega Planet Ocean, Omega Seamaster, and a Summer Blue Sub (which is awful, by the way). I have also recently purchased a 127 Fiddy from TWP - outstanding service and transaction, from start to finish. I would really love to post some pics, but that will have to wait until I return home, as I am over in Iraq right now, trying to help the people here get back on their feet. (I would rather stay out of the political discussions on this - I am doing my job, and that is all). When I do get home I look forward to posting pictures and hopefully passing along something useful to the board, until then, I am kind of stuck with just learning what I can from all the members here.
Thanks, and once again, glad this place is here