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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. Did you notice the spelling on the back?
  2. Making a woman think you paid less than you actually did? I prefer the opposite I recommend the SS datejust ladies. My girlfriend has a gen and loves it. She has made it known to me that she wants a cartier tank next. I think either of those are great; I prefer the datejust.
  3. Craytonic


    I was addicted for about 6 months last year; had to give it up because it was eating too much time.
  4. Not sure if David W. is still around, he used to carry a good set (seperate from his mystery movement 6263).
  5. The gen is white (NOT silver). I have seen it at 4 different ADs, including Wempe.
  6. It may just show up in a week or two. They are good people; if something goes wrong they will fix it but don't send lots of order info.
  7. gotta be awkward at the airport metal detector.
  8. Sounds interesting. I have been meaning to snap a wrist shot before I go out at night sometimes but am always running late.
  9. I am a GUEST at another person's wedding I will dress as they desire and not break the mold. The attention should be on them, not me. Certain things come with being a guest, it is a matter of respect, among others.
  10. I can see how with the most formal vest and tails you would only consider a pocket watch "appropriate" but I would consider that a dated perspective.
  11. I would go with the PAM 063. I had the Ti GST but the rotor was way too loud and the crown too loose. Try on the IWCs before you buy. Yes, they are accurate. That doesn't mean you will love them.
  12. I don't think it is ever bad ettiquette to wear a small, dressy watch. A watch and cufflinks are about the only jewelry a man can wear. It doesn't imply anything except you want to be there on time so you wear a watch to know when to show up. Sports watch (with ss bracelets) are for sports - not business. That said, I think a cartier tank would be fine for work since it is a little on the dressy / small side. Keep it small with a suit so it fits under the sleeve and jacket. Try to keep the leather matching, although I would see more trouble with a brown band than a black one. Don't wear a leather or alligator band to a PETA fundraiser.
  13. Actually, in theory, the rep mfgs could collude as a cartel (dreaded word but correct from an antitrust standpoint here) and have a policy of never making a 1:1 sub. As long as they all stick to it, they all profits from new models. This actually makes great economic sense for them. Not saying it happens, but that it could. You get into messy points like new entrants to the market and forcing collusion, etc but I am simplifying here. In addition, I would think they might use more than economic muscle to keep people in line - can't call the justice dept. about someone strong-arming you about your rep factory!
  14. Any way you could hook up with ubi or whoever did the vintage rolex dials?
  15. You are working from the assumption they want it to be perfect...
  16. Thanks! Was curious, didn't want to end up with a head with no band.
  17. wow it is like the crystal isn't even there.
  18. I would be in for the SS if price is in line with other 7750 asian reps. Quick question on the HBB: The bracelet is plastic, right? WTF are you guys going to do when it breaks? Just curious if it can be replaced.
  19. He might have sold it; I saw it in his latest offerings as well. I think it was gold plated though.
  20. If it is a spaceview I would be interested.
  21. Wow. A to F in about .02 with that picture comparison.
  22. I think much of the market is in china. Especially on this rep, I know this is a complete & unfair generalization, I am racist, and am going to hell, etc. But this watch seems to do better with Asian buyers... I have seen it 2x in NYC and both times an asian guy was wearing it - guessing gen on both given where I saw them. Your evidence may of course vary and it isn't really worth arguing this point, just a silly theory I have. Seemed to look better on them than me, skin tones just have that effect. They also realize there are two sets of buyers for reps. One that will pay top dollar for the latest and greatest, and another more value conscious set. They charge the high price first to extract what is basically a monopoly rent from the early adopters, then wait for sales to drop off and cut the price. This way they maximize profit. If you sell 50 of these, it is better to sell 15 at $600 and 35 at $400 than all 50 at $400, particularly if you don't need all the money right away... The theory that upsets me most, and that I think might also be the case, is that they are initially charging $600 for these so when the price gets down to $400 everyone will think it is a "good deal" and they are "saving" $200, when really they are getting a rep that should have cost $250-350 (max!) to begin with. Probably a symptom of general trend toward higher prices. Could also be the case that it is hard to get ceramic part for this, limited supply, etc so it makes even more sense to use theories 2 & 3 since they don't have the stock to meet the demand at $400...
  23. On the box you can also tell it is rep by the shape of the label (too much heigth, not enough width) and the mechanism that holds it closed.
  24. Thanks the case was throwing me off, if I had any photoshop skills I would overlay the 2 you pictured to show what I was talking about. nice watch though, I wish the pics were bigger.
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