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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. I don't buy 7750 as a rule any more and sold off the ones I had. Never had a problem with them (except the screaming rotor which annoyed me to no end even if gen 7750 does it) but I always had the feeling they were just about to break. I always found the case thick and never used the chrono anyways. Sold off all the ones I had except the non-chrono one in my pam 050. I do have a few chronos, but they are all lemania/venus in dress watches that I infrequently wear and never use the chrono on. I get the impression they are fine if you get them serviced; but for the extra $ I'd rather just get the swiss version or two non-chrono watches or a venus/lemania that will last much longer. Just out of curiosity, anyone know the base cost of an Asian 7750 vs. say an ETA 2824-2? I would think the knock-off 7750 would be cheaper, at least to the rep mfgs, but they always charge more for it than a genuine ETA in a non-chrono watch. I would think the non-chrono ETA would still be worth more than a non-ETA chrono? Someone will more knowledge on these prices feel free to call me out if I am way off base. I know it is apples and oranges but I would still pay more for a real orange I could eat than a fake apple I could not.
  2. Silix has a few (prime and regular). I would try contacting Sash, one of the dealers here. He has sourced things for me in the past with good results - and he will undercut the big fish enough to put a smile on your face. I am sure he can look for just "rado" but if you send him a picture you will probably get better/faster results.
  3. Dear Neil, I know it kills you that you that there are a few of us that can ignore your tantrums and just laugh. I'm not really bothered that you have threatened me several times on this forum; you have never done anything and you never will - you are an armchair tough-guy and nothing more. If you do, I don't give a [censored]. I have been in the process of moving for over a year; although I know in your dream world you think I am running in fear from you. If you have the balls to pay me a visit i'll happily provide you with all three of my home addresses and a schedule of when you can find me at each one. If you ignore me, it is because you are disgusted that your empty, words have no power over me. You have continuously lied about me, tried to frame me as a scammer, and threatened my person with information you obtained because I purchased a watch from you. You have continuously given me ultimateums that I have ignored - none of the threats have yet to materialize. The more you rant and threaten the more potential customers you will chase off - you are the master at inspiring the second thought. You may always be the bully in the room with a group of worshipers but there will always be the few of us that see you for what you really are - a wimp with an internet connection. In three words, suck my BBC. Sincerely, Cray
  4. Buisness end of a howitzer my ass. Neil is just arm chair loudmouth who hides behind his computer screen. I'm not afraid of him, and never will be. He threatned to sign me up for PIE and NAMBLA; we used to do that to each other in grade school. He also tried to frame me for scamming him via western union until several members spoke up that I would never do such a thing. Same old song and dance. His most defining characteristic is poor use of elipses.Troll. I would be wary buying from someone who continually holds your name and address over your head to threaten. Luckily, I am moving and don't give a [censored]. Have to run to a reception for a couple hours - you will need to find someone else to scream about.
  5. A little epoxy (the kind you mix from the 2 tubes) should do the trick. Key word is LITTLE. Also take the bezel off when you do it so you don't accidentally glue the bezel to the watch.
  6. Wow, that looks great. It is so much sharper!
  7. You can learn a great deal about all the dealers from their posts here about their attitudes towards customers, how they will use your personal information, etc. Why buy from a dealer who will use your information in a vengeful manner if you are unhappy with that dealer, use it to silence potential criticism, make threats of physical violence, make other threats, or LIE and FRAME their past customers as a western union scammers? It is nice buyers have so many choices available.
  8. What are you going to do, mail me a broken watch? Get a life. Nothing against replica boards, but that isn't exactly where I am trying to make my mark in life. For you it is all you have.
  9. Grown ups always resort to straight harassment. And like I really care? OMFG I may get some spam mail on occasion while everyone sees you are an ass. How old are you? 6?
  10. I'm sorry, all I heard was some drunk, old, post-relevant, man on a rant again because he desperately needs attention and to prove himself like a 12 year old on the playground. The only thing you might have a chance of being remembered for is setting the world record for highest blood pressure.
  11. Don't have skype; I don't need to hear your voice to know you have perfected the art of sounding like a 12 year old girl on the phone.
  12. Still waiting on those flight details... nothing like an internet tough guy. You deliberately lied that I had tried to scam you via western union; the only reason you recanted is that I have a spotless record of transactions with many members who called you out on it; then you lied again by trying to say it was a trap. Lie lie lie, huff and puff. Same [censored] different day with you each and every time. Then you lied about your relationship with your butt-buddy luckyyy, anyone can look the thread up on RWI for themself! You omitted the real reason you like thailand so much - you can get whores and little girls on the cheap! You hate america because our police actually enforce the laws against such things so you can't get your sick fill. I have yet to have a brush fire, tornado, hurricane, or any of that crap actually affect me (outside of New Orleans, but that was truly a natural disaster)
  13. BTW congrats on taking a decent intellectual thread and sending it to the pooper; I'm predicting a lock within the next 12 hours since it is hopelessly OT.
  14. Lets not forget about you LYING about me trying to scam you via western union; I just had my dates mixed up. Then there was you lying at RWI about your involvement with Luckyyy, the guy who taught you customer service. Seriously, take your hand-gina and [censored] yourself. I have no interest in visiting the hell hole you live in; if you want a fight buy a flight here. Im sure if you rip enough people off by sending them broken watches, ignoring their emails, and refusing to deal with it you can scrape together enough $ for a ticket. Only you would hide behind veiled threats of what you can do from afar; if you are a man get on the next plane and send me a PM with the flight details. Don't foget the postage for your crate.
  15. Blowhard; I'll see you when you get here. If I have to ship you back in a crate I am not paying for it so I suggest you bring the appropriate postage with you!
  16. Please stop by any time; you have one of my addresses and if you are in the US I will be happy to provide the other 2 if they turn out to be more convenient. I'll even set up a web cam so the forums can watch me kick your ass.
  17. Good we are getting somewhere, at least you are admitting it cannot be proven that God does not exist. I honestly don't have the time or ability to outline a proof of existence. As I mentioned in an eariler post, with links, they have been made by others far better at this than I. I just don't see the point in arguing poorly what someone has already done well. If you are interested in seeing such proofs, they are about 10 posts up. If you want to attack any of them that is fine. If you want to make some arguments of your own that too is fine; but I am not going to do a bad job presenting a good argument - I know when to say leave it to the experts. As Roland said all existence arguments are probability arguments, and every individual is going to be comfortable with a different level of probability. Some won't believe in God until he transports them to heaven to see it, and then they might blame it on a dream or illusion - some people will never believe at all. I think some such people are on this board, so I'm just not going to go into any sort of argument. If you want to advance a claim of your own, that would be probably more interesting. I know it is easier to attack an argument than to construct one; so if you prefer not to be constructive I understand. I have yet to see an athiest on this board make an argument with any real weight so it would be nice to hear one. I know your principle argument is that I have the burden of proving existence (i.e. you can't prove non-existence but can only point to the lack of proof of existence); but if you belive your claim so to be so true surely there must be some arguments of your own you can make as well as to why there is no God? Surely you have some we could hear.
  18. Very sorry, I prefer Augustine so I have a bad habit of finishing his name once I hit the capital "A" on the computer. The city of God is one of my favorites; perhaps one day I will tackle the full Summa Theologiae.
  19. The only "proof" many will find acceptable will be when we both die. At that point, the consequences of either of us being correct will come to be. All you have advanced so far is the argument that "There is no proof God exists." This is very different than proving "God does not exist." Also, that first argument is subject to the counterargument that "just because there is no proof you find sufficient that God does not exist does not in fact mean God does not exist." I think we have gotten no where, typical for this type of discussion. There are many ways of arguing proof existence - the ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument from design, and the moral argument are just a few of many. Augustine presented five of his own that many find convincing (http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1002.htm#3) in the Summa Teologica, as mentioned earler. Each has been discussed by people much smarter than any of us, so I don't really see the point? I don't really want to go through the motions of something that has been done so many times throughout history. No one ever agrees on these things.
  20. Please show me where I argued that God exists because people belive he exists. I NEVER advanced that particular argument. Don't put words in my mouth. You may wish I had used that argument, because the flaw is obvious, but I did not. And obviously I can tell the difference between reality and imagination, as I said for the sake of argument. Keep the cheap shots coming guys.
  21. It doesn't really matter what you prove to yourself. Assuming God exists, I am sure he could prove his existence to himself via similar means. The real question is proving it to another, and a snide ad hominem attack won't cut it and is really beneath you - two posts in a row. I am a little disappointed in you and am about done with this thread as your side grows uncivil.
  22. Pug, as for the proof bit, since we are on it, I'll throw the gauntlet back down and say prove that you exist and are not something I invented in my mind to keep me occupied. Obviously, you exist, but I still think it is a valid point - a world of proof is not enough for some.
  23. I think it would be best to just point you back to my post about proving your own existence to another. Also, let me remind you that many people find proof of God in many places, each person's idea of "proof" to them will be different. I once took a class with an extremely distinguished math professor who saw proof of God in mathematics and science. It was proof for him, but it may not be proof for you. Another may find "proof" as well, but in something completely different. Each person is going to have a different level of proof they need, with some being slapped in the face not enough (for example, people that still think smoking will not affect your health). This is yet another reason why it is silly to argue in terms of "proof." It is useful in proving the equation 1 + 1 = 2 but is utterly useless in a metaphysical context. BTW, who gets to determine who has to do the proving? I see no reason to think either side has more of a responsibility of shouldering it here. You take me having to prove it to you as a given, but I don't see any reason why I would have to carry that burden. As far as I am concerned, you have the burden of proving non-existence to me. The point once again being this is merely a "God exists" "No he doesn't" shouting match, nothing more.
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