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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. We are friends so I don't see any issue; we talk watches & reps. He does NOT have an AD, he just does services for a fair number of them. I don't exactly go in to try on a rolex sub, I go straight to his bench. He makes his money from me off work, not sales. You are correct he didn't open it up; I couldn't get my tag link chrono bracelet to come apart so I dropped by to have him fix it really quick. I know him well enough that your conclusion is incorrect; although opening the case would have revealed it instantly. I just didn't bother telling him this one was a rep (I take him both). Sharp & nice guy, this one just slipped under the radar. No big brother here, I am friends with the guy.
  2. Ok just curious, I know the guy who runs the only RSC in nashville and he has worked on reps... although he actually had no clue (I didn't enlighten him either). If he had touched this one I was going to give him [censored] tomorrow. BTW the watch looks great!
  3. They don't want the bottom market... yet. As mentioned in the key note, they are aiming for 1% of the cell phone market. This is a high-end luxury good, not some phone they give you for free for joining the network. They are following the ipod strategy, start out with a small niche market as the best, new, ultra-hip toy. Perfect the technology, expand, and offer something for the bottom end (a la ipod shuffle). They changed the name of the company for a reason...
  4. Really? I get 2-3 on my 60 (which is starting to feel small, I am on for the next upgrade). Plenty for me, I just use it to watch arrested development at the gym, 2 episodes a workout + a few music videos. I wish they would release a "wide screen ipod" (not a phone) as well. The technology is obviously there... guess it takes too much power to spin that HD around & around.
  5. Did I ever say this was an indicator of how the company would perform? Go back and re-read my very short post. I did not; I am very familiar with how markets work and the forces behind them. My point is that lots of people are betting lots of money that this thing sells and sells well. I happen to agree with them I'm sure the numbers will tell in a year or so...
  6. You are giving advice on something you aren't willing to bet on yourself & telling someone to buy a stock you think is doomed to go down in the future (yes, I know you are saying it will go down after release, but if you are right you don't think the market would choose your view soon enough)? That said, 10m units is nothing.
  7. A lot of people did, look at how APPL performed yesterday compared to motorola & crackberry.
  8. How did you get the crystal out of your VC overseas? Dammit I wish it would hurry up and get here.
  9. I love all my apple products, can't wait for these two new ones! I was somewhat shocked the iphone would do mail through yahoo. If I had a .mac subscription I would be [censored].
  10. I love all my apple products, can't wait for these two new ones!
  11. [insert obligatory image of rbj's thumb]
  12. at least wait on paypal dispute till the last day you can possibly file it under their deadlines.
  13. You and me both! I love this watch! I tried one on; looks like [censored] on me. Still want it for the box though!
  14. Congrats; you won the award for "pics making craytonic want this watch the most." Now as soon as the price drops...
  15. A big issue is the rate of failure. If 1 in 10 fails after 5 years; I can replace that one watch (probably with a more accurate one after 5 years) for less than it would cost to service them all. Some that I love the most will be serviced. The rest I will roll the dice on.
  16. You are talking return on INVESTMENT. This assumes it is done on as an investment, like adding a wing to your house. The few mods I have done I chose to have done because I wanted the watch to look perfect to me; not so I could resell it later. It is just like having a $250 meal. I'll never get that money back, but I sure as hell enjoyed the steak and wine!
  17. You are right about the 6 marker, seems like they have problem with the "12" as well; particularly if it is a numeral since the 1 and 2 have to be properly alligned and centered. I am guessing the markers are attached by hand? I can't think of why else they would be so bad...
  18. The i-tv will be in my shopping cart the moment they add it Curious about the i-phone, may be the most hyped non-existent product in history. If it can replace a crackberry I will be very, very excited. Either way I expect some sweet stuff.
  19. I am just going to failure. * If it fails I can get the newer, better, rep of the failed watch. * I may not wear or like it any more, thus it does not matter * If one I really like fails, I can always get a new movement or swap a movement from one I no longer wear.
  20. I take it you are in private wealth management?
  21. Apple has been under investigation lately for some problems with stock options; either a bargain price now after recent drops or up for more trouble (world should see the new products on the 7th) you decide
  22. I would have kept it; except it is the wrong one! You should at least get the one you ordered.
  23. Wow the return on some of those is ridiculous.
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