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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. It is a classic. You might get a good deal on timezone under 4K USD for slightly used ones. Doesn't help that every kid who wants to prove he has "made" it goes out and buys one.
  2. Assuming his is quartz as well?
  3. I have one of these in the mail :-) (IWC GST Crono) You posted that pic enough I just decided I had to have it!
  4. really depends on the ad and if you take it off.
  5. Do you ride the short bus to school? I was clarifying one small point that was still true. It changes NOTHING about you only posting 1/2 our PM conversation. Next you are going to start preaching that it is a good thing for dealers to lie to customers as you did in the previous thread where we butted heads.
  6. I think many gen owners come here and do a quick search on reps they are interested in buying to see the flaws and know how not to get ripped off. Good policy and glad it is available to them.
  7. I certainly am not the only one who subscribes to the "you get what you pay for" theory. See http://replica-watch.info/forum/viewtopic....&highlight= Review of Paul's "so called ultimate" submariner by other members.
  8. Sorry should clarify. People post reviews on HIS site as well, not just this site. On his personal site www.aspire........ he can delete what he wants.
  9. You are a scum-bag liar. Of course I consent 100% you dragged your own thread off line. Would reply more but don't see the point, you never respond to substance but instead go on a personal attack. Will be traveling this holiday weekend to my other house, regret not being able to expose you or respond @ length.
  10. not post your PMs, then deny them when I post one! Lets not forget who started down the personal attack strain. My regret is you dragged this thread way off course! Bottom line is bargain sellers may give you a crap movement or other problems. Aspire has done it before, Sinchuan's movements are not the best either; if you have any problem you may be out of luck. Furthermore, aspire has had many problems in the past and has paid people in watches to trumpet his own horn. You can call everything in this paragraph a lie till your face turns blue but do a search, you will find many threads and posts from many members about these three things. Don't take my word for it... do a search and see!
  11. Ok now you are scum. Its makes you look soooooo good to paste my half of the conversation. Why didn't you post your 1/2 Notice how nice and informative I was in my first reply to him. I informed him where I purchased the watch, and how much I paid for it, and where he got the idea it was $149. I attempted to treat RT with respect, even though he has never been one of my favorites. 1st PM he left out. Wonder why I am a little [censored]? I then asked him to NEVER CONTACT ME AGAIN and that the watch was not for sale to him. Then he proceeded to lecture me via PM, call me names, etc. I refuse to stoop to his level of posting anymore private communications in an attempt to be somewhat of a gentleman. But, this explains why the next PM starts "Haven't we had this argument before in public in a thread?" Bottom line: See how polite the 1st response was. Then he low-balls me as an insult. Then I tell him watch is not for sale to him and please never contact me again (he left out this PM, sorry I don't have it, don't save old PMs). Then I get a lecture. @ this point, I let him know what I thought since 2 nice PMs was enough. Not so pretty a picture when you tell the whole story, is it little richard
  12. Wow say hi to the titanic, you have gone far off the deep end. You keep trying to make this about me strangely? I will blow more on dinner tomorrow night than any rep I own is worth so realize I'm not in any "hole." I always buy from one of the better, trusted sellers than the basement ones because I put a premium on service, quality, and quality control. Other people may decide differently, and I respect that. Sorry I refused your low-ball offer, but what did you expect? You don't have to take it so personal. I simply refuse to sell to people that don't know how to conduct themselves properly (i.e. insult me repeatedly) and you fall into that category. Stop acting like I give a [censored] if I sell a used watch or not; its just a hobby for me, but like to sell some watches every once in a while that I don't wear @ a discount. Buy it from Paul and move on, or possibly collect it from him for free as payment for pimping his watches (and write him a nice review, he deletes all the bad ones)! For everyone else not interested in personal attacks: Look at the movements sinchuan is putting in his watch now, not the same new ETAs other dealers get. Paul had used older, dirty movements in the past... and may be trying to pull a fast one with these new swan neck movements he is dropping in his panerai... they are probably cheaper for a reason and may not be ETA, but chinese copies. Why do you think there is no picture of the full movement and the screws differ in color? Some sellers care about people and relationships, some care about the bottom line and their yacht. All I am saying is each approach has its ups and downs. Neither choice is the "right" choice, you have to make it yourself. It is misleading to tell buyers one choice is "correct," when clearly there are many options and each is appropriate for different buyers.
  13. I may sell mine in the next week or two if you change your mind; starting to miss my panerai.
  14. I thought it was very tempting; you can always drop in the latest and greatest movement in a few months if you want. Be sure to make sure it is sapphire and AR coated though, also ask about lume. River is very reliable.
  15. I am sorry, but you are spreading mis-information; dealers often assemble these watches themselves or have it done seperate from the factory. This is a FACT. Last time I checked, you were not a mod - and for good reason. You can't expect me not to respond to your comments and personal attack against me? I just want people to be informed and will continue to try to do so. This really has nothing to do with me selling 1 watch (which eddie sells for $250 BTW with a new and quality ETA, not a 10 year old one); I buy and sell several each month and always sell @ a loss just because I like to circulate many watches, it is a hobby and it has some costs. I have had this argument with you and the others long before I put any watch up for sale so don't try and use mis-direction to attack me and stray away. That I refused your low-ball offer does not change the facts I am presenting. I am beginning to wonder if you yourself have some alter agenda to defend paul so... he has offered to buy people off with watches before... Don't be silly, it isn't always the dealer doing the assembling (although sometimes it is). Often their drop-shipper in china has many of them un-assembled and has the different movements available, they take an order from the dealer saying "put X movement in Y case and ship it to Z" and some dealers have better drop shippers, better quality control, etc. The US isn't exactly the only market for these watches. People like paul probably do it themselves most of the time - hence the quality control problems and misleading ads. As always, it is slightly humerous to see you ignore the substance of my post and resort to a personal attack instead.
  16. Ah, good to see you are still swift with the ad hominem attack, as usual. Attacking the other person is a great way to win an argument while ignoring the substance of his post (differences in movement & assembly, communication, service). That ranking seems to support the idea you get what you pay for, all three charge higher prices than aspire... though I anticipate you saying you have yet to buy anything from them (could be dread causing that). Those are all good, trusted dealers. I love Jay from Silix, buy from them all the time and can't say anything bad. They are a little cheaper than my regulars, but the communication is a little slower and don't get the new stuff as fast. Sometimes you want the price, sometimes you want the communication. Like I said, it is a trade off. TTK also has lower prices and I do know you buy from him, but didn't see him on that list? Suggests again you get what you pay for. Obviously, like you say price does not ALWAYS equate quality or better service. Certainly true. Look at the 1K reps on some of the scam sites. Obvious. However, this doesn't mean buying from one of our trusted dealers at a little bit higher price is always a bad idea. Just because the rule isn't true 100% of the time does not mean it isn' true 90% of the time. The fact is dealers often buy the movements and cases seperate and assemble them. You may wind up with a crap movement or bad assembly job if you buy from a flea market seller, but yes it will be the same case as everyone else. If saving a little money is worth getting a watch that breaks soon as you get it, has hair/dirt/oil/fingerprints on the dial/crystal, or that you can't get fixed, then that is buyer's perogative. People should accept we have different dealers, and are lucky to do so. The important thing is to find a dealer that meets your needs at a price you are comfortable with, and this will vary from person to person. If someone likes vanilla, no need to convice them what they _need_ is chocolate instead, chosing a dealer is a personal decision that impacts quality, price, and service and occurs in all walks of life - a choice most adults are aware of and make many times daily. This is why all newbies are told chose your dealer, then your watch.
  17. The problem is, if you know dealers, you know they often buy the cases and movements seperate. Most cases are made by the same factories, that is true. However the movements are not, dealers often drop them in. These are also sourced from a much greater variety of places seperately from the cases - they are not all coming out of the same factory or of the same quality. This explains the movement problems with paul a while back when they were crappy and old, and that the ones in sinchan's watches are not the newest on the block, and also why some use asian over swiss. Thus, you DO get what you pay for. A watch from our better and trusted dealer probably a better movement often with better assembly. This means no hairs, oil, or fingerprints under the crystal and a movement that will likely last a lot longer and run much smoother. Obviously, this also means better service from them - but that is a given. You don't exactly expect the flea market to fix your problem, do you? One of the more trusted dealers are much more likely to fix that, and do so promptly. Can you get a bargain here and there from someone like paul? Sure. But, you need to think about things about what is inside the case and how long that movement will last and how it will run, as well as communications. I sent paul a question about those new PAM movements three days ago and have yet to hear back... and this was leading up to a sale that would make him money. Choices exist for a reason.
  18. Some of it is that if a person already has the watch; that means there were no delivery problems (right watch received, watch is working, no parts falling off inside, etc)
  19. She is a genius then, the world would be a much better place if it was always 5pm... work is over and happy hour is starting!
  20. You will probably want a new bezel insert for it at the minimum; also a new tropic crystal probably. Shipping is 3-4 weeks to me usually.
  21. easy to spot? Rep has 2 screws on side of movement, gen has three?
  22. There seem to be quite a few communications issues and quality control concerns popping up... you do get what you pay for.
  23. pop the case and air it out. Ubi had a great idea of putting it a ziplock bag w/ silica packs.
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