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Everything posted by Craytonic

  1. if it was an asian 7750 it probably died; just have a watchsmith take a quick look at it. Probably cheaper to get a new one than to have that one serviced.
  2. This is the only real concern I had... someone told me it was a "woman's watch" and that scared me off a tad. But a woman's watch in 42/44 MM?
  3. Anyone have a Pam 113? I saw one at an AD recently and fell in love with it! Doesn't seem to popular around here though; very few threads or comments as opposed to 111h. It seems to be a good way to vary the pam diet with a dial that isn't dark. Just fishing for comments; appears accurate to me. Borrowed Andrews pic; doubt he cares since I will probably be ordering one from him soon.
  4. just curious if anyone has had the gold come off on the screws on the back when you remove them? I am leary to change my bracelet because of this...
  5. lol; always funny to see that pop up It is correct on the classic to have lug holes btw (and correct on the best not too)
  6. congrats those were good and informative to the new kids
  7. That would drive me _crazy_ every time I looked at it.
  8. hard to believe it is genuine... the seconds hand is WAY off-center
  9. I prefer to keep pams simple; thus chose 231. Although I will break that rule with a daylight @ some point.
  10. Saw the equivalent of that in Atlanta, died laughing on sight. Lucky I didn't get shot.
  11. Buying coca-cola could fund terrorism too... assuming some al queda member somewhere owns a share of stock in the company. I doubt any funding is direct
  12. bump for info on where you got the strap?
  13. river has them w/ old swan neck for a steal @ 250
  14. Have one from river and love it. Dress watch and occasionally wear it to work.
  15. Maybe he and nanuq could meet up and swap destruction strategies
  16. no need to be super sensitive... no one is expousing political views here.
  17. check these sites for good camera deals www.gotapex.com www.techbargains.com
  18. but its a *CRAZY SALE* haha I may get a 127 for the movement; if my good one has issues with the crystal... now I have a replacement! Also decent way to get a 183 in my watch box.
  19. MBW 1680; same as last week. May wear my rose gold 231 to work one day.
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