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Everything posted by ekhunter

  1. The Europeans have been dominating for a long time now! The Americans now have two years to think about it. At least Dimarco showed some enthusiasm, the rest looked like Zombies. The Europeans were high fiving, smiling, laughing, crying, the whole range of emotions. That is what it is all about. What a great game!
  2. I had the fortune, or should I say misfortune, of watching the Americans have their asses handed to them. No doubt that Tiger is the best in the world, and if one looks at the world rankings, it's made up of a lot of Americans, in fact 1, 2, and 3. It just seems the Europeans really get up for the Ryder Cup. If these guys played that good (fired up) on the PGA Tour, then they would have a lot more wins on tour. I mean, Sergio's iron play was phenominal. It just seems the Americans were going through the motions, and it seems that unless a check is attached to it, they just don't play well, and especially as a team. No real logical explanation. I guess, they don't' have that 'FIRE IN THEIR BELLIES'! Congrats to the Euros, I can only hope that the shame and humiliation of a crushing defeat will make the Americans play harder next time. Little Ian Woosnan did a great job, in every aspect. Hopefully the Americans will watch and learn.
  3. Clinton didn't [censored]-slap anyone, he's only use to the leftist press kissing his ass. I watched it, and he did a good job responding, but believe me, he knew the question was coming, and he knew exactly what he would say. Remember, he's got books to sale now. If he hadn't spent so much time trying to trying to hide his affair, which he did have, he would have concentrated on greater matters, like getting UBL. Were the Republicans on a 'witch hunt' when they went after Clinton over Lewinsky, of course they were, that's American politics. It's the same thing Democrats do when they are in power. Democracy at it's finest. I wouldn't exactly call Chris Wallace is a biased journalist either. I've seen him rip a few Republicans a new one on his show. What it boils down to, is it was 'all for show', the blame game continues, remember what Nancy Pelosi said the other day, it doesn't matter if this administration gets bin Laden now, it's been five years, which has been too long. Hopefully the jackass is dead, but we won't know for sure until that unbiased news agency known as Al-Jazerra plays his next video. The true beauty of it all is we have the right to agree to disagree. You want to talk about [censored]-slapping, then that's talk about what the Europeans did to the Americans in the Ryder Cup this past weekend. Now, that is a [censored]-slapping.
  4. I forgot, What Did The Pope Say?
  5. True, just having a little fun fishing. Much like you asking earlier 'what is the U.S. doing in Nigeria'? Just answering your earlier question. I think that is the role of the U.N., but true, it has nothing to do with what the Pope said.
  6. The reality of this potential future is a very real one. Let me ask you this my Lion friend, What is the U.N. doing effectively to make the world a safer place? Is that a real and fair question? I hope so, for if you were a fish, I would have caught you many many times!
  7. I think many are missing the point. The impotent U.N. is to blame for much of these problems that the U.S. has right now. When the first Iraq war ended, and we had all of this U.N. backed coalition forces, and the touchy feel good crap of the U.N. standing up to a tyrant junk, the Iraqi government agreed to certian terms when they SURRENDERED. They did not abide by these terms(obviously), and the corrupt U.N. and it's leader Kofi Annan were too busy lining their pockets(son's pocket) on the oil for food scandel. He(Kofi) and the U.N. failed to enforce what they said they would do when we left Saddam in power. The U.N. is a joke, and is a waste of the U.S. taxpayer's money. Do some research and find out who is forking the bill for the U.N. THe rogue nations such as Iran will continue to prove just how impotent the U.N. is, and then it unfortunately falls in the lap of the U.S., when the world cries and says help us we are there. As far as the African nations that are suffering under tyrants, they(the people who are suffering) are always calling for the help of the U.S. Where is the U.N.? Isn't this supposed to be their role? When bullets start to fly, so do they, right out of harms way. Remember, the U.N. had so-called peacekeepers in Lebanon. They are a JOKE! The Russians and Chinese will veto everything worth while on getting tough on the Iranians. I wonder why? What are we to do? Believe them, Ha! Maybe we should have left Saddam in power, and let him rebuild his Nuclear Power Plant that the Isrealis destroyed(for civilian use of course), and like the Iranians, he would be laughing at the world right now. And when he did finally get the WMD's that everyone fears, what would the world and the U.N. do then, cry to the U.S. to do something about it. We nipped it in the bud. I would rather take him out before he got them, then after. I don't care what reason or excuse we did it, he was a evil murdering tyrant that deserved what he got. And if many on this forum are really that naive about these rogue nations, let's see what you have to say when in five years or so, the world gets to see on TV a Nuclear Bomb being rolled down the streets of Tehren with "Death to America and Isreal" written on it in plain english. I can hear it now from all of the anti-American and anti-Bush liberals. Why didn't the U.S. do something about it back then, or the real liberal explanation, maybe we will get what we deserve. It's a cruel world we live in, but I honestly believe that the U.S. with their generosity to the world, are trying to make it a safer and better place. Enough ranting for now. This ought to rattle some cages!
  8. GOD said 'let their be Chicken', and a chicken appeared. Shortly therafter, in the garden of Eden, a man in a white suit with a white beard appeared, it was reported to be Col. Sanders. The rest is 'finger licking good' history.
  9. The question was which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  10. Now, that was an informative thread! Good posting!
  11. Yep! Smells kind of fishy. Maybe it was just a jeweler and not a Rolex dealer. If it was a Rolex dealer, what's up with that? Why no response yet? I suspect it might be a fishing expedition to find who is working on these. Watch out for the Rolex police, I heard they will rough you up!
  12. Who insulted Muslims or their Faith? Only the fanatics of their faith. look, the Muslims I've talked to don't give a damn what the Pope said, and are ashamed at the fanatics for hijacking their religion and trying to make it into their own personal holy war. It wasn't a bunch of Catholic Cardinals that flew into the WTC Towers, it was Islamic Fanatics. Where's the hypocrisy in that? One can continue to call the Pope a Nazi, but he was never in the Nazi Party, nor was he in the SS, he was in the Hitler Youth, it wasn't his choice, all male children in Germany were required to be in it, and he did go AWOL on them too, but I'm not going to spend all day defending the Pope against these charges again and again. The Pope said something stupid, and he apologized. I'm sure you'll respond, but I feel the need to finish this with a 'agree to disagree on issues'. This could go back and forth for eternity. We all see things from different angles, and I'll say this is one of them. I'd rather talk about Replica Watches, but sometimes, I just can't bite my tongue on other issues. Nothing personal Pugwash!
  13. By judging people, do you mean codemning someone who murdered a nun, a woman who gave her life to her God. I forget, they don't respect women or God, right? If they respected God, then would they take innocent lives of civilians? Maybe that is the 'one true way'. You seem to be very sympathetic towards these savages, and when I say savages, I mean extremist. I'm not preaching to anyone, by any means, just condemning murderers and arsonist. I think anyone who lives in a civilized society would do so. 30 virgins, 72 virgins, whatever? You state this is western propoganda from a 'misinterpretation' of a holy text. Isn't that just what these Iman's do? Misinterpret holy text. Why don't they call a 'fatah' or 'holy war' against the terrorist that fly planes into buildings, or blow up cars killing innocent civilians. Oh!, I'm sorry, aren't these extremist supposed to kill infidels? Anyway, how do you know what the martyrs and SUICIDE BOMBERS bombers believe anyway? Thinking about doing yourself in? Call it a religous answer if you must, but knowing right from wrong has nothing to do with religion. Trying to understand why they do what they do won't help, they are fanatics, and as this thread originally started about the Pope, I think it is the fanatics that are so stirred up about what he said. (i.e. the President of Iran) and these fanatics are the ones being condemned by most on here, not Muslims. I go back to my original thread. Americans are not anti-Islamic, but anti-terrorist, and anti-supporters of terrorist, and if most or even all of the terrorist happen to be Muslims, then that is their problem. Anyone who believes this to be anti-Islam is a FOOL! I'll also reiterate what I said earlier, but expound further on what I said. Only an IDIOT would go on a Watch Forum and call the Pope a NAZI, and not expect to [censored] people off. It's equal to coming on here and calling Allah an [censored]. You just don't do that. Right! Think before you type Pugwash, unless you like stirring up people by attacking the head of their church on a 'watch forum' none the less.
  14. Their English is remarkably good. Clerics calling for the Pope's head. That sounds peaceful to me. For the Pope's words, an innocent nun gets shot and many Christian churches get burned to the ground for what, for words. Do you think quoting someone else will get this reaction from a peaceful bunch?, I don't think so, but a violent bunch, well, their actions speak louder than words. They shot a Nun. Is their any quicker ticket to HELL, if their is one, I don't think so. Those cats definately won't get their 30 virgins, but they may end up as Satan's bitches.
  15. bestswiss.com is different. They are overpriced pieces of junk and they are rip off artist too. SCAM! SCAM!
  16. Did you just call the Pope a Nazi? You've got to be kidding? Say Hello to Hitler and Stalin when you see them in HELL. I don't think the Pope is perfect, but as a Catholic, I definately take offense, and I think that you crossed the line calling him a Nazi. Will anyone go on this forum calling for your Death. I don't think so. So, you do realize that had you just called Mohammed a Nazi, then you would have gotten a special package in your mail soon that would have gone kaboom! That is the difference in the two right there. Tolerance and Forgiveness. Can the Muslim extremist do either. I don't think so. I would recommend you do some reading on Germany and the National Socialist in the 20's and early 30's to see how they were able to do what they did. I assume you aren't saying all Germans are Nazis, but if you are referring to the Pope's childhood as a Hitler Youth, do you really think that this young child in Germany in the early 40's had a choice. Come on now! Before you answer that, think about it for a second. Had we (Allies) lost the war, people would be talking about our Boy Scout backgrounds as a bad thing. Remember the movie 'Red Dawn'. I think this entire thread has spiraled down and down, and is only going to turn more and more people against each other with all of the name calling and accusations. I mean, think about it, going on a 'Watch Forum' and calling the Pope a Nazi is ridiculous and just ignorant. Pugwash, you should know better!
  17. I don't see a lot of tolerance there!!! So a few random thoughts here. Extremist in any religion are bad. The harsh reality is that most terrorist are muslim extremist, so I see why some people may get on the band wagon. I mean, America was attacked by Muslim extremist. However, I think most Americans are not anti-muslim, because if they were, they wouldn't have voted Kazer back into the house on Big Brother 6 last year. I mean come on. They had a choice between a devout Muslim, and a Fireman(of all things). I felt the love that night. If they (muslim extremist) kill the Pope, who will pay? Does the Vatican have any NUKES? This could get ugly. Hopefully all rhetoric. Didn't a muslim extremist try to kill the last Pope, Pope John Paul? Very Interesting!!!!! Maybe all of these extremist, if they had any real guts at all, could all go meet the good guys somewhere, and duke it out, or should I say nuke it out. That's the way John Wayne would have done it.
  18. I think he is referring to Dante.
  19. When someone posts a question like "Who has the best Subs?" this opens up a sometimes subjective opinion. One may say Josh, the other may say Eddie Lee, and the other could say King, or whoever. It is the opinion of the experienced Rep guy, and what features he may like about a particular watch. The fact is that it is simply a opinion, and if a 'noob' reads and learns something about these watches, then he can form his own opinion. We were all noobs at one time, and no one likes to be made fun of or picked on, but simply doing a little research and reading own your own, one can form their own opinion. Unfortunately, SOME people are too lazy, and ask questions because their time is too valuable to do research, you see them all of the time, 2 post at max, got watch they wanted, and gone. It's o.k. with me, but don't come back bitchin! Remember, you are at the mercy of those who respond, those that may have different taste and likes in each particular watch. No two Rep watches are exactly alike, and likewise, no Rep is exactly like the real thing, but many a 'noob' has asked the question "Who has the best Sub" thinking that the answer that they will recieve will lead them to the perfect watch that could even fool their jeweler. Many a 'noob' has come on the forum and asked such a question, buys a watch based on someone elses opinion, and then comes back and bitches about the rehaut, lettering, or something else wrong with the watch that they don't like, as compared to the real thing. They'll say they thought this or that about the watch, but were disappointed in some way. If I only had a dime every time, I wouldn't be rich, but it happens. I think in a civil tone, it can be said that one should read all of the post about the particular Sub, are whatever they are looking for, and form his own opinion after reading said post. If one can still not form an opinion, then by all means ask "WHO HAS THE BEST SUB", and then please remember it is a REP, and enjoy the watch you decide to purchase.
  20. That was all very deep stuff .Simply put, WAR SUCKS! It's been going on since man took his first steps on this planet, and with the technology of war today, it will continue, until we do ourselves in, and man takes his last steps on this planet. It's a harsh world out there, and war will continue as long as we have mankind, borders, religions, leaders, weapons, etc. It's a reality that so many don't want to face. Just enjoy your time while you are still here, buy as many Reps as you can. Lighten up, drink a beer, enjoy Global warming, kills some baby harp seals, smoke cigarettes, and have unprotected sex with anyone that will do you. To steal a quote from an Old RWG guy "Life is Good" ENJOY.
  21. Kaboom!!!!!!!!!! I haven't heard the question about "Who has the best Sub" in quite some time. Either the noobs are getting wiser, or you are correct sir, the group is getting soft. Very, very soft! A kinder, gentler RWG.
  22. Lot B.--- S.Stadium Drive--.Death Valley- Home of the Fighting Tigers of LSU! --2003 BCS National Champions, and undisputed, unless you count the popularity contest winners that year of Southen Cal. Don't get me started on that one.
  23. Classical is only listened to when my 1 year old daughter is in the car. For some reason she loves Bethoven, especially 'Moonlight'. The Jazz has its moments, like at a restaurant or something, but for old fashioned tailgating like we will be doing tomorrow I like to start the day off early in the morning, first with a strong screwdrider, then with a cold beer and a mix of AC/DC, Golden Earring, Alice Cooper, Guns N Roses, Skynard, KISS, and of course TED Nugent. If that can't get you fired up for some football, nothing can. When we get good and drunk, and just don't give a [censored] anymore, then we let the old ladies listen to their music, Violent Femmes and The Cure. Just different taste in music!
  24. Nothing like Judas Priest for sure. It's looks like it's mostly a bunch of head bangers on this forum. You gotta love that! I'm a big KISS fan myself.
  25. Not supposed to, but then again, we aren't supposed to surf the net either. Some things you just can't help.
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