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Everything posted by ekhunter

  1. Rugby is great, but the refs really need to chill with all of the yellow cards. I think it frustrates a team, and only causes more yellow cards. Let them play, and yellow card ONLY when necessary. Besides, they are all just playing to see who gets to lose to eventual champ-------------- ENGLAND.
  2. With the World Cup, NBA finals, Korea's and Iran's Nuclear Ambitions, War in Iraq, and worst of all, ROLEX going Bling! Bling! going on, everyone has been a little edgy!
  3. Ahhh! Faulty Towers! I have committed an egregious error. A serious faux paus during the World Cup. Don't want the French to withdraw yet. This morning's headlines in my local paper, here in the states. read as follows. "German Blitzreig: 3-0".
  4. Englaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand! Germany vs. England would be an intriguing match up.
  5. I stand corrected! I said Heat in 7, but I'll take Heat in 6. What a great game. We all saw the emergence of the next great Superstar in Dwayne Wade. I'm proud of the Heat. The Mavs will be back though. Their young and talented.
  6. Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. The Heat got lucky! The Hack a Shaq was working, but a win is a win. About the Stackhouse suspension, if Haslam or anybody else from the Heat would have fouled Nowitski that hard, taking his feet out and not even going for the ball, then Mark "Crybaby"Cuban and all of the Mav fans would be crying flagrant foul, and looking for a suspension. A flagrant foul is just that, and you especially don't try to take out one of the League's Stars, Stackhouse got what he deserved. Too bad, cause they could have used him, but he'll be back for game 6. The League has always protected their Stars! Go Heat!.
  7. Thanks, 42 is just fine. Just getting anxious for a new PO.
  8. Been waiting for a good 45mm PO with ETA movement. Has anyone seen Trusty's new 45mm PO? It looks pretty damn good. Thinking about pulling the trigger on this one. Any comments, especially from those that have already have purchased this particular model.
  9. Like Watcher 71 said from the start. That's why they play 7. Where are all of the Mav fans? The silence is deafening. Anybody from Austin? I'm a big Shaq and Heat fan. What I was saying before was that the scoring is usually spread around more evenly on the Mavs, usually that is. Yes they are young, but very talented. I think Dallas will continue to be a Powerhouse in the future. No doubt it is a first class operation. Mourning and Peyton are getting really long in the tooth. Experienced true, but young, not! Hopefully, Just need two more games out of them, and they finally get their Rings. The Lakers had a ton of talent on their Championship teams (Remember; The Mailman) including a very young Kobe Bryant. Heat definately have a more experinced Coach, but Avery Johnson is a good Coach in his own right. I hope the Heat take it in 6, but I'm afraid it will take 7, which is exactly what ABC and the NBA want. Go Heat!
  10. Did SubFrog get any of that money? I know I sure didn't. Sure would have liked to have blown a lot of the taxpayers hard earned money on junk, NOT! It is a disgrace to this state, but I guess that what happens when you give money to a lot of people who have been on the government roles for all their lives. You can't just hand money out to irresponsible people, and then expect them to be responsible. No responsibility what so ever. They actually had some on the news that had blown their FEMA money, and then had the nerve to say"What am I going to do for shelter, where am I going to get the money". The reporter should of said you had it, and you blew it. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you now. It's disgusting!
  11. I've been to Bavaria and I've partied in Munchen, so I know about the Beer drinking. I have to say a love beer myself, it's great for breakfast, so I understand. Enough talk of War and such. Let's talk World Cup. I"ll say this, we suck at Soccer! I've been watching World Cup. Love the game. The Germans had a tough one, but somehow, I just knew they would just beat the Poles. Croatia looked good, but the English are going to be hard to beat! That might ruffle some feathers.
  12. Sorry Slay. I guess I should elaborate on what I was trying to say. See, we are a country of Mutts. Heinz 57's we like to say. I myself, besides being a native american, have German in my background, since my grandmother came here after WWII from Germany. We are all part something over here, which I think is what makes America the greatest country in the world, and is the reason why people are trying to get into this country every day. We have freedoms unlike any country in the world. Some might argue, maybe, too many. We have parades almost every day in this country. Some for Nazis, People Agianst Nazis, The Klan, Black Panthers, Gay and Lesbians, People against Gay and Lesbians, Pro Choice, Pro Life, PETA, NRA, People Who Hate Bush, the list goes on and on. The beauty is, we have the right! Sorry once again, I was just tired of all of the States bashing going on. It goes back to what I originally said, that if the United Nations had done it's job sufficiently in the first place (do your research first before commenting on this statement), then our current Administration, maybe, wouldn't have felt the need to do what it did. I did say Maybe!
  13. Didn't know that about all of the old Rollies! Thanks for all of the advice. Get on it tonight.
  14. I have an old Rolex Osterdate with a plastic crystal, yes that's right, plastic, and it's real. The question I have that I hope someone can answer is the crystal has some scratches. Is their a polishing compound I can use with a buffer wheel to remove the scratches? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  15. That's deep! Are you cocktailing already? It is 5 o' clock somewhere. Say Baghdad!
  16. The whole world would be speaking German or Japanese if it wasn't for us, and this is the thanks we get. Ha!
  17. Can you feel the "Heat" now?, I can! A little to close for comfort though! Need two more at home.
  18. Hye pubus, my SIL Monika is from Warsaw originally, Chicago now, anyway, she's not happy with some of the coach's decisions. What's up with that? She doesn't want to talk about it. A true fanatic. What did the coach do?, if anything, besides not win.
  19. Sorry, my mistake for misidentifying his title. Minister of Hilarious! I still loved that guy! He would have been very successful in politics here in the United States. More politicians need to study this guy. Maybe he has a career as a stand up comic. Maybe Bush could hire him as the White House spokesman.
  20. Let's see. Some 200+ years ago America under the recommendation of Ben Franklin, America almost adopted German as it's language, since all of Pennsylvania spoke it, and it was spoken a great bit around the colonies. Just think how the world would have been a different place. The Great War, America sides with Germany, Germany wins, no Treaty of Versaille, no rise of the NSDAP party, no WWII (oh! I forgot-Don't mention the War during the World Cup) We would all be speaking German. Soccer would be the #1 Sport in America. Everybody drives a Benz. Beer and Brats for breakfest. All the girls in America would look like Paris Hilton, I could go on and on. Man, what happened to us!
  21. What's wrong with the world?
  22. Dutch? Where did you get that from? Also, if it wasn't for y'all, we would all be speaking some Native tongue. See, I'm Cherokee, and I'm not "just kidding"! Then again, if it wasn't for y'all, we would still have bows and arrows, and not firearms. You dastardly English you.
  23. Saddam was an [censored]! I don't think anyone will argue that point. I do miss his Defense Minister though. Now that is a guy that could drink urine and tell you it was a good Pilsner! See ryyannon's Avatar for photo.
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