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Everything posted by trance220

  1. yeah but on the masonic cake, I looked up the masonic alphabet on line, and while the number of letters are correct, the spelling for "happy birthday" is wrong. Either the alphabet I looked up is inaccurate or the freemason's couldn't spell. I didn't bother to try to translate the name....
  2. Unless that freemason cake is in Latin or some other foreign language, it doesn't really spell anything in their alphabet. The number of letters are correct for happy birthday, but that's not what it spells.... yes I'm a dork for trying to translate it.
  3. Mine came from Timeholders. As far as the complete assembled watch that arrived, yeah it was pretty cheesy.. but the case itself looks identical to my trusty sub. Crystal is nice except for cyclops position. I already put a tiny little chip in it though.. no serial numbers, but that's not a big issue for me.. the bezel's not the greatest, it's too shiny. Wonder if I can brush finish it or something..
  4. The cyclops is off center, but really the crystal's not too bad. magnification looks the same as my trusty sub. I'm going to have to re-position the cyclops if I keep it. Has the crown etched at 6. I'm just wondering now what my options are for a dial. I need to get a dial, bracelet, crown (the tube looks like it would fit a gen), and different insert. I'm partial towards an older style sub, but not sure what would work for this setup. Or if a plexi would even fit the case. I have a couple of weeks to decide (next payday)... The bracelet looks like it could work. Old style end links, needs to have the center links brushed and a Rolex clasp installed. The movement is some sort of asian automatic, the beat frequency is pretty close to the ETA copy in my trusty sub. Old style date overlay with open numbers....
  5. Wow, bezel came right off. Thanks POTR!!!
  6. Mine came today, and really it's not that bad. My eyes may be fooling me, but case thickness looks thicker than my trusty sub. Rehaut is deep, but is a little conical, not really any worse than my trustymariner though. No lugholes, but I can fix that. I've already shaped the crown guards, they weren't as thick as my trusty, all I had to do was knock the pointy tip off and round them a bit. I must say that for my first attempt, it looks pretty decent. Just trying to get a good polish right now. I've started the aging process, added some nice flaws to the sides. Cannot get the bezel off to save my life though. Here's something funny, the pearl looks better than the one on my trustymariner. So will a plastic crystal fit? How would it look as an older sub? Any ideas of where I should take it style wise?
  7. I have an issue with my sub, I'm going to try my best to explain and see if there's an easy fix or anything I can do.. When unscrewing the crown to set the time or date, it's almost like the stem is not long enough. As soon as the crown is unscrewed it is already moving the hands around, and there is not enough play to click inward to the date set function. You have to screw the crown in about halfway on the tube before the date will change over, then unscrew until the hands move, then screw halfway in again to change the date.. etc .etc.. you have to leave the date one day earlier, then when you are screwing the crown back down it will click over one day.. the date changeover keeps incrementally moving a couple of minuets earlier and earlier from midnight each time I set the time or date.. anything I can do? I paid too much money for this type of thing to be happening....
  8. Man, that really sucks.... Mine still hasn't arrived yet. Now I'm bummed knowing I'm going to get a crap case. At least I can use it to practice mods though... The alpha sub looks okay on the pics, kinda conical rehaut, but who knows? It could be like the musk sub, different pic from the actual item...
  9. One of the things I've read here is that the font on "yacht master" on the watch face is not right. Print a pic of a real yachtie and use it as a reference...
  10. HA HA! I was thinking the same thing! If it was a TW case I would order 20 more! We'll see what's up when it arrives... I'm pretty sure it's just a run of the mill sub case with no serial's etc.. rehaut looks really deep though... deeper than my trustymariner I just bought...
  11. It could have string tied around it for a bracelet as far as I care I'm hot for the case.. Well, I won the auction. At that price, I could ruin several cases and not lose any sleep.. gotta start getting my tools together...
  12. I'm bidding on a different watch now. check this out - hope it's the right size.. http://cgi.ebay.com/Luxury-Men-Automatic-M...oQQcmdZViewItem The original link also said it came with a leather strap, so I think it might have been a "cut and paste" description from another watch. Hope this other watch is correct..
  13. Yeah, that dial has gotta go. Thanks for the timeholders info! got my bid in on a blue bezel sub. The bezel is getting replaced anyways so no biggie. How's the bezel setup? Is it like the mbw, or more like the new hard to remove noob style? I couldn't wait for my trustymariner to arrive, and now that it's here it's too nice to possibly ruin it so the musk watch is perfect! Thanks for your info on it!
  14. It happens all the time actually.. It's like that coronet just "pops up" everywhere.. can't escape it!!! I think it's following me... I think I will go for it. For the money it will be fun to try my hand at modding. Can even practice luming the musk dial...
  15. I think I'm picking up what you're putting down Smelling what you're cooking.. I'm guessing there's probably a certain oh.... coronet... involved??
  16. The only part I would actually use would be the case. I'm thinking of using it for practice modding instead of accidentally ruining my new sub. IF it comes out right, then I will swap my dial and movement, bracelet etc over.. I'm curious about the crystal now...
  17. I was looking on ebay and found this "Musk submariner" it looks like it may be a good watch to practice mods on. The crown guards look like they could be worked, lugholes, and the rehaut looks like it's nice and deep. What do you guys think? http://cgi.ebay.com/Musk-mens-watch-Automa...1QQcmdZViewItem Sorry if this has been mentioned before...
  18. It's not that I'm complaining or anything, I just wanted to make sure I received what I paid for. The movement is exactly like the one in "river's" watch. I just wish that in the product description they would say Asian copy movement rather than calling it a swiss eta 2836. That seems misleading to me. I'm going to keep the watch, but other vendors will get my business from now on...
  19. I see nothing but the (+ -) for the adjustment. rotating the rotor all the way around I see nothing, but don't trust my skills enough to take the rotor off to check any further.. I wish I had a working camera to take some pics.. Think I should send it back?
  20. I ordered the swiss ETA from trusty time, the $218 model. Looking at the movement, there is no markings or stampings on the movement anywhere. Its a solid gold colored movement. I thought it was supposed to have the Rolex stampings along with the eta identifying mark(s)? Did I receive the right sub? My camera's on the blink ,so no pics of the movement unfortunately...
  21. Thank you for that information. I really need to learn all I can about Rolex.
  22. I appreciate all of your replies and advice. I'll probably leave the lug holes alone. Since I received info here earlier that the watch serial # dates to 2004-2005, I'm guessing the current lug setup is correct. If anybody knows where I can get genuine Rolex parts to work with, please let me know. Also, L-Dizzle, what did you do to age your watch? If it's not a trade secret or anything Chieftang, your watch looks really sweet! How long did it take you to do all of your mod work? I'm interested in getting a super lume, just not sure of the cost and turn around time. Well see how the rehaut looks when it arrives..
  23. I can't wait to see the tutorial. I think I finally found my new hobby! I've always loved watches (obsessed really) and I've always loved working with my hands, so this is the perfect combination of the two. Why the thought of modding a watch never came to me before.. who knows? Can't wait to get to work on mine...
  24. It is my understanding that the serial # on a Rolex can give you an idea of the year it was made. If this is so, then roughly what would the manufacture year of the serial # F520117 on the Noobmariner's be? Also related, does the noob case have the "right" options, such as the partial lug holes? As soon as mine arrives, I'm going to start modding and I want to give it the right options for the year it was supposed to be made. I don't want to drill the lug holes through the case if that is improper for the year it was made... I tried looking for bezel inserts/pearls and crowns / tubes last night and could only find aftermarket. Is there a good source for these parts? Ebay sellers seemed a little too expensive and who knows if it's really genuine... Thanks for any help you can give.
  25. I dig your hardcore sub! Just so you know, I added your sub pics to my watch image folder yesterday while doing a search for ideas.... I like the well used look. I think it adds an air of authenticity to the watch. I think for someone like me (not rich) it also adds credibility to the fact that I could possibly own the watch in the first place My very first post was about a guy who came into my work in a beat up car, dressed badly while wearing a bling YM rolesium. It just didn't work. I think I'll stick with doing the genuine mods to the noob for now, depending on what the rehaut looks like when I get it. Later on I can always get the mbw case and keep modding. How hard is it to drill the 1.5 mm lug holes through?
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