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Everything posted by vlaletom

  1. DW is by no means a scamer. He didn' had anything to do with me scamed (and his rather [censored] off, that somone has been using his name to go fishing for easy money) And he tooke the time to contact me, to try to resolve my issue, and replyed all my email even when i hadn't noticed the email typo trick. My warn is about HeWhoIs ... And possibly to any not proven menber trying to "help out" a low post count user by willingly saying "hey, here are the DW/george/xkenzo email u needed"
  2. Yes you are right i know that it was very dumb of me. Not to buy from DW who has been very helpfull to me and really have such a kik ass product. But to go blindly like that send money at an info i had no proof of who it was. I should have checked with senior menber and none of this would have appened. I am just warning about hewhois.. and what can hapens with him or any body that has not serious reference.
  3. After some long wait and interogation i am finnaly writing this post. I am willing to expose somthing that has appened to me, even i dont find it very pleasent to start public accusation. Maybe this post should have been bteter placed in « Menber trade review » but i think it is more like a scam alert. I think i have been scamed by HeWhoHisLikeGod. First of all i would like to says i am not whining, i made somthing stupid and got screwed, and i have goten over it ... But i do think i have to tell it to other menber here. So here is the whole story: Back in march at the begining of the « new » rwg nanuq ubiquitous started a thread about difference betwen a gen and a DW 6265. I played the difference game with them in that thread. DW 6265 vs. gen Although i was pointing out the little difference, i was impress by that watch. A few minuts later i recived a PM from HeWhoHisLikeGod giving me DW email. "DW actually recently came back selling the Vintage Watches, keep it quite cause last time he got overwhelmed with orders and went iton hiding, he only accepts WU, but he is legit here is his email, beware he speaks shitty english. xxxxxxxvxxx@hotmail.com" (email masked for obvious reason) So i went on considering actually buying a DW 6263 ... during the next few days i did a few search on that subject and got convinced that it would be my next purchase. I olso noticed several thread where HeWhoHisLikeGod was talking a lot about how his DW watch was good etc ... I Finally mailed the email he gave me and got a reply the next day. I exchanged several email with that suposed « David Wong », it was rather convincing, email header had the user name as « david wong » right from the start, the english was like advertised, i was asked to chose the dial from pictures etc ... And that were i made a hudge mistake : send money to an unknown dealer on the behalf of an unknown menber (yes i know how dumb i was) So far i only had perfect transaction with dealer and menber (but with well respected ones) the suposed DW told me i would have to buy befor the 24/03/06 or wait at least 3 weeks because i was taking a break. In my foolish exitation i agred to make a 400$ WU payment to a dummy name in Rosville CA. With a pick-up question. I paid the 22/03/06 and money was collected the very same day. I mailed again to know if watch could be shipped befor his break and got that response : « watch in mail DHL 10-15 days, i have someone send yuou track in day or so regards, david wong » 3 weeks later nothing ... I was starting to have a very bad felling about all this (actually i had just the day after having paid). But iwas thinking that maybe he could not ship befor his break. 1 month later i went myself on vacation when i got back of course there was no watch for me. I mailed the email info many time since then without any reply. I got convinced i got screwed and got a bit disgusted and whent away from rwg and reps for a few time. Focussing more on some vintage watch restoration and learning the very basic of watchmaking. Finaly i decided to ask HeWhoHisLikeGod if he still had contact with « his » DW he told me that he had and would ask him what had appened. But strangely he never got back to me. So i did what i should have from the very start and asked nanuq about DW and told him my long story. And olso if he could confirm the email info i had for DW. The one h gave me « looked » the same. So i started to think it had nothing to do with HeWhoHisLikeGod. Nanuq told me he would talk to DW about me. The very next day i recive an email for DW (the header info was not David wong bu just David by the way). Dw teels me he don't remeber having unfinished buisness with me, but that it could be a mistake from his part. I send him The WU paiment info i used and we exchange a few mail, but even if he says he his sorry and dont understand, he has no clue of that whole story. A few day later i finally realise that HeWhoHisLikeGod has given me : xxxxxxxvxxx@hotmail.com as info while i am now exchanging email with : xxxxxxxwxxx@hotmail.com Notice the w instead of v on the letter i have not hidden with xxxx patern Those who know DW email will understand that this isnt easy to notice. Realising this i started to be very suspicious about HeWhoHisLikeGod and i am now convinced this was a very well planed scam. Of course it could have been a typo in the first PM, but somone was ready to actually play DW a that info. I mailed him about it, asking how he could explain that, but even if my PM was flaged as read i never recived any answare. So now the only thing i can do his to tell everybody about it. Maybe it will make HeWhoHisLikeGod explain his point of view. It will olso alert other menber of such a scam. I would like very much to be wrong, but it really dont looks like it. Thks for those who had the patience to read that whole post. Tom
  4. Well 618 are "available" it all depends on the price you are ready to drop, the auction i posted link off ended up at 1250$ for the 620 it's a 16 lines too the 620r i dunno
  5. Yep forgive me, it has a more luxury sounding in french then any english word i could come up with (like shop). The "shop" i was dreaming about is "place vendome" in paris between cartier, boucheron, van cleef and the ritz hotel ... I even feel bad a staring at the window there, like if just looking was going to cost me 1k$
  6. I 'could' consider the rep as it's probably one that can be close to gen. But if i had won the lotery and was to ring at that bullet proof dor at PP boutique, that would be the very last thing i would like to get out with ... for me pp is about classical haute horlogerie dressy watch preferably with complication. I think by the way that VC did much better with the overseas in trying to put a sports watch in it's line ..
  7. One was on ebay 2 weeks ago, but way off my budget , since it was with the famous "Eaton watch". Eaton on the bay i could live with a 616 or 620 tough ...
  8. A lines is an old mesurment i watchmaking history it's about 2.26 mm (rounded) so for the som of the most common size in watch : 12 lines = 27mm 13 = 29.3 14 = 31.6 16 = 36 16 1/2 = 37.2 17 = 38.42 17 3/4 = 40.11 18 = 40.68 And now that i have opened my pocket_movement.xls, if things are correct in there, the 592R is a 18 lines.
  9. As it has been said the 592 is a 17 lines while you need a 16 lines for a standar case. wich let you with 616 618 and 620.
  10. Hello Incursor welcome around. to answare your question lot of usual meber here also have genuine watch (not speaking for the peolple that just find this site to buy a submariner rep and go away). you'll find out that lot of people here are basicaly watch freaks and some of them watch expert. of course not everybody can afford a 196 that goes around 5k€ on after market, but wou will find plenty of base pam /rolie/ omega owner and people collecting vintage or less know quality watch. see ya around ..
  11. Yes for a redial Andy prices are much more competitive.
  12. One of the most "classy" rolex dial is certanly the "cartier" dial made on some explorer 1. Incredible how those 2 name can be co-branded in a watch, as they are probably the most notorious luxury watch maker for general public, but competitor.
  13. It specialy likes to go under the balance and block the palet ... but it wouldn' stop the crown from winding though ...
  14. Wearing my JLC master reveil (with working alarm) from narikaa. funny how lots of you allready knows what they are going to wear saturday & sunday. I usually pick up the watch while i am dressing ...
  15. It's really to bad i couldn't make it .. I was planing to come, but got glued by a client until 8h30 i hope there will be some other times. anyway it's nice to know that there is quite a little group of menber here in paris !
  16. I don't think there is any strategies, dealer probably do "as they can", i dont think they care about first come first served, i don't eveen expect them too. They could be shiping twice a week for example. Some dealer don't ship themself neither, but rather have "partners" that will. And then add the post company, wich neither garanty a first come first served but a maximum delivery time. Just allow between 5-15 days to recive your watch and relax.
  17. Great post ubi You must have taken your time on this one. it will really help out anybody willing to pick up a daytona.
  18. done
  19. Did i hear Beer ? I was wondering how many ppl were living in paris in the rgw comunauty if you choose the 7 i'll gladly come. howeverr i can't the 6 cause of familly engagemnt ...
  20. i guess compressing ligthly the 2 side inward the center, so the little dot engage more in there hole should do the trick
  21. Just did Not too shure that would be a good idear. We would be crowded be lame post like : "wow!" "lol!" "i So AgRreE WiTh wHaT y0u jUst Sa1d!, between who has the best sub ?" pushing people that have nothing to says into expressing can be very anoying ...
  22. No we are fish in an ocean, seeking for a perfect 1:1 brushed titanium barrel
  23. I am trying to do such a project myself. So far here is the info i am basing my project on actualy various caliber can be used the angelusis 240 is very nice because of the 8 days power reserver Here I show some 16 ''' (34mm) movements related to Rolex, Panerai and reps: - top: 2 Rolex cal. 618 made by Cortebert exclusively for Rolex in the 30s and 40s. - 2.row: 2 Cortebert 616 only bridges and finish are different - 3.row: left Molnia 616 licensed by Cortebert, and right Unitas 6498 (made in Asia) for Panerai reps!! - bottom: 2 Panerai movements, luxury derivates of the Unitas cal. 6498. The right one has changed bridges and swan neck adjustment. the cortebert 1620 is olso the exact same size as the 616/618 a drop in for those project i know it is possible to use some cortebert 592 R in radiomir with a little case adjustemnt: (to expend the case so it fit a 17,5''), should be no trouble in a 47mn case, as shown in this example : here from left to right is 592R 528 620 , the upper center one is a 528 (a more finished 526) finally here is a link that list various corteberts : Corteberts references hope this help
  24. Thanks a lot I am going to follow your way, glue the new tube ...
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