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Posts posted by Bigsy

  1. I have a PO lite with a cheap movement in, it worked finr for a bit but now can now no longer change the date, it appears to struggle for power.

    When the watch gets to about 11:30 (30 mins before date changes) it will just stop, if you shake it vigorously it will start again. Everything else works as it should.

    Is this just a case of lack of lube do you think?

    Is it worth me taking it apart slightly and trying to oil it? I have some v.thin oil. It's not worth trying to get it fixed properly as it was so cheap.

  2. Thanks for the advice, I just had ago at the staining with a cottonwool bud and some alcohol, it cleaned up a lot of it, but on the main bit of staining it removed the excess silicone but the dial certainly seems perminalty marked.

    I've ordered some cleaning putty off ebay to see if that will help but I can't see it making any difference on whats left on the dial, think I'm going to just ask for a new dial as well.

    So going back to the my original post....how difficult is it going to be to swap out?

  3. My recent purchase seems to have developed some kind of staining all the way round the outside of the dial, I'm probably going to ask for a new dial off my dealer which he should hopefully sort out.

    I assume I remove the screw at the back to get the crown out to remove movement?

    Do the 4 tiny screws on the dial need to be removed?

    Can I just pull the hands off if i'm careful or do I need a special tool?

    Anything else I need to know?


  4. Well I'm reading your post pugwash, there's a lot of guff there to be and honest and I'm really not seeing any good reason as to why TTK has licence to insult other members at will.

    As to why I want to be counted on this forum? Simple I don't, I come here to see what new reps are out, that's as far as it goes. It's threads like this that make me not want to stick around and make a valid contribution.

    As for 'soiled' thread, get a grip, seriously. Yes it's probably not turned out how TTK and his love-in crowd would of wanted, but that's the beauty of forums.....balance of opinion.

  5. It boggles my mind why people still cast aspersions at Neil. It's quite obvious that the same group of moderators and RWG/RWI/TRC… supporters will rush to his rescue no matter how valid the grievance with lavish praise normally reserved for spouses and close relatives. On the other hand, a quick search on this and other rep sites will show that Neil has garnered more complaints than praise. Moreover, the amount of complaints is totally disproportionate to his sales volume.

    What this all means, I do not know. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say that certain people affiliated with this and the other sites support the dealers unequivocally and try to stifle any dissent. These being the same people that praise each new watch no matter how glaring the faults. But then again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I do know that in post after post, Neil has proven himself to be a rude, disingenuous wretch of a human being. Those that so vehemently support him do so at the risk of their own (and the site's) credibility.

    And remember, your money is your only real voice in this business. If you suppport Neil's antics, by all means buy from him. But there are many other dealers more deserving of your hard-earned cash.

    Couldn't of put it better myself.

    I think any prospective TTK buyers would be wise to heed fletch512 sentiments, interesting to note Neil didn't really address any of these comments, simply launched in to a incoherent playground rant, which was most certainly easier than actually trying to disprove them..which I think he would of struggled to do.

    Interesting that a member (non-paying) was threaten with a ban (is banned?) for personal insults etc and yet TTK post the stuff above time after time with not so much of a word from a moderator.

    I don't care that imperfection or what's his face is banned, I don't even care about TTK's child-like rants. I am interested in why there is such a huge discrepancy? Why is a blind eye turned everytime? Because he lines RWG coffers by chance? I don't know you tell me? But what ever it is it stinks.

  6. I have a right to express my personal opinion irrespective of what people think, I sure the forum rules don't forbid that. This is a public forum after all, what would it be without a bit of balance? Example; TTK suggests he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, some members agree, couple of members question such statements, that's usually how forums work.

    However, as this thread perhaps demonstrated there are some rules pertaining to insults of other members, I guess as ever, and certainly not for the first time, a blind eye will be turned to your posts. Where's the consistency I ask?

    If you don't value what I have to say then please ignore it, I'm not posting it for you, and you can bark orders all you like, I'll will still post what, when and wherever I like....And please leave my ass out of this, you'll be disappointed to know I'm just not that way inclined I'm afraid.

  7. OK, but is possible to buy from TTK?

    I have request to you about your models and prices, but I have not received answer. Thanks, regards

    I'm guessing you didn't jump through the correct amount/right order of TTk's plethora of 'hoops', after you have completed this 'rite of passage' you may or may not be deemed worthy of a begrudging response....

    Apparently that's what great dealers do....

  8. Nice to see peoples opinions are being held in such high regard on RWG once again. Some of the replys, threats etc....dear god! I think a few people need to learn how to moderate....the clues in the name...please look it up in the dictionary ;)

    I don't think it would hurt for a few of the regulars to take a step back and actually properly consider these kind of threads, instead of jumping in blind in somekind of bizarre forum xenophobia.

    Anyway, I think it's obvious from reading the forums that TTK is a long way short of being a great dealer. If reading wasn't proof enough, surely this kind of self-flatulating propaganda puts it beyond doubt.

    /Que bandwagon fanboyism, and the some what predictable bitter irony which will undoubtedly insue.

  9. The fact that I have to listen to demented arseholes like you....!

    Well, you have something in common with the rest of the board.....'cos we find it easy not to take you seriously at all......13 posts.....and you expect members to take you seriously.......thanks for the laff.....!

    Thankfully most people understand that post count doth not maketh the man.

    If we went by your theory, with all those watch sales people might consider you to be a trustworthy and efficient watch dealer.... Thank christ most aren't that deluded.

    And if your going to try and put me down, put some effort in at least and give the old full stop key a break, eh? You'll look less stupid for it.

  10. @Trusty.......well said.......!

    BTW.....just as the old saying ....."pick your watch...then pick your dealer"......I now pick my customers based on their attitude expressed on the board........!

    You've never been UP in my estimation.....and it now looks as tho' you won't be in Andrew's case.......!

    The money used to cover the risk.....but the truth is when you get flooded by dealers ALL desperate for sales.....a price war breaks out.....ETA movt's for $100+ nowadays.....with an expectation of repair / replace / refund....whatever the problem may be......that's lunacy on the part of the dealer.....and you're benefitting from it......but it won't last.....!

    Well I won't argue the lunacy point, that's a given as proved yourself, but I find the rest difficult to take seriously being as it's seemingly typed out by a demented woodpecker.

    Seriously, what's wrong with you?

  11. Hey Bigsy

    Your whole argument about buying soon to be outdated products applies to mainstream electronics and computers as well. I'm sure the computer you are happily typing away on became quite obsolete the day you bought it. So if you want to equate reps with the marketplace as a whole than you have to be more consistent with your arguments.


    If you want to take it far enough everything is outdated the instant it is bought in this day and age, hows that for consistency?

    I think your trying to add weight to your rather poor argument by ignoring time frames here. I wouldn't of bought this PC if I knew the model to replace it was going to be out a month later at the same price. That would be pure stupidity.

    People seem to be mixing up my opinion here for simple human nature, read the forum, it's everywhere. People don't want to be ripped off buying a sub par rep only to have it replaced a month later.

    This is not the buyers fault, this is the makers fault, in fact more of an intentional money making plan if you ask me.

  12. A very cynical view and and, I would say, not one shared by most on this forum.

    Normal comparisons do not apply for reps. If they were in the open market subject to the normal competative pressures of retail sales this would be true but such is not the case for reps.

    I don't thnk many will agree with you that this is moaning. Any shairing from the dealers with us is welcome.


    Firstly, the forum can speak for it's self.....unless your the self appointed forum spokes person?

    Secondly, it's not a comparison of markets, it's human nature! No one is going to be happy wasting money on a rep and have a better one come out a month later for the same price. Thats fact, doesn;t matter how much you and andrew don't want to believe that.

    Thirdly, again you sure your not the forum spokesman? Anyway, 'shairing from the dealers' rofl sharing? Are you for real? Is that what's happening here? Andrews 'sharing' his watches with us all? Hahahaha, Tehehehe thats funny stuff.

  13. Well Andrew just went rapidly down in my estimation. The whole post struck me as a cynical sales ploy, I guess the flaw filled new PO chronos aren't selling that well.

    Just look at it from the buyers perspective for a second, who wants to buy a replica which is going to be out dated in a matter of months? No one that's who, this applies to everything, not just replica watches. I think your just going to have to wake up and smell the coffee on that one.

    If the makers don't like it well I guess there going to have to do the job properly first time round ain't they. But I think they realise they make more money by producing progressively better [censored]. And ultimately the customer pays the price for this!

    The whole risk/customs sob story doesn't wash either imo, the risk and custom costs (loses) are incorporated in to the cost of watches, it's that simple isn't it, same as any business. And if it really is as risky as you make out then why expose your self even more by sticking up a website advertising the fact your selling replicas? Huh? More money perchance?

    I don't think for one minute any dealer does it for the love of selling reps, simple fact is, the money obviously does cover the risk, otherwise you guys wouldn't do it.

    I'm thankful of the dealers, but seriously stop moaning if it's not worth it, don't do it, and if you want peoples money you going to have to play the game....and at least try and sound a bit more thankful for the business that does come your way.

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