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About cwai02

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    Hong Kong

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  1. Hi.

    i saw you IWC portuguesier that you bought from "King" and i was very interested in buying one as well. The problem is that i am pretty new in this webstite and i dont know what do you meant with King.. is it a member of the site? or a website? buy the way can i ask how much did it cost? Thank you in advance

  2. I never have any problem with paypal. 1000+ transactions through paypal.
  3. Jurassic Park 1 The Matrix 1-3 Lord of the Ring 1-3 Mummy 1-2 The Terminal Cast Away Saving Private Ryan Apollo 13 Kung Fu Hustle Gladiator Air Force One Rush Hour Twelve Monkeys Titanic Internal Affair I have about 700+ DVDs. Thanks Netflix.
  4. This is free. http://www.jbidwatcher.com/ as good as auctionsniper imo.
  5. I always use software to bid at the last second. Got a Chanel J12 for $900 and sold it back on ebay for $2030. My wife likes the replica more, lol.
  6. I believe 7.5, same as the GST.
  7. RWI is FREE! I ve sold lots of reps there.
  8. It looks pretty nice. OT: Anyone knows which PAM has brushed crown guard?
  9. well, I only complain once when the bracelet arrived broken. I think people should keep in mind that they are paying for replicas, not perfect clones. Opps.
  10. Is downgrading the server an option?
  11. Very interesting. I really enjoyed reading this thread. Life in NYC is boring. Too many people, dirty streets, polluted air... and I don't feel like going anywhere.
  12. why don't you just post the link... I warn people all the time, mainly Chanel J12 (90% fake on ebay) and omega PO. (like 10%) I have 1800+ feedbacks on ebay, so people usually believe I am telling the truth. There were people who thought I was trying to scare them away so that I can win the auction for cheap. Well, I was trying to help. Btw, I always try to get the auction pulled before contacting the bidders.
  13. I think the MBW dial is good enough.
  14. btw, I just sold the fiddy through AIM. The buyer asked for my ebay reference and we confirmed the details in a few minutes. AIM works better than PM imo.
  15. I suggest the buyer/seller to leave AIM/ICQ/MSN.
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